Sentences with phrase «original copyright date»

Not exact matches

Ofuji added that they are looking to redesign the Magitek Exosuit for «Final Fantasy XV» and will be release in a later date until the designs are good enough, although Ofuji felt that their designs and concepts for the suits are original as far as copyright is concern.
41 Therefore, on the one hand, provided that the selection or arrangement of the data --- namely, in a case such as the one in the main proceedings, data corresponding to the date, the time and the identity of teams relating to the different fixtures of the league concerned (see paragraph 26 of the present judgment)- — is an original expression of the creativity of the author of the database, it is irrelevant for the purpose of assessing the eligibility of the database for the copyright protection provided for by Directive 96/9 whether or not that selection or arrangement includes «adding important significance» to that data, as mentioned in section (b) of the referring court's first question.
Copyright [insert year of original publication date].
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z