Sentences with phrase «organize the process so»

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«The problem is [personal assistants] are really great at maintaining systems but they're not good at looking at the overall business process and strategizing, so they don't really know how to come up with those [organizing] systems,» says Leist.
Every aspect of the shipping process is multiplied in an ecommerce subscription model, so you need to bring your A game to organizing the fulfillment process, says Jason Malinak, an accountant in Colorado Springs, Colo..
Virtual personal assistants have the ability to run filtered queries and make bookings, so they can help organize business trips for you or your team members without having to go through lengthy selection or check - out processes.
Why is his process philosophy so important that a group would organize as we have here to explore the implications of the Whiteheadian orientation for educational evaluation?
So true that the steps help organize the process of soothing for parents.
Park District staff members noted that the CAPRA process has helped them see the big picture, focus on long term goals and plans, review plans more regularly, organize documents so that they are accessible and useable, and collaborate more effectively with other departments and outside organizations.
Going through the more formal, restricted process of proposing a specific Amendment that must be introduced in Congress, be passed by 2/3 majorities in both houses, and then be ratified by the required number of states (3/4, which would still have to approve amendments from a convention, as well) seems doomed to fail in this current period of hyper - partisanship and gridlock, but the alternative of calling a Constitutional Convention is so broad that it can easily have unexpected results, in the opposite direction that those originally organizing had hoped for.
Wymore suggested that the city needs to organize a safety network for those at risk, so there's a specific process for whenever someone in the community gets arrested.
How do you organize your time so that submitting an application is an efficient and productive process?
I think sometimes I enjoy the process of organizing my thoughts in writing more than the commitment, so this year, none of that.
Unpacking and getting organized has been a slow process since we've both been working during the days, so we'll be spending our weekend doing that.
I am definitely the big - idea, hippie - style teacher, so I developed a scaffolded, organized system that helped my students yet still encouraged the creative process.
I feel that I'm an organized person, so if I don't make it, I'll again have to set a strict schedule to help myself stay focused while continuing the process.
As we worked through the lessons in detail, we gave careful consideration to ways to organize the students so that they could process and interact with the new knowledge (Design Question 2).
The so - called parent trigger process, now making its way through state legislatures nationwide, lets parents at underperforming schools organize and petition for major reforms, from firing the principal and half the staff to ceding control of the school to a charter operator.
But in addition, the Get - Go Process is completed to determine (a) what MTSS services and supports specific students will need on the first day of the next school year; (b) how to prepare teachers and other support staff to deliver needed multi-tiered programs or interventions; and (c) how to best organize students into their next year's classrooms so that differentiated instructional approaches and positive classroom interactions are maximized.
Very experienced and most of all, «not pushy» John Pagel was so organized and made the process (of signing our name 26 times... painless.
Balboa Press made it easy, as their process is well - organized, handled mostly online with only a few phone calls, and staffed with people who are so pleasant to work with.
Also, the whole process seemed to be organized so much better than my previous experience.
I will learn all the organizing processes of the universe, so I may use them to accomplish startling feats of triumph.
It takes time to organize and process all of the submissions so the post is published the month after the submissions are made.
However, there is an awful lot of letter writing and record keeping involved, and an inexpensive program to help automate the process and point you in the right directions can literally save you hundreds of hours and aggravation and can keep you organized, so you never again find yourself in a credit nightmare.
I've heard so many times that home buying can be a pain, but I felt like Matt kept the process organized and moving along quickly.
We want you to have a great experience any time you call us, so we've organized a step - by - step process that our technicians follow so you know what to expect during your furnace repair appointment.
Reinhardt's work as an illustrator and cartoonist was previously unknown to me, so seeing all of those as part of the exhibition was really enlightening to an understanding of his overall process and way of organizing images and narrative.
The garbage collecting process is so organized, Cairo has had no need to create a government sponsored program, relying fully upon the residents of Garbage City to collect their trash.
Scrivener could easily make the process of writing and organizing a Summary Judgment motion so simple.
The stages of the writing process include «(1) analyzing the issues and the raw materials that can be used to resolve the issues and raw materials; (2) organizing them so that they can be written about; (3) producing a first draft; and (4) rewriting through several further drafts until the final product is achieved.»
We don't want our clients to change their processes and procedures to fit Legal Files Software, so our matter management software adapts to a legal department's current system to help keep it organized and efficient.
Started on September 19, 2005, Quantum mutual fund runs with an objective to be country's topmost investment management company by providing an organized process of investment to investors so that they can utilize their long - term investments across various asset classes.
