Sentences with phrase «organized in a perfect way»

The series is organized in a perfect way, offering just the right amount of information, without being overwhelming.

Not exact matches

, «The latest members in Nürnberg», «Search your way to perfect match», «Organize your stuff at «Buddies»», «How to forget Chat».
Yet we've organized conventional schools in an industrial model and we batch - process students in ways that made sense to «cult of efficiency» experts circa 1920, that lent themselves to uniform teachers delivering a uniform curriculum to groups of twenty to thirty same - age pupils in more - or-less identical classrooms during a six - hour day and 180 - day year that made perfect sense for a country that lacked air conditioning and that wanted to standardize the school year.
Sacramento was the perfect location for this year's Annual Charter School Parent Summit as parents connected with each other and their elected officials and learned ways to continue to advocate and organize in their communities.
I am an organized writer and this fits right in to my learning style but it's also perfect for those seeking an organized way to revise their book if they are without one.
The modern world of digitalization has enough room to provide the perfect way to organize your memories in an entire new way.
Pansion zharoula has the form and the character of a small neighborhood and the organized in the form of a perfect unit.Pansion zaharoula has the ability to cover you in every way.
This is perfect nursing supervisor resume that presents information in an organized and effective way.
The perfect way to organize and store items in your cabinet or pantry.
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