Sentences with phrase «organize around the church»

The new lectionary combines the traditional use of readings organized around the church year for the Old Testament and Gospel lessons, and the Reformation insistence on lectio continua in the Epistle lections.
In the first place, IAF - related groups do not organize around issues; they organize around churches and other solid organizations for the benefit of people in the neighborhoods.

Not exact matches

I could care less what individual people believe or practice within their own segment of society, but the LDS church is organized around a very well - enforced «church first» principle.
With the blessing of his bishop, Grey left the pastorate to organize on two fronts — in the churches of Illinois and with other antigambling groups around the country.
When you build your church and your culture around hierarchy and power, you are naturally going to be 1) highly - organized, and 2) personality focused.
For Teilhard, the Christian church as (ideally) a universal community of human / divine love and shared idealism is the prototype of the movement of humanity as a whole toward a superhuman social reality organized around Christ / Omega as the ultimate attracting and unifying principle.
This post is part of a synchroblog event organized by Julie Clawson, around the question «What is emerging in the Church
Whether among the secularized masses of industrial societies, the emerging new ideologies around which societies are organized, the resurging religions which people embrace, the movements of workers and political refugees, the people's search for liberation and justice, the uncertain pilgrimage of the younger generation into a future both full of promise and overshadowed by nuclear confrontation - the Church is called to be present and to articulate the meaning of God's love in Jesus Christ for every person and for every situation.
Most of us assume that churches have always been around, that they have always functioned more or less as they do now, and that they have always been organized in what we recognize as a traditional manner.
In addition, Tenrikyo has organized a vast, multinational fundraising campaign through its branch churches in Japan and around the world.
If we pursue these eccesiological motives, the church will not be an organized closed community marked by rigid boundaries as at present, and competing with religious communities but a congregation of believers meeting for spiritual fellowship around the Word and the Sacraments, meant to equip them for Christian living, struggles of justicefor the people and evangelistic mission in religiously pluralistic or secular social economic and political institutions.
Men's groups and mixed groups also are frequently organized around consciousness raising, as people in churches become more aware of the issues.
Reformed churches in their different contexts went their own ways until the nineteenth century, when they began to meet each other on mission fields around the world and felt the need in 1875 to create an Alliance of churches in the Reformed family, the first and still the largest of the organized Protestant «Christian World Communions.»
Thus, the Reformation has not so much undermined the possibility of a Christian consensus organized around the proper authority of the Catholic Church as it has ushered in a pallid and existentially unsatisfying secularism.
When we are told that the church has ministers, and its life is organized around them, well and good.
You find as you look around the world that every single bit of progress in humane feeling, every improvement in the criminal law, every step toward the diminution of war, every step toward better treatment of the colored races, or every mitigation of slavery, every moral progress that there has been in the world, has been consistently opposed by the organized churches of the world.
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