Sentences with phrase «organize life into»

As our world becomes more complex, with most of us moving back and forth between the physical and virtual worlds, and stimulus of all kinds coming at us in unprecedented ways, that need to organize our lives into stories becomes that much stronger, he adds.
Organize For Back to School — Spring may be the season of cleaning, but nothing gets us motivated to organize our lives into little boxes like back to school time.

Not exact matches

You can make your life easier by remaining organized throughout the year and keeping all relevant records in one location — that includes no longer throwing business receipts into a shoebox — and using computer programs, software, or spreadsheets.
For, according to Whitehead, a structured society is considered living if it contains a sufficient number of living actual occasions organized into spontaneous nexus which are «regnant» over a much larger number of stable subsocieties of inanimate occasions.
Those who lived on the periphery were helped to organize themselves into communities which could press for better education, better transportation and better health conditions, which meant provision of clean water, sewerage and garbage collections.
I've found my people without the striving and organizing, without the Official Sanctioned Church Programs, nope, we just all came into each other's lives, right at the time when we were meant to be there, we stayed open to finding each other, a part of me was always watching for the hints of my people, and so when I found them, I recognised them, I did.
But specification of these combinations says nothing about the possible organizing principles that «harness» biochemical processes and integrate them into hierarchically higher dimensions of being — life and mind.
OR, might God choose to reveal truth through the experiences of a people who tried to be true to him, certain moral principles, failing again and trying again, people looking for universal truths and communicating them to their children generation after generation, orally and through writing things down, organizing themselves into communities and societies, aiming for justice, teaching each other, defending their families, lives, cities, and governments.
Industrial development has brought workers into the great urban organizing centers and in the process has driven a wedge between a person's work life and his or her home life.
I mention, only because my... paradigm (I'm not much on beliefs, in the usual organized religion sense)... includes a «Divine» of my own definition, that equates to something like «awe of life, love, and knowing that there is much we don't know» (< — sorry, not the easiest thing for me to get into words, hopefully that gets the gist of it) that I don't see as a «personal other», but, in my paradigm, I see that Divine as being systemic to everything, hence insights from what I learn / experience can be termed as the Divine acting.
In his review of Pointing the Way Niebuhr suggests that Buber's thought becomes utopian when its illuminating insights into personal life are applied to the relations of the «we» and «they» of organized groups or nations.
The lesson of the transmutation of causal efficacy into presentational immediacy is that great ends are reached by life in the present; life novel and immediate, but deriving its richness by its full inheritance from the rightly organized animal body.
Perhaps one could say that P. had become habituated to a life organized around music, and that when he generated music a system of identity - sustaining habits came into play.
The Victorian way of dividing the world into male and female roles and spheres still influences the way we organize the life of a congregation.
The gulf between a soul, any soul, and living occasions not organized into living persons is vast, but it must not be confused with the gulf that separates man from the rest of the world.
If they would stop trying to push their faith into the science classroom, their organized prayers into school functions, and their faith into my bedroom and in my docotr's office, I would be happy to live and let live.
This is an important trend, and we need more and not less experimentation on these matters of the ministry, for we are well into the opening phase of the breakdown of organized religion in American life, well beyond the time when ecumenical dialogues or denominational mergers can be expected to arrest the breakdown.
Perhaps the Quakers as a denomination understand this life of prayer better than any others do since they are organized around the recognition of the divine presence within making them in effect a community that grounds itself in transition into life in the Spirit.
Many evangelists seriously hesitate to expose their new converts to the disappointing life of the organized church... Baptism has always been into the fellowship of the church.
He has been bringing people into our lives that share our thoughts about organized church, some for a long period, some for a short while, and others just on a one time basis.
(Religion in the Making, Cleveland: Meridian Books, 1960, 120) These truths are organized into a coherent system, and they succeed or fail, as do other beliefs, by their ability or inability to interpret life.