The process of applying for jobs, recruiters sifting through applications, and organizing interviews can take a long time, so it's vital to start looking for Christmas job opportunities as soon as possible.
There are few choices, however, when you need a job, so taking the time to get organized and prepared is the best way to shorten the process and eliminate wasted time.
Dec 2012 — Present ATS Corporation — Dickeyville, WI Traffic Coordinator • Assist traffic manager with organizing flow of client campaigns • Determine priorities of workflow processes and ensure all deadlines are met • Expedite rush jobs so that majority of work keeps flowing in a time efficient manner • Review accuracy and completeness of jobs before forwarding to clients
There's so much information to include and organize (employment history, skills, education, career highlights, awards, etc.) that the process can easily overwhelm you if you let it.
When you're looking for work, the entire process can seem dispiriting, so it's only good and right that you might try to organize your time and give shape to your search — perhaps making it your goal to send out 20 resumes each week, for example.
Demonstrating initiative on your resume might include process improvements you've implemented such as developing a method for organizing your law firm's case files so you could handle client matters more efficiently.
bj mann's process is efficient and well - organized, so it is shorter, reducing the amount of time and cost needed to finalize issues.
Gradually, over repeated «scaffolding» by the «regulatory other» of the parent for the child's state transitions from disorganized and dysregulated brain states to organized and regulated brain states, the child's brain develops («canalizes») the neural pathways for this state transition through use - dependent structural and chemical processes, so that eventually the child is able to make this transition from an impending dysregulated brain state / behavior into a regulated brain state / behavior independently of the need for scaffolding support from the «regulatory other» of the parent.
«If you are trying to establish an agency with a shared philosophy and shared processes, this gives you a very good basis so that your whole group can be organized along the same lines,» she says.
To make the decision - making process more streamlined, the Futures plan also proposes an outside review of the 100 or so boards and associations in organized real estate to determine if roles and responsibilities currently allocated to each level are appropriate or necessary.
There are a few areas of my home I hope to organize right away to jump start the process, so I will show you a few organizing success stories next week.
I'm SO ready to declutter & organize my entire home — I have a friend that is in the process of an overseas adoption.
We're in the process of organizing each and every bit of information that everyone submitted, and it's absolutely awesome to know that so many folks are up for a DIY design adventure with us!
So decorating and organizing her room is more than just a process that needed to be done, it is a way to help her feel comfortable and happy away from home.
haha We who enjoy decorating / arranging / organizing would be bored if it was all finished, anyway, so we might as well enjoy the slowness of the process!
I'm in the process of de-cluttering, simplifying and organizing my home, been doing a good job of it so far but all of the stuff I've packed up has gone out to the garage, that's next on my list because now it's so packed with unwanted items from the house we can't park any of our cars in there!
Thank you so much for your help in figuring how to «organize», I am currently in the process of planning a brand new sewing room built and am trying to make wise choices so that I won't need to make changes... at least for a long while!
I am in the process of cleaning out all of my closets so that I might be more organized in each room.
With so many other things to organize and de-clutter, I've decided slow down and just ENJOY all these processes.
We did a downsize back in May... so far most things are working fine, but we have the 3rd bedroom that is the multi-purpose room (tv / computer / craft / guest room) which we are still working on... we just purchased a futon for the room and got rid of my son's mates bed as the bed took up lots of space and we had no where to sit when watching tv, and for the amount of time he is home or we have guests it will suffice for sleeping on... I am in the process of working on the closet as it is still stuffed with things that need to find a home in the house, and I am trying to organize where to keep the craft supplies and also organize the computer area so that they work better... I have lot of wall space that I am thinking of putting shelves on as that will take things off the floor that are currently using up valuable space... So this is my project for the fall, and I hopefully will have it done by Xmasso far most things are working fine, but we have the 3rd bedroom that is the multi-purpose room (tv / computer / craft / guest room) which we are still working on... we just purchased a futon for the room and got rid of my son's mates bed as the bed took up lots of space and we had no where to sit when watching tv, and for the amount of time he is home or we have guests it will suffice for sleeping on... I am in the process of working on the closet as it is still stuffed with things that need to find a home in the house, and I am trying to organize where to keep the craft supplies and also organize the computer area so that they work better... I have lot of wall space that I am thinking of putting shelves on as that will take things off the floor that are currently using up valuable space... So this is my project for the fall, and I hopefully will have it done by Xmasso that they work better... I have lot of wall space that I am thinking of putting shelves on as that will take things off the floor that are currently using up valuable space... So this is my project for the fall, and I hopefully will have it done by XmasSo this is my project for the fall, and I hopefully will have it done by Xmas!!
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