Sentences with phrase «organized religion teaches»

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And while I am not a Christian (or any other organized religion) I do believe that Christ was on earth, he gave the Romans a lot of trouble and paid for it, but his teachings, if we believe what we read, were sound.
One taught for centuries by organized religion for the purpose of keeping people bound in a fear based choke hold.
Whether that means not participating in an organized religion but still studying its teachings, proposing a new mathematical theory to explain the origin of the universe that can't easily be tested experimentally, taking the notion of a personal God and trying to have an actual personal, and not a corporate, herd - instinct, everyone - else - is - doing - it, relationship?
Tasawwuf is a spiritual path through which one seeks to rise above and evolve beyond the limited teachings, beliefs, rituals, practices, etc. of organized religion, whether Islam or any other religion, and establish a constant awareness of the One so as to receive all guidance from the One through one's heart.
I will never understand how level headed adults can believe something so ridiculous as the teachings of organized religion.
The corner stone of ALL religions is also the ONLY religious principle that I was taught in the «business ethics» class I took in college... Put simply, if everyone did their very best to follow the «the golden rule» (i.e. due unto others as you would have them do unto you) in everything they do, WE WOULD HAVE A BETTER SOCIETY TODAY EVEN WITHOUT ORGANIZED RELIGION OF ANY KIND.
I think the teachings of Jesus have been so twisted by organized religion that I can not call myself a Christian in this day and age.
Instead of addressing the fact that humans are organic beings that are part of the evolutionary life cycle, members of organized religion can fall back on biblical quotes and canonical teachings.
Its a ploy that was used to try and get people to be good help others and show them love and compassion which was then perverted by organized religion to control people and teach hate.
i'm a musician free spirited awesome friend and lover i do yoga work out religiously teach MMA meditate and lean towards buddhism if anything although i'm not a fan of «organized religion» i believe in kindness consideration loyal friendly helpful service to others honesty laughter and happiness...
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