Sentences with phrase «original utterance»

You might say something in English, but when you refract it through the prism, a Chinese speaker might pick up on phonemes that signal something else, which in turn differs from what speakers of Arabic, Polish, Spanish, or any other language might be able make out from the original utterance.
Whether it is the original utterance of one or neither of these eighth - century prophets, it is one of prophetism's finest and most lyrical expressions of the hope for covenant fulfillment.

Not exact matches

Responsibility for the original, basic — oral — form of the present prophetic writings came to be fixed upon these disciples who cherished, preserved, and «edited» the utterances of the master, not only during the prophet's lifetime, but for an extended period of time after his death.
These combinations of drawing, painting and collaged text present brief autobiographical utterances culled from their original context and transformed into often poetic evocations of distant places and encounters.
By using those parts of the original recordings where an unrecognizable, non-symbolic utterance is articulated the work aims to create an on - going collection of abstract choruses that belong to an always already out of reach and invisible body.
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