Sentences with phrase «original code»

There's no mention, however, of the operating system or the hardware Amazon was running it on; no mention of the web server software; no mention of the database software; no mention of any particular programming language or compiler; only the vaguest references to relevant internet protocols; no acknowledgment of any code that might have been borrowed; and certainly no disclosure of a line of original coding.
Beautifully refinished in original code 51 Twilight Blue Poly with nicely redone Strato bucket seat interior and floor console.
This meant chunking the entire original code base, and all the nice tools I'd made for the game thus far (although a good chunk of the code is being salvaged, so I'm not starting over entirely from scratch).
Tumblr's small staff said no to the idea of comments, and wrote their own original code to allow individuals to repost Tumblr posts they like.
Very detailed frame - off restoration finished in rare original code A-A Tuxedo Black.
We have volumes of invoices documenting a full restoration completed approximately 10 years ago and still standing proudly in its factory original code DB190 Graphite Gray exterior and full red leather interior with concours quality chrome trim, it is truly a stunning example.
The PS4 version was made in Unreal 4, whereas the 3DS version was either made using some other middleware or just original code (not entirely clear on this).
The games in the SEGA 3D Classics Collection have been remastered from the actual original code and arcade boards, giving them a level of authenticity that is usually discarded when anthology games like this are released.
The comment next to the code related to transaction replacement in Nakamoto's original code reads, «Allow replacing with a newer version of the same transaction.»
Developed original code in Python and SQL, including a project to parse SCADA data and format it for use in diverse cloud computing applications
For example, if you were to add extra conversion tracking for Leads to your Facebook code, you might take the original code from Facebook and add in the extra snippet for Leads to the page where your lead capture takes place.
Of course I don't expect you to remotely comprehend the relevant science, but what Lenski's E. coli show is that mutation via duplication and reinsertion (i.e. adding genetic material) followed by further refining mutations (i.e. changes in the original code) produced a biochemical pathway hitherto unknown in E. coli, i.e. the ability to utilize Citrate under aerobic conditions.
The original code was written in 1993, said Staci Hulseberg, Glen Ellyn's director of planning and development.
Using 11.2 million hours on Titan, members of Yan's team and Cascade's engineering team executed simulation runs that harnessed 8,000 and 16,000 cores at a time, achieving a speedup in code performance 30 times greater than the original code.
The codebreaker must convert it to binary form — a series of 1s and 0s — and compare it with a binary version of the 616 numbers of the original code.
According to Ignacio Sols, first author of the study, the analysis of the electroencephalography records confirms that «the neural patterns of the original coding of the episodic sequence are reactivated exclusively during the appearance of the corresponding boundary event, and not while the episode is unfolding.
Draves wrote the original code for the graphics, which he called a fractal flame algorithm, more than a decade ago.
After passing the codes through the program, he sent them for synthesis by commercial biotechnology outfits — a task that would be impossible for any one of the original codes.
I hated the original Code veronica, so this one is no different.
If you only played the original Code: Veronica, the only thing that X offers you is some new storyline elements and a few extra cut - scenes.
Painted in TX9 black with TX9 top (not original codes to car).
The original code name for this group of cars was also «Allegro».
It comes from the original code - name, PT44, that was used during development.
Lot # 91 - This 1974 Chevrolet Corvette convertible a clean example finished in the original code 74 Medium Red Metallic over code 406 Silver vinyl interior.
will cause 2 of the three statements to appear in the original code.
In fact, this particular flavor of Doom II is based on PrBoom, an open - source project from id Software's original code.
I do not have the original code so I made a best guess of the parameters I would have optimized on and their values.
The original Code of Ethics was adopted by the GRCA Board of Directors on April 20, 1997, after many drafts, long discussions, review of other national breed clubs» Codes, and consideration of input from the membership.
All copyright for the WordPress system remains with the WordPress Foundation and the original code contributors, and has been released to public use under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later from the Free Software Foundation.All materials appearing on the ACWS website may not be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system without prior written permission of ACWS, except for attributed noncommercial educational purposes.
Moving on, did you have to go back and reprogram all of the arcade games, or were you able to use the original code for any of them?
Is this a decent step forward for the relationship between actual developers and individuals who take the original code and change it into something else?
Original code could be streamed, but that would almost certainly lead to horrible latency issues.
While the devs have done a lot to overhaul the old flight - sim, some of its issues from the original code continue to linger.
Lets not forget the pioneers of the original code for the Sonic games, but yeah I agree - Sega's own modern devs can't hold a candle to this guy's efforts in porting to iPhone, etc..
In the spirit of Williams Arcade Classics, the games on the disc featured the original code running through an emulator, and also contained multimedia histories of the games.
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers retains the original code underneath its shiny new coat of paint.
New users to the online servers from the update forward should be able to login after using their original code, meaning they won't have to download twice.
«On the technical side, even though it is still the original code base of the early Killzone games, it has evolved [significantly]; the engine has had such a major overhaul that we actually rebranded it — we now call it Decima,» he says of the engine that has caused such a stir in the industry that even mad genius Hideo Kojima was spurred on to ditch any plans of creating his own proprietary backbone and instead decided to embrace Decima as his own for Death Stranding.
The collection is running on a new engine that houses the original code completely intact and unaltered, a move that for lesser games would prove risky, potentially alienating new comers and disappointing returning veterans blinded by nostalgia, but with Mega Man's timelessness this simply reinforces their quality.
There were the odd times when your character would maybe just jump up and not up - right but that may just be «features» of the original code and nothing to do with the emulation itself.
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