Sentences with phrase «original white paper»

I think, that if Durov plans to make an ICO, he will make a public announcement with a really original white paper.
Being both of these, Bitcoin hit my radar almost immediately when Satoshi posted his original white paper about Bitcoin on October 31 2008, and subsequently the first version of the Bitcoin client software on January 08 2009, to the Cryptography email list.
13 May 2002: In joint statement by Lord Irvine in the upper chamber, and Robin Cook in the Commons, the government announces a major retreat from its original white paper in response to consultation.
As per the original Bitcoin, we also strongly believe in complete anonymity, as the whole basis of the original white paper «Bitcoin: A Peer - to - Peer Electronic Cash System» by Satoshi Nakamoto.
A Titan report on the CRYPTO20 white paper brought to our attention the fact that there are a number of projects that have taken a significant amount of their content from the original white paper without receiving consent, giving attribution or having any affiliation to CRYPTO20
The team in charge of these problems have decided not to fix them in some religious devotion to the original white paper.
In addition, Monkey Capital's original white paper — which appears to have been rescinded along with its fundraising website — detailed how its scheme could create «perpetuated wealth creation» for token holders and returns as high as 40 percent per year.
For them, it seems that BCH holds more in common with Satoshi's Nakamoto's original white paper and is therefore deserving of the sort - after tag of «Bitcoin».
The word «decentralized» doesn't appear in Satoshi's original white paper (nor does «blockchain» for that matter) but it's since become synonymous with Bitcoin and its successors.
The latter featured a live and interactive demonstration of the Lighting Network software on testnet by Dryja himself, co-author of the original white paper.
Luckily, the original white paper, designed the same Johns Hopkins researchers behind the Zcash protocol, has been rigorously peer - reviewed.
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