Sentences with phrase «other christian countries»

Not exact matches

Now, both the SPD and the Christian Democrats — both parties in the country's ruling coalition — will be lead by women for the first time (the other woman is, of course, Chancellor Angela Merkel).
Wanting to give back, Wiseman, his wife, and several others started a charity to establish Christian - oriented orphanages in developing countries.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will likely stress to President Donald Trump that a «trust deficit» remains between North Korea and the other countries in the region, says Stephen Nagy of the International Christian University.
I'm the Christian who gives money and time to end human slavery in the US and other Countries.
Much of classical music is instrumental, operas are not always about religion, country music isn't always religious, folk music depends on the origin which can be secular or of other religions besides Christian, much of rock and pop music is not religious, and so on.
Christian Solidarity Worldwide has highlighted that a change in constitution to make Nepal solely a Hindu state could pave the way for more persecution against Christians and other minorities in the country, and said it advocated a new wording which enshrines religious freedom.
«As in other countries here, Christians and Muslims routinely intermarry, often undergoing Christian, Muslim and traditional weddings, and communal relations are close.
The charity is part of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, a denomination founded in Nigeria which also has churches in the UK and other countries.
I think the historians in the future would also believe that history is getting a re-write from CNN that Christians aren't persecuted in today's time in other Muslim countries that CNN does not report.
Mumtaz Qadri (below) was the bodyguard of the governor of Punjab Province Salman Taseer, but he murdered him in 2011 because he was an outspoken critic of the country's blasphemy laws - which are often used to target Christians and other minorities.
Christian and other faith communities around the world are hosting 120 events in 35 countries, all calling for governments, businesses and individuals to do more to reduce global warming.
Aethists post billboards to get the message across that there are others in this country who don't believe in Christian b.s.
American individualism — the willful project of our modern founding — has so infected every nook and cranny of our country that the only thing to do is to flee to the beautiful buildings and other fading reminders of what was the authentically Christian civilization of Europe.
The dumb sh - its in this country won't vote for an atheist or agnostic or any other religion besides a Christian.
The dumb sh - its in this country won't vote for an atheist or agnostic or any other religion besides a Christian, so what can he do?
@Bill Thanks for an intelligent post BUT you know as well as I do that the dumb sh - its in this country won't vote for an atheist or agnostic or any other religion besides a Christian.
There's not that much of a distinction... Jewish Neocons and Christian Neocons (ie the 15 % German Ethnic majority in this country and all of the other White people who are following them hook line and sinker) are