Sentences with phrase «original sponsor»

Some of my favorites are watching the «Original Sponsors Spots» including ads for Rice Krispies, Corn Flakes, Paper Mate Pens and Toni, the home perm!
He worked with Doug Fehan to develop the Corvette Race Program, securing original sponsors and obtaining funds for the program from Chevrolet management.
All of the original sponsors of the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act (H.R. 2903 / S.
Queens Assemblyman Jeff Aubry, the original sponsor of legislation to overhaul the draconian 1970s - era sentencing laws (actually, he wanted to repeal them altogether, if I remember correctly, and also restore full discretion to judges), is mailing on this topic.
Mosley was one of the original sponsors of the legislation, but withdrew his name from the bill after a lobbying campaign by those favor it.
(He's chair of the Health Committee, was the original sponsor of the gay marriage bill, supports campaign finance reform and an independent redistricting commission, which I'm sure will be music to the ears of former NYC Mayor Ed Koch).
The issue is being used in a completely different way in the 35th AD primary in Queens, in which Assemblyman Jeff Aubry, the original sponsor of drug law reform, is being challenged by Anthony Miranda, a former staffer of expelled ex-Sen.
Aubry isn't shying away from his role as the original sponsor of the bill (actually, he pushed for full repeal, but never managed to get that far), sending out a campaign mailer that highlighted his work on the issue.
One of the original sponsors of the proposal, the liberal academic noted how disposable sacks clutter parks, cling to trees, accrue into islands in the world's oceans and strangle marine life.
The lawmakers were the original sponsors of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Reauthorization Act, which created the responder health program.
I also made it a priority to get our 9/11 first responders and rebuilders the health care they deserve, and am proud to say that the Zadroga 9/11 Health Care bill, which I was an original sponsor of, finally passed the House.
Gottfried said he has «no idea» of how Cuomo intends to act on the expedited medical marijuana bill, which was opposed by one of the original sponsors of the Compassionate Care Act, Sen. Diane Savino, who characterized it as a vehicle for advocates seeking full legalization of pot in New York.
Legislator Ken Jenkins (D - Yonkers), the original sponsor of the bill, was joined by his Democratic colleagues in the passage of this measure which was first proposed after the tragedy which took place at Sandy Hook.
The bill, sponsored by Republican Senator Joe Griffo, was passed despite objections raised by Senator Diane Savino, who was one of the original sponsors of the legislation passed last year to create the state's medical marijuana program.
Mr. Williams, an original sponsor of the 2012 bill, offered a challenge to «people to find one piece of police reform legislation that has made police officers» jobs harder or us less safe.»
And Middletown Republican Sen. John Bonacic was not at the earlier press conference and rally in support of the measure, even though he was one of the original sponsors.
In announcing last week that the bill has moved, Assembly Health Chair Richard Gottfried, an original sponsor of the Compassionate Care Act that established the state - run medical marijuana program, expressed concerns about «a real danger» that seriously ill patients may not be able to access medical marijuana come January.
Tonko was also a member of standing committees on Agriculture, Transportation and Education, where he was the original sponsor and a chief proponent of the College Tuition Savings Program that was signed into law in 1997.
U.S. Rep. Richard Hanna, R - Barneveld, who also represents Oswego County in Congress, signed on as an original sponsor of Katko's bill.
Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, one of the bill's original sponsors, blames Republican inaction on the influence of Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long, who has made opposition to marijuana legalization a litmus test for Republicans seeking the endorsement of the small, but politically important, third party.
Among the original sponsors of the Advanced Technology Program, the senator has been a strong supporter, arguing that it can produce high - payoff research when venture capitalists are not willing to risk an investment.
A team led by Claire Fraser and Hervé Tettelin of The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) in Rockville, Maryland, began the sequencing project in 1996, but progress was slowed by a series of technical problems and a split with the institute's original sponsor, Human Genome Sciences of Rockville, Maryland, that caused a temporary funding drought.
The proposed changes were introduced by Representative Joe Barton, COPPA's original sponsor.
George W. Bush campaigned on his vision for the federal education law, Bill Clinton had personally fought for education reform as Arkansas governor, and the law's original sponsor, Lyndon Johnson, had personally been a teacher and champion of education.
Former Representative John Brademas, one of the original sponsors of P.L. 94 - 142 and currently president of New York University, testified before a Senate subcommittee last month at hearings marking the 10th anniversary of the law.
Hartsbrook primary in Tottenham, north London, changed sponsors last September after E-Act, its original sponsor, was told it must relinquish control of a number of schools.
The Sutton Trust in its fourth annual report on academy chains, Chain Effects 2017 — The impact of academy chains on low income students, reveals the continued lack of impact academy chains are having in turning around the low attainment levels of disadvantaged students, a stated aim of the original sponsored academies programme.
All eight remain with their original sponsor.
One of the original law's original sponsors, Rep. Micky Hammon, introduced a set of revisions filed as HB658.
Another original sponsor of the law, Senator Scott Beason, stepped in at this point and was able to work with Rep. Hammon, law enforcement, and others and come to an agreement that made the necessary changes to strengthen the original law without weakening its effect.
Schools Week reported in January that the Business Academy Bexley had changed its name to the Garrard Academy, to recognise the support of its original sponsor Sir David Garrard.
Hill was an original sponsor of House Bill 1375, a measure to create equal funding for charter schools and traditional public schools, which will become law when the Governor signs the bill later this summer.
Steve Adamowski, then superintendent of Cincinnati Public Schools, the school's original sponsor, promised skeptics it would earn an acceptable state ranking within three years or give families a 180 - day notice and close.
According to the festival's original sponsor, ValueInvestingNews, «The Festival of Stocks is a blog carnival dedicated to highlighting bloggers» best articles on stock market related topics.
«Perkins Loans are an important resource for low income families in our district who are pursuing their higher education dreams,» Rep. Elise Stefanik (R - NY), the bill's original sponsor, said, «I am pleased that this legislation continues to gain momentum, and I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure this legislation gets brought up for a vote.»
A van painted with the words «Scarpitta Art and Racing» pulled up in front of the Boesky Gallery to unload a Scarpitta race car branded with the name of its original sponsor, Leo Castelli.
The bill's original sponsor, State Sen. Ken Haar, a Democrat, proposed the legislation to help Nebraska citizens to prepare for the regional impacts of climate change caused by humans» emissions of heat trapping gases like methane and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Soap operas derive their name from their original sponsors: earlier serialized radio and TV dramas were heavily sponsored by soap manufacturers.
One of the original sponsors, U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch, urged his colleagues to support the legislation, which he called an «astonishingly modest, yet important first step.»
The bill was introduced with an impressive list of 15 Senate and 65 House original sponsors.
The CEO also organized and hosted a fundraiser for Congresswoman Sinema, one of the industry's Champions on Capitol Hill and an original sponsor of MHI's primary legislative effort, H.R. 1699, to address federal regulations implementing the Dodd - Frank Act that do not reflect the unique nature of manufactured home financing and sales processes.
Sen. Johnny Isakson, R - Ga., the original sponsor of the tax credit and author of a Senate provision that would have increased it to $ 15,000, told The Atlanta Journal - Constitution in February that he hasn't ruled out additional changes — including making it available to all home buyers.
At a news conference on Capitol Hill today, the original sponsors of the Qualified Residential Mortgage provision in the Dodd - Frank Act — Sens. Mary Landrieu (D - La.)
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