Sentences with phrase «originated as working dogs»

English Cocker Spaniels, like many dog breeds that originated as working dogs, have some genetic lines that focus on working dog skills and others that focus on ensuring that the dog's appearance conforms to a breed standard.
Many of these dogs originated as working dogs, but these days they are mostly companions.

Not exact matches

This breed originated from the harsh and extremely cold climate of the Siberian Arctic and was used as a working dog by the Chukchi people (pronounced chook - CHEE) of Northeastern Asia.
This breed originated from the harsh and extremely cold climate of the Siberian Arctic and was used as a working dog by the
The Siberian Husky originates in eastern Russia, and has a rather interesting history as a working dog breed.
The Anatolian Shepherd originated from the region of Turkey, and is a large working dog used primarily as a livestock guardian.
Both breeds originated in the Northern-most parts of Scandinavia and Russia and were developed as working dogs (herding and sledding).
The Cairn Terrier is one of the oldest terrier breeds, originating in the Scottish Highlands and recognized as one of Scotland's earliest working dogs.
The exact history of border collies is unknown, but it is clear that they originate from the Scottish border territories, where they were bred as working dogs, primarily to herd sheep.
The curly - coated retriever is a working game dog that originated in England perhaps as long ago as the 1700s.
Originated as an all - round dog breed that love to keep itself busy in herding livestock, guarding the farm and pulling the carts in his native land of Switzerland, Appenzellers have the right amount of energy, are self - confident and are valuable working dogs that are low in maintenance.
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