Sentences with phrase «original virus»

Legacy systems can certainly be insecure (Look up some of the original viruses or famous Windows bugs for good examples) and they can be fantastically secure (banking, electrical grid, nuclear launch codes to use obvious examples).
This original virus came from Pakistan.
Somewhere along the way, certain molecular changes, including a deletion of 29 base pairs from the original virus, allowed SARS to infect and replicate in human cells.
This information leads us to believe that these sites are under «selection pressure» by the therapeutic, meaning that the antibody cocktail binds and promotes elimination of the original virus, while the escape variants continue the infection.»
Yet the researchers found that most strains caused milder versions of the disease than the original virus.
The original virus was notable for causing only mild illness.
However, when they repeated the experiment labelling the protein rather than the DNA of the original virus, they found that the viruses produced were not radioactive.
According to information provided by Cornell, the symptoms of the H3N2 dog flu can be more severe than the original virus.
While it's true that antibiotics are not effective against viruses, these medications can destroy invading, opportunistic bacteria that make a dog even sicker while its immune system is fighting off the original virus.
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