He organized students into groups, something like the later human potential growth groups, in order that they might actually experience the working of God in their lives.
Civilization is the dimension of religio - culture which, through its long process of historical cumulation and geographical expansion, constitutes the matrix of community life of the peoples; its inner, organic nexus crosses the boundaries of human communities, organizing them into a large - scale constellation.
My Boxing coach told us that about 70 percent of Americans participate in organized competitive sports at some point in their life, by comparison only 1/2 percent ever get into a ring or cage and compete.
Once upon a time, it was probably entirely possible for you to have life run smoothly without putting too much effort into organizing your life.
In Episode 109 of Edit Your Life, I interview professional organizing consultant Rachel Rosenthal about the difference between «neat» and «organized,» and move on to small, doable ways to integrate decluttering into your daily routine.
The Village is organized into three areas: the Common, Mill Neighborhood, and Countryside to show different ways of rural New England life in the 1830s.
Getting organized takes time and it's a habit you can get into now that will soon become a natural way of life.
For example, in the city where I live we recently had news reports about an organized «beggars cartel» who were turning street begging into a de-facto organized multinational commercial enterprise.
Adam Kinzinger — This former Air Force pilot is tight with leadership, often organizing press conferences in support of their efforts, inevitably finds his way into every «Hottest on the Hill» list and stresses over how to stay fit while living Washington's sedentary lifestyle.
Others march forward from the formation of Earth 4.55 billion years ago, exploring how lifeless chemicals might have become organized into living matter.
I will strive to be well organized so as not to waste their time and allow this to fit into their lives
Collectively, epigenetic marks help package the genome into the loose but highly organized compartments it adopts during interphase, the working «middle age» in the life of a cell.
Members are currently busy organizing their next plenary session, «Scientific Insights Into the Evolution of the Universe and of Life,» to be held at the end of next month.
Each is able to organize the events of his life into a linear order — a world line of the kind just described.
«We discovered that this incredible region is a patchwork mosaic of trees with chemical signatures organized into communities to maximize their growth potential given their local soils and elevation — two geological factors they must negotiate as living organisms.
It's entirely possible that parents can instill neatness into their children, says Meyers: «When people are meticulous or very specific in how they organize their lives, that could be a learned behavior,» he says.
People invite Lisa into their lives to help organize their kitchens, offices and kids» rooms, but what they don't realize is that their physical clutter is often a reflection of their internal clutter.
As we ease our way into Spring, many of us have prioritized cleaning out our wardrobes and organizing various aspects of our lives while neglecting to attend to the most important aspect of our lives, ourselves.
Organize your schedule, take time to relax, limit negative relationships and situations, and integrate deep breathing and relaxation exercises into your daily life.
My attempt to organize my apartment / car / life always manages to turn into a three hour session where I move things around, creating a bigger mess than what I started with.
Well now I am ready to kick 2018 into high gear and focus on getting my life organized with a 30 Days of Organization Challenge!
poketo's project planner A lot of new projects have come into my life recently and I was needing to get organized in the worst way possible.
We finally move into our house!!!!!!!!! Rob and I have been living out of a suitcase and friends» houses for two months now, so I am beyond excited to unpack and get organized!
One of my goals for 2017 is to get organized and find a schedule that works and brings balance back into my life.
Lisa's mission in life is to reinvent closets into spaces that are highly functional, über organized and utterly beautiful.
If you're not a naturally organized person, this is a great first step into getting your life into a precise line; if you are naturally incredibly organized, this is a great addition to any organizational strategy.
Technology has changed the way we schedule our lives ranging from how we communicate, organize our daily routine and even how we come into contact with complete strangers searching for love and chemistry.
The Duke of Edinburgh has an uncanny ability My best motivational exam quotes that help me pass, organized into persistence, diligence, overcoming failure and living a fruitful life.
My best motivational exam quotes that help me pass, organized into persistence, diligence, overcoming failure and living a fruitful life.
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