Sentences with phrase «origins of something»

Whatever I got the whole series just a while back for $ 15 on origin an all of them run on 1080p 60 fps ultra settings, aka barely next gen.
The first can be traced directly to Darwin: Following the 1859 publication of On the Origin of
The origin of something from nothing is the job of the physicists at CERN, not we poor evolutionary and molecular biologists and geneticists.
This way of thinking is the genetic fallacy of supposing that the origin of something settles the question of its falsehood or truth.
God is the source and origin of us all, and therefore, He is the Father of us all.
Merely because the origin of something is unknown or uncertain does not lead to the conclusion that there is no explanation.
The genetic (genesis meaning origin) fallacy is the supposition that the origin of something (or an idea) settles the question of its falsehood or its truth.
You wouldnt trust a caveman to give you advice on car insurance (Geico), why would you trust them to explain the origins of us and the universe?????? Let us look when the OT was written... yeah lets trust that as a good source.
I see God as the redeemer of the pain, not the origin of it.
But frankly, at this point in my life - a grown woman, a writer, a mother - I don't give a shit about the origins of it anymore.
The origin of it, who paid for it, etc. are all questions that need to get answered.
Stunning visualizations and special effects bring to life the formation of the planets, the origin of the
Charles Darwin, On the Origin of
The reasons for The Power, the origins of it, and how it all works are never really clear, so we are forced to go with the flow of things for the sake of potential entertainment.
It's like jokes on joke on jokes on jokes and we can't even remember the origin of them anymore.
We went into detail about the origins of it, how much it costs, which riders are worth getting, and how underwriting for it differs from life insurance.
Bandai Namco has released the first trailer for its upcoming PS Vita strategy game Seraph Of The End: The Origin Of
An indulging story that keeps you curious about the fate of your character and the origins of you and everyone around you
Curator and Creative Director James Whitcomb Riley explains, «Upon meditation, the ascending trajectory of SURVIVE forced a realization that has manifested through new mediums in a new year, with new art, in the origin of it all.»
The origin of the em dash is unclear.
We not only find out what self - limiting beliefs you have, but we find out about the origin of them in your childhood.
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