Sentences with phrase «original intent original»

Tagged with: Charter of Rights and Freedoms constitutional law constitutional supremacy constraint judicial restraint legal philosophy original intent original meaning rule of law section 7

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That was the beauty of the original intent and original design.
«A few cosmetic changes to the form and rollout of the travel order do not change its original intent,» said a statement from Tech Stands Up, a grassroots group of tech industry workers that was formed after President Trump's initial immigration order, which was halted in federal court.
But while his original intent was to show off his technological expertise and online marketing savvy, he says the project brought another, less expected benefit.
Orkut Buyukkokten aims to bring back the original intent of social networking, with renewed focus on trends in India.
«If we could take a technology that could filter out impurities, we could make very well - established drugs safer,» Laurin says of the original intent.
In a great customer experience, an intelligent system has documented this journey and alerted a representative of the customer's original intent.
He based his lawsuit on the argument that the Russia investigation had charged him and Gates with crimes unrelated to the original intent of the investigation, but instead had pursued «any matters that arose or may arise directly from» it.
We have all been in that meeting where, halfway through, you're finding it extremely hard to find any semblance of the original intent.
The Act repeals the «Pease» limitation, whose original intent was to raise tax revenue by increasing the taxable income for high - income earners.
The collective minds behind the Dodd — Frank Act have outlined that Mick Mulvaney's appointment as temporary director is contrary to the statute's original intent
By Pruitt's definition, court interpretations of intent fall outside the original four corners of enabling legislation, unless Congress chooses to amend the law.
It's not the original intent of the passage, though again, it does seem reasonable to me that all of us should live with an awareness of how we might be placing unnecessary stumbling blocks in our brothers» and sisters» lives.
The cultural and linguistic barrier between you and the original writer likely means that much of time, their original intent will will not be what seems to you to be the «plain sense of Scripture» or the «primary, ordinary, usual, literal meaning».
Then there was Bush v. Gore, in which the court, in halting the Florida recount, announced a novel and potentially far - reaching requirement of equal vote - counting standards across districts, a theory unsupported by the Fourteenth Amendment's original intent.
I think Protestants can be guilty of glorifying the Reformers to the point of idolization, thereby losing their original spirit and intent.
Unfortunately, many of our assumptions about these texts emerge without an understanding of their original context or intent, which is what this series aims to address.
The 69 documents and the references to 99 other pertinent sources put us as close to this «text» and its «original intent» as all but the most diligent scholars are ever going to get on their own.
I've received countless emails from women who, upon reading about the original intent of Proverbs 31 in A Year of Biblical Womanhood, report that for the first time in their lives, they no longer feel that they are falling short of some sort of impossible standard of womanhood.
This is all about original intent and God knows the real reasons we do the things we do.
As a result, he argues, theologians feel themselves free to use the Bible for whatever purpose they wish, from the liberation of women to the church - growth movement, without regard for its supposedly irrecoverable original intent.
THe message hasn't changed — but the way people look at it the further out we go from the original intent — it opens it up to different takes on it — and with no one here to explain what the original intent is — we have to rely on illogical humans to interpret it.
Whatever the original intent of Old Testament myth and legend, it is shaped, preserved and understood in Israel by faith.
OGod's original intent was for Israel to conquer the whole earth and then rule it in righteousness.
God's original intent was for Israel to conquer the whole earth and then rule it in righteousness.
How much of your original intent was aimed at spoofing the Christian hipster thing specifically?
Lader argued that the original intent of the anti-abortion laws which were passed in the 19th century was to protect the health of women from the dangers of quack abortionists, but since legal abortions had become so safe, the continued presence of these laws had the opposite of their intended effect, forcing women into a dangerous back - alley underground.
The original intent of the letter was to as - sure pro-testants there would be not be another Church of England situation with persecution of those not adhering to those practices.
I think what I want more than anything is for people to be confident in God's original intent and his original desire for us, the original dream.
This has been encouraged by our knowledge of the different sources of the Bible, by the development of form criticism and its insights and speculations into the early stages of the formation of the Gospels, by questions about the «original» intent of passages before they were set in their present literary context, by questions of «what really happened», and by the attempt to unravel diverse strands of tradition in both Old and New Testaments.
So maybe if we want to communicate the message of Jesus we have to get away from archaic terms like gospel which have become traditional» buzz words «or theological jargon devoid of precise meaning and make anew the original intent which was about an announcement of the coming of God's Kingdom and all that that implies.
There are, however, two serious problems to such an approach: First, it is difficult to see how some of these passages could possibly be interpreted in a way that is in keeping with Jesus of Nazareth; and second, even if this could be done, the process would necessarily do damage to the original intent and to the established scriptural meaning of these passages.
What does it mean, practically, to preserve and celebrate (as much as we can) the original intent of the authors of the Old Testament while still asking ourselves, «what difference does the death and resurrection of Christ make for how I understand this part of the Old Testament»?
Given that the Constitution is grounded in a recognition of individual rights — rights which must be reinterpreted due to the document's «exceedingly vague» language — Arthur quickly dismisses the jurisprudence of original intent.
Yet beyond Whitehead's original harmless and humorous intent, there is a serious and sympathetic sense in which this designation captures precisely the spirit and intent of Russell's basic realistic and logical approach to philosophical questions in the era of G. E. Moore and the «common sense» approach to empiricism.
One might argue (as does Vischer) that the more specific intent of the text is to point out how the original fall or original sin gives rise to a primal murder, though it is impossible to ascertain what is genuinely historical in this saga, nor should this even be attempted if we are to remain true to the central thrust of this passage.
equality: «we» may indeed say that gays are equal... but do «they» [the «nay - sayers, if you like, as I don't want to use labels that don't work as in «fundamentalists», «conservatives», or even «liberals» — these terms have been hijacked and reinterpreted to mean something far from their original intent... sorry — pedantic me?!]
Please do educate me on this marvellous, apparently crystal clear idea of «original intent» for our sexuality.
As to your quote above, I'm curious as to how you would define God's «original intent of our sexuality» and where you get this idea.
You start to see, yet again, the greatness of God's original intent for humanity.
@Poltergeist — Not precisely sure of the intent of the original evolved ligase post or your response, but is it safe to say that this study, as with other in vitro evolution research, is proof of concept, i.e. random variation and selection can and does yield novel functionality?
To support this claim, he offered an account of what it means to be an editor: «When I edit, I attempt, to the extent possible, to conform my work to the author's original intent.
This, I believe, better reflects the original intent of Proverbs 31, and therefore honors Scripture well.
Does original intent mean, what it would have looked like had there been no fall, no sin entered the world?
The scholar, having finished his work, lays down his pen, oblivious to the way in which he has falsified the text in accordance with unconscious tendencies, so much so that he has maimed its original intent until it has actually turned into its opposite.
Lauren said: «Homosexuality, like many other things, is inherently sinful, because it is a perversion of the original intent of our sexuality.»
Homosexuality, like many other things, is inherently sinful, because it is a perversion of the original intent of our sexuality.
Ironically, the «original intent» of the Framers, the hallmark of recent conservative jurisprudence, still has no more passionate advocates than secular liberals who (like Justices Black and Douglas before them) look to Jefferson and Madison to support their own separationist preferences.
They are just going to say that they are being persecuted and oppressed, which would work against the original intent, which is to get people to open their eyes and stop living in fear.
Ether the bible and by extension god condones slavery or the verses are completely scrambled through translation and transcription over time such that their message is substantially changed from the original intent, in which case nothing in the bible can be considered a reliable record of the original.
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