Sentences with phrase «original conception»

In 1992, Flavin's original conception for a 1971 piece was fully realized in a site - specific installation that filled the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum's entire rotunda on the occasion of the museum's reopening.
Economist Michael Hudson has explored this financialization in depth, and tied it into Marx's original conception of how Industrial Capitalism differs from Finance Capitalism.
There's a good explanation for why the Girl Scouts are so much more conservative on this point than they usually are, if you don't accept the explanation that they really do take their original conception of Scouting seriously.
That original conception, which has never ceased to be operative, was based on an imaginative religious and moral conception of life that took account of a much broader range of social, ethical, aesthetic, and religious needs than the utilitarian model can deal with.
is in agreement with the original conception of Judaism, according to which the Deity created light and darkness, good and evil, and in which God and Satan were not separated from one another, but were interrelated aspects of the numinous.
Luther's original conception was realized by the Anabaptists and the so - called «enthusiasts» (Schwärmer), as he mockingly characterized them.
The original conception was of a not very attractive guy who moved around a lot and needed to hustle to make a living.
The original conception of the US presidency was very different than it is today.
Lee, whose academic research focuses on prison reform, recidivism, and the causes of violence, said she «kept with the Goldwater rule's original conception of refraining from making diagnoses, but speaking to dangerousness and the need for an evaluation.»
The name, for the Greek god of the underworld, reflects the original conception of the age: dark and hellish and inhospitable to life.
In Alan Turing's original conception, an AI would be judged by its ability to converse through written text.
Internet pioneer Ted Nelson, who insists that the idea of «copy and paste» has gotten dramatically altered from his original conception?
(It's a wonder to think the role wasn't written for Jackson, but Black's original conception of Mitch was a white Jewish man; oh, the hilarity if Matthew Broderick or Richard Dreyfuss, who were considered, had been cast.)
Things didn't work out for that version, and it reverted to something a bit closer to Griffin's original conception.
KATIE ASELTON: It's hard to say if the movie was close to my original conception, because it took so many versions.
Through whatever unnameable alchemy between Clowes's original conception, Zwigoff's embellishments, the immersion of Birch, Buscemi, and Johansson in that strenuous world, Affonso Beato's camera, David Kitay's theme, Skip James's unearthly voice on a vinyl compilation, «Jaan Pehechaan Ho» bursting forth from a small TV — together, they summon the spirits of another life, and find a silence breathing inside noisy beings.
«I think that the Bush administration was definitely casting a shadow in the original conception of the film, but the hope was to write something that was much more broadly applicable to political life and to personal life», said Raymond.
Technical mastery aside, this is the same old song and dance selling and confirming cultural ideations regarding white superiority without bothering to examine the problematic subtexts ingrained during the property's original conception.
Doubling the length of the original conception, Gary Fleder and screenwriters Caroline Case, Ehren Kruger, and David Twohy, all of Dick's imaginative paranoia is abandoned for flash and mood.
Many people, including Devin Faraci over at Badass Digest, speculated that the film — which had at least two rounds of reshoots — was changed radically from its original conception, and that seems likely.
Hopefully, hopefully, the mistakes they made here were because the original conception was abandoned.
Each new movie inches him closer to Ian Fleming's original conception of the ladykiller with a license to kill — which is to say, further away from the comparably compassionate superspy that Craig embodied in his first outing.
The original conception of Dolarhyde had his body tattooed with the Blake etching called «Red Dragon,» but those scenes were discarded as «trite.»
«Without saying anything about whether or not we have even considered bringing Derek back, the original conception was at the end of the episode, we were going to get rid of him.
His experiences in urban and special needs education, applied and developmental psychology and public health factored greatly in his original conception of the Risk and Prevention Program.
Perhaps this is one area that lends itself to Albert Shanker's original conceptions of charter schools as «laboratories of innovations» where new practices get trial runs and, if successful, are incorporated into the traditional sector.
Having a less uniform implementation of the standards may actually be more consistent with the original conception of the Common Core — a voluntary set of education standards that would be driven by states rather than a uniform set of top - down standards imposed by the federal government.
Expanding Gardner's original conception of spatial intelligence to embrace today's technological tools empowers the educators to help their classrooms become new frontiers with discoveries awaiting a new generation of explorers — our students.
Through all the changes, however, the Panamera remains faithful to its original conceptions
Did you know her original conception of TVD was as an adult series?
In its original conception, Google wanted consumers to be able to print copies and cut and paste text, while publishers would get a sub-standard 63 % of the revenue.
As well bringing you advice on how to be more creative and make more of life — more art, more money, more fun — I want it to be more of a blog in the original conception of that word.
One of the names suggested for this breed was the Tiffany, due to the original conception that the Exotic was to be allowed in silver colors only.
My original conception of the book was much more of a survey.
One of the most interesting things to see with a game that has taken almost three years to develop is how it has evolved from its original conception to the game it is now.
«From its original conception to its near - final release, Candleman has captivated players at all stages of development with a simple core concept and tight platforming gameplay amid the darkness,» remarked Gao Ming, creator of Candleman.
Abandon tradition, embrace change For the first time ever, Onimusha has completely ditched the useless tank controls that have plagued the series since its original conception as a «Resident Evil in feudal Japan» game.
A: It's funny that you bring that up, when we came up with this idea our original conception was that of Angry Birds meets Super Meat Boy if you can believe it.
At least on the HD consoles and mobiles Sonic can be an uncompromising hardcore gaming experience with the emphasis on gameplay and speed, philosophically consistent with the original conception of Sonic.
The selection is a tasting menu, offering examples of important groups of works — Ms. Dumas often produces images in series — sometimes presented in multiples that evoke the original conception and presentation.
He begins with existing books that he seals and then dissects with knives, tweezers, and surgical tools, to reveal words and images that reinterpret the book's original conception.
In a recent conversation with painter Don Voisine, Dagley revealed that his original conception of the series was fed by a need to create objects that were «not in the least bit cynical.»
Furthermore, some authors claimed that perceived difficulty is more similar to Ajzen's original conception of planned behavior [33].
The perfumers then combine a wide variety of different elixirs, both natural and man - made, to come up with fragrances that reflect the original conception.

Phrases with «original conception»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z