Sentences with phrase «organizing economic life»

The free market is presented as the best way of organizing economic life — but it can only function well against a background of equal personal and property rights that protect all members of society, from the very rich to the very poor.
Christianity offers an alternative to communism, it is said, as a way of organizing the economic life.
It is accepted across the world as the only option for organizing economic life.
If economism implies that economic life ought to be arranged so that the poor get poorer and the natural environment continues to be degraded, and if earthism affirms that we should try to organize economic life so that global poverty is ameliorated and the health of the natural environment is protected and sustained for future generations, then we all ought to become earthists and so ought the World Bank.
The Collaborative Commons is already transforming the way we organize economic life, with profound implications for the future of the market.

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«Our economic infrastructure lives in a digital space, which means leveraging big data to streamline financial services to keep information secure, while also well organized and transparent, making it accessible for regulatory bodies,» says Teijeiro.
Deuteronomy insists that economic life must be organized to ensure the well - being of widows, orphans and immigrants.
In this picture man is no longer seen as subject to ineluctable economic forces, but as himself responsible for deliberately organizing his life - in - relation according to the requirements of social justice.
But the global economy is only one way in which economic life can be organized.
Each one of us understands the world and interprets events from a particular perspective — and that perspective is profoundly shaped by our nonhuman and human environments, culture, socio - politico - economic location, and the myths and symbols that organize and give meaning and significance to our lives.
Yet it can not be our only task, for the problem of organizing the technical civilization of the western world upon a new basis of economic and international justice, so that the anarchy and decay that have characterized our life in the past three decades will be arrested and our technical capacities will be made fruitful rather than suicidal, is one which must engage our best resources.
To me this appears the most satisfactory interpretation of the present state of Life on the surface of the earth; despite a regrettable recrudescence of racialism and nationalism which, impressive though it may be, and disastrous in its effect upon our private post-war lives, seems to have no scientific importance in the overall process: for the reason that any human tendency to fragmentation, regardless of its extent and origin, is clearly of an order of magnitude inferior to the planetary forces (geographic, demographic, economic and psychic) whose constantly and naturally growing pressure must sooner or later compel us willy - nilly to unite in some form of human whole organized on the basis of human solidarity.
Herder's reference to the «invisible hand» organizing social and economic life is quoted without so much as a mention of Smith's Wealth of Nations.
If we pursue these eccesiological motives, the church will not be an organized closed community marked by rigid boundaries as at present, and competing with religious communities but a congregation of believers meeting for spiritual fellowship around the Word and the Sacraments, meant to equip them for Christian living, struggles of justicefor the people and evangelistic mission in religiously pluralistic or secular social economic and political institutions.
In a general sense, one can speak of four areas of struggle: (i) the system of economic exploitation and social stratification (racial segregation, women's working conditions, unemployment and the new legislation of «flexibility and «deregulation); (ii) the ideology (the way of representing the world, social relations, etc.) that justifies the system — the new ideologies of race superiority, the religious legitimation of competition and the so - called free market as the only and sufficient way of organizing human life (iii) the ways in which the consciousness of the oppressed, is led to interject this ideology of domination and to develop a feeling of self - denial and self - devaluation; (iv) the atomization of the society through the weakening and destruction of neighborhood, workers and local cultural manifestations.
Rather, our choice is how we shall pragmatically organize our economic and political life in such a way as to foster living well together And any conservative understanding of such «living well» must include the «paleo» parts.
Can we design economic architectures that are self - organized around serving the needs of life?
«And for that, I want to commend the Equinox Community Services Agency for organizing this 41st annual Thanksgiving Day dinner and for exemplifying the generosity of spirit that lives and breathes in the hearts of New Yorkers, especially in these challenging economic times.»
Will be war and terrorism consequence of social and economic pressures that influence the lives of human beings organized in society or will result only in a natural aggressiveness to man, installed at the heart of something to call «human nature»?.
Although the documents are organized chronologically as the years just before or during the Civil War, the archive contains rich material for teachers and researchers interested in exploring other important themes in American History, such as slavery, immigration, ethnic groups, women's lives, reform movements, economic development, and political culture.
She engages in research, organizing projects, curatorial practices that attend to the lived experiences of the black Diaspora — centering the experiences of black women most vulnerable to the violence of poverty, carcerality, polluting environments, reproductive legislation, economic exploitation, and housing discrimination.
In 1972, the United Nations organized the first major Conference on the Environment in Stockholm, called «Man and the Biosphere», which stated that the technological and socio - economic processes associated with «development» were compromising the quality of life on Earth.
The Economic Vitality Action Team of the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition is organizing reading groups to discuss the new Northwest Earth Institute curriculum A Different Way: Living Simply in a Complex World.
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