Sentences with phrase «original impetus»

The phrase "original impetus" refers to the initial motivation or push behind something. It represents the original reason or force that drives an action or decision. Full definition
At the same time, underlying shifts in the economy have again shifted the interest group politics — these days, manufacturing workers are a small share of overall US union membership, so the original impetus for the Democratic tilt against trade is going away.
Humanitarian ideals existed in classic culture, but the humanitarianism we prize in the West owes most of its original impetus to the gospel.
God's existence was required to explain motion's original impetus and prevent certain irregularities from devolving into chaos.
But whatever the immediate reasons, the enlarged brain could perform (as a consequence of its improved structure) all manner of operations bearing no direct relation to the original impetus for its increase in size.
«The original impetus was just to show how virulent an effect not being vaccinated has,» Witt explains.
The original impetus for the foresight programme came in December 1991 at a meeting of the Cabinet subcommittee on science, chaired by the Prime Minister.
Although the original impetus of the work was to study human brain disease and development, says Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Investigator Christopher Walsh, the results also shed light on how the human brain expanded during the course of evolution.
I'm not certain what the original impetus was, but I read a lot of teen fiction that most likely shapes my own thinking.
The original impetus for this proposal was to offer standard controls for switching between horizontal and vertical layouts in Japanese ebook readers; this use case is addressed in Appendix A, Vertical Text Style Set Tags.
It wasn't our original impetus for coming to Kenya, but after we read an e-mail from Calvin, it became our raison d'être to make the trip.
Still, booths put artist names in larger type than the gallery, with much of their original impetus intact.
In addition, the original impetus of his grandmother asking him to paint a landscape for her has developed into his current studio practice.
The original impetus for his exploration of collage was a visit in 1966 by his friend and former writing instructor at Black Mountain College, M. C. Richards, who induced him to try making a cloth collage.
The original impetus for the use of global warming for a political agenda involved the claim that the world was overpopulated and while everybody was using resources at an increasing rate, the industrialized nations using fossil fuels were doing it more rapidly than others.
The original impetus behind the notion of partnerships in law firms is that when a group of attorneys joins together, the collective practice will be more productive (and remunerative) than it would be if each practiced solo.
Just as the original impetus for eDiscovery was the business - process transition from a primarily hard copy - based data system to electronically stored information (ESI), the current trend toward more intelligent AI is driven by the systemic transformation from primarily structured data retention to much larger, ever - growing, predominantly unstructured data (the «big data» phenomenon).
The original impetus behind the Generally Accepted Principles and Practices (GAPP) agreed at Santiago was certainly not disquiet about SWF's vulnerability so much as their ungoverned power.
This is slightly ironic, seeing as Bitcoin was the original impetus for the network.
In the long run, however, it produces a shift away from the original impetus of ADR.
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