Sentences with phrase «organizational barriers»

It is apparent from the focus group findings and lack of internal legal supports that women's shelters are facing organizational barriers to coordinating sufficient legal resources for clients.
It is the duty of the executive leaders and management to prepare and equip their teams with the proper mind - set and vision to break down these destructive organizational barriers.
Beyond the technical issues that you must overcome, there may be organizational barriers as well as personal histories and preferences that are often incompatible with something new.
But, according to Astorino, the goal of Project WORTHY is to transcend municipal and organizational barriers keeping key community leaders from working together to combat drug addiction.
Meaningful Student Involvement changes can be apparent in school when students and adults address personal challenges and organizational barriers together, leading to healthier, more school democratic cultures where everyone can be engaged as partners.
We conclude that clients» service needs are complex and often involve legal problems, yet shelters face specific organizational barriers to coordinating legal services.
A great team will overcome any obstacle, from competition to organizational barriers, to achieve their goals.
They are skeptical that charter schools provide an appropriate channel for achieving greater scale, but the organizational barriers in conventional public schools also seem to offer little hope for widespread implementation.
Candidate articulates the organizational barriers to ELL learning in traditional school settings.
Further, there is value in working with social service agencies to identify systemic and organizational barriers that may contribute to staff referral fatigue, resistance to working with legal authorities, and reduced efficacy of service delivery to clients.
A principal component analysis of the decisional balance items revealed a three - factor - solution with factor I representing the perceived advantages (10 items, α = 0.73), factor II reflecting items that indicate «fear avoidance beliefs» (5 items, α = 0.74), and factor III containing items that may be summarized as «organizational barriers» (5 items, α = 0.65).
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