Sentences with phrase «organizing chemical processes»

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If like me you think you have made a conscious human being, what was the «mind - stuff» organized around the physico - chemical matter, and how did the natural processes perform this mysterious work?
But the lower can leave itself open to being harnessed and organized by a higher principle.14 Physico - chemical processes leave themselves open to being ordered by biotic principles.
In Seattle, Brian Dushaw and Tim Duda organized «Ocean Observing Systems: Acoustical Observations and Applications» on passive and active acoustic methods for long - term observations of physical, chemical, and biological processes.
However, in the background, although not highly publicized, one amino that organizes and orchestrates all of the chemical processes that give glutamine the power and potential to do all those anabolic things it does is glutamic acid, also referred to as glutamate.
Hard - working expert painter, well versed with all color combinations, chemicals, painting tools and equipment used in painting process, known for being organized, self - directed and energetic, with good physical stamina, effective work style, and a can - do - this - job attitude.
Gradually, over repeated «scaffolding» by the «regulatory other» of the parent for the child's state transitions from disorganized and dysregulated brain states to organized and regulated brain states, the child's brain develops («canalizes») the neural pathways for this state transition through use - dependent structural and chemical processes, so that eventually the child is able to make this transition from an impending dysregulated brain state / behavior into a regulated brain state / behavior independently of the need for scaffolding support from the «regulatory other» of the parent.
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