Sentences with phrase «original job»

Media outlets are continuing to cite TransCanada's original job estimates for the entire length of the Keystone XL pipeline, even though the southern portion is already under construction.
January's original job numbers changed from 239,000 to 176,000, while February's numbers were revised up from 313,000 to 326,000.
Most of us can look back to a time when we started in a job and were surprised by the difference between our day - to - day tasks and what we read in the original job posting.
Although the original JOBS Act passed with bipartisan support in 2012, this is an election year, and so the fate of the bill could be subject to political whims.
If possible, put injured employees back in their original job, but with restrictions on their activities.
Formal or informal, universities help in one of five ways: assisting the partner to find work outside the university, offering an adjunct or part - time position in the university (see Next Wave's recent repost of a Science magazine news story on this topic), splitting the original job into a shared position, finding administrative work in the university, or offering a tenure - track position.
«The wordlife was not part of my original job description,» he says.
But if you take, for instance, an image - recognition algorithm and retrain it to do a completely different task, such as recognising speech, it usually becomes worse at its original job.
Twin genes or duplicated regulatory regions result, and although one in the pair usually has to keep doing its original job, the other is free to mutate and take on new roles that can enhance an organism's survival.
The actor pointed out, «The interesting thing, from a creative point of view, is that he goes back with all the knowledge and all the experience and all the insight and wisdom, hopefully, that he's gained as a prosecutor going back to his original job as a detective.
The job of a modern school superintendent is drastically different from the original job description, when, in 1837, Oliver G. Steele, a Buffalo, New York native, became the nation's first superintendent.
We chop up the leftover fibres and mix them all together, so it doesn't matter where they come from or what their original job was supposed to be.
This came in really handy with its original job as a hunter of puffin birds and their eggs.
Although many - if not most - of these breeds no longer work at their original jobs, they maintain many - if not all - of the skills to do those jobs.
Prospective puppy buyers can select a breed based on the attributes that fitted the dog to do its original job.
Their original job was to root out vermin.
The name comes from the Norwegian word «bu» for farm, where you can still find many of them doing their original jobs, and «hund» for dog.
They're also excellent herders of sheep and cattle, one of their original jobs as an all - around farm dog.
Thus many show - giving clubs also provide a variety of other activities, some of them connected with the breed's original job and others that channel the dog's ability into other streams of endeavor.
For example, certain strains of Golden Retrievers are now being bred as service dogs, a far cry from their original job of retrieving downed birds.
It is used for agility, obedience, police work, rescue work, or of course its original job, herding work.
Intelligent, athletic, and naturally protective, they are farm and family guardians and can still be used for their original jobs — hog catching and bulldogging (catching and controlling unruly cattle).
The original job of the little, bristle - faced imp was a traditional terrier task as stable rat catcher.
Williams uses his starpower and the power of music to change the climate conversation and inspire others to act: «That is the original job and purpose of a song.
Believing that he was legally entitled to reject the transfer based on his two concerns and instead sue for wrongful dismissal because his original job disappeared, Ghanny refused to report for work and began to look for another job.
When the employee returns to work, they must be restored to their original job or a comparable one with equal pay, benefits, and other terms and conditions.
Workers» compensation funds can provide substantial payments for permanent disfigurement or scars, vocational retraining if the injury prevents the worker from returning to their original job and death benefits for immediate family members if the worker was killed on the job.
• Injuries that make it impossible to return to your original job but aren't severe enough to preclude you from returning to work in some other capacity.
The definition of disability comes down to two types of disability insurance: own - occupation disability insurance, a policy under which you only need to be too disabled to do your original job, but not one that may require less physical exertion; and any - occupation disability insurance, which means you're unable to do any job.
When considering whether to follow up on a job application, pay close attention to the original job posting.
Please add the correct salary information in the original job posting.
This would be the case if you have a valid non-compete (rare but they are out there) or if you are planning on working for a competitor while keeping your original job.
Before you start writing your resume, come back to the original job posting.
Look back at the original job listing, and make a list of the job qualifications.
If this is your first review, look back at your original job description.
Return to the employer research you did when you made your original job application and build on it.
Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) is a computer software designed to filter and track the best applicants based on how compatible their resume is to the original job description.
Resume keywords must be formatted to echo the exact formatting of the keywords in the original job description.
If they are indeed requested in the original job posting and fit neatly on the bottom of your resume then go for it, just make sure they are strictly professional references.
Applicant tracking systems use a resume parser to track and extract resume keywords, the skills and qualifications that match skills and qualifications in the original job description.
When in doubt, always refer back to the original job description.)
Resume keywords are the skills and qualifications in the original job description that should be included in a resume (e.g., communication skills, Microsoft Word, and academic degrees).
When in doubt, review the original job posting and / or any similar postings for jobs you're targeting.
Resume keywords are skills / qualifications in your resume that match the skills / qualifications in the original job description.
For example, a candidate may have lost his or her original job after giving notice to their prior employer, or he or she may have incurred moving expenses to relocate for the new job.
However, simply using any form of these keywords will not win over an ATS: keywords must be formatted to echo the original job description exactly (to an ATS, there is a difference between «Microsoft Word,» «MS Word,» and «Word»).

Phrases with «original job»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z