Sentences with phrase «organs in»

While working directly with the organs in the body that process food, probiotics help with digestive track issues such as diarrhea, inflammation of the intestine, and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
In fact, it's one of the most crucial organs in the body.
Studies investigating the toxicity of DEHP have shown it affects two organs in particular: the testicles and kidneys.
You might not be aware, but our spine is closely related to many organs in our body.
To say that the liver is probably one of the most important organs in over body is far from overstatement.
What causes symptoms is the build up of damage to cells, tissues and / or organs in the body — damage caused by your own immune system attacking those cells.
It tends to be a sign of visceral fat, or fat that gathers around the organs in the abdomen, the study notes.
That's partly because the brain isn't like the other organs in our body.
If you experience two or more of the symptoms listed above, it's most advisable to consult your doctor immediately to prevent any further damage to your liver and other vital organs in the body.
In their laboratory they use genomic, genetic and biochemical approach to identify the genes which fall under circadian rhythm regulation in various organs in our body and to delve into what goes on behind that regulation.
«As an oral agent that targets all tissues and organs in the body, RG7916 has the potential to impact all aspects of the disease.
A Department of Health special committee called UKXIRA [UK Xenotransplantation Interim Regulatory Authority] is responsible for providing advice on any applications to start a programme of using animals organs in human beings.»
With trans - Tango he and his research team found new connections linking taste - sensing organs in the fly with specific regions in the brain.
These cells form many of the organs in the body, and arrange themselves into either sheets (such as the skin) or branching ducts (such as kidney, or mammary glands).
All organs in our body depend on the appropriate amount of oxygen to function.
Tissue damage with possible lethal consequences was documented in a range of vital organs in the larvae.
The regulation of cell size and cell numbers is an important part of determining the size of organs in development, as well as of controlling cell over-proliferation in diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
A new paradigm of medicine that relies on stem cells capacity to regenerate, regrow, and fully heal damaged tissues and organs in our bodies
This paradigm of harnessing cells in nearby areas of damage to replenish lost tissue is not just applicable to the heart; it may be useful in many other organs in the body that have support cells like fibroblasts.
Gadolinium is used as a contrast agent to improve the visibility of internal organs in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Since the first organoids were created less than a decade ago, their uncanny ability to mimic in miniature the development of real organs in the human body has caused a quiet revolution in many areas of medical research.
According to the grant's description, «the communication required to establish the symbiosis between two widely different species occurs between cell layers in tissues, between organs in the plant, and across a time span from hours to days.»
McFall - Ngai's own research shows that bacteria are necessary for the development of organs in squid; others have found similar partnerships that shape the maturation of animal immune systems, the guts of zebra fish and mice, and even mammalian brains.
Imagine a world where damaged organs in your body — kidneys, liver, heart — can be stimulated to heal themselves.
This may enable patients to avoid chemotherapy as well as radiation, which can permanently alter the pliability and function of the vagina as well as other organs in the pelvic region and even induce menopause in young women.
«We are coming ever closer to the dream of being able to recreate actual organs in the lab for transplantation.»
Arguably the cross-link biochemistry of diabetic patients is somewhat removed from that of a healthy individual, as short - lived cross-links, including those that arrive in the diet, become much more important as a source of harm to organs in such a dysfunctional metabolism.
In adults, ighz was expressed only in kidney and thymus, which are primary lymphoid organs in teleosts.
One man said that information given in the presentation confirmed what he had feared for many years: that livestock that graze and drink water in uranium mining areas can accumulate radioactive substances and heavy metals in their edible muscle and organs in levels that may harm the animals themselves and that could contribute to excessive doses in the people who eat the livestock meat.
By studying the planarian we hope to understand how stem cells are regulated to produce missing tissues and organs in the context of a whole organism.
«What we're seeing may not only be happening in limbs, but the action of these two families of growth factors could be very important for the genesis of a wide range of organs in the body,» said Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte, a professor in the Gene Expression Laboratory at Salk and the principal author of the Cell paper.
A genetic mutation that occurred over 700 million years ago may have contributed to the development of certain organs in human beings and other vertebrates.
LA JOLLA, CA — Reviving a theory first proposed in the late 1800s that the development of organs in the normal embryo and the development of cancers are related, scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have studied organ development in mice to unravel how breast cancers, and perhaps other cancers, develop in people.
«The ultimate strategy is to have a device that you can place in the brain — or in other organs in the body — that is entirely implanted, intimately connected with the organ you want to monitor and can transmit signals wirelessly to provide information on the health of that organ, allowing doctors to intervene if necessary to prevent bigger problems,» said co-first author Rory K. J. Murphy, M.D., in a press release.
Researchers from Stanford University have found a new way to use plants and plant processes to benefit human organs in their latest study.
«The only chance of ever doing this [regenerating lost organs in people],» he argues, is by first probing, as they did here, the basic biology of how this process works.
GA also affects retention of floral organs in maize.
Tiny «Organ Chips» Promise Big Boost to Testing of Food, Drugs: Scientists at the FDA hope to use «organs on chips» to study how certain chemicals from foods, cosmetics and supplements affect organs in the body.
This may be a step towards transplanting lab - grown human organs in the future.
The researchers can't be sure what this means, but they believe that unique pelvis shapes might allow whales and dolphins to move their reproductive organs in novel ways.
(C) and (D) Bsl1 signal (red arrows) marked incipient lateral organs in developing spikelets (C) and floral meristems (D) at 15 and 17 DAS, respectively in wild - type inflorescences.
He has a grant from a private foundation for the research, but the NIH award would have let him move more quickly toward the ultimate goal: growing human organs in pigs for transplantation.
Clarke notes that this kind of work — reprogramming normal cells to replace damaged tissues or organs in regenerative medicine, or even growing cells from an individual's cancer to determine what the best treatment is — speaks to the doctrine rather than challenges it.
Rather than simply study genes, molecules, or even organs in isolation, Bio-X investigators attempt to understand entire systems within the body.
In my studies, I investigated the role of chordotonal organs in the fruit fly by combining genetics, molecular biology and immunohistochemistry to describe the mechanisms that mediate proprioception.
To understand the functions of our body organs in health and disease, it is necessary to study the molecular composition of individual cells that make up the organ's cell communities in the organs.
CT detectors report the results of these X-rays to a powerful computer that uses the data to compute cross-sectional views of organs in the body.
Lipton went on to state, «It will be important to see if HIV / AIDS acts similarly on stem cells for other organs in the human body, as this may impact on the disease process as a whole.»
«All epithelial cells — and that's the cells that make up most of the organs in our bodies — can do this, so you could imagine that this type of local chamber could be forming transiently in many different parts of the body, whenever cells need to self - organise and communicate,» Gilmour says.
Nevertheless, the NGF antibodies had no ill effect on any other organs or tissues and for unexplained reasons did not damage the peripherally located sympathetic ganglia that control the sex organs in both sexes.
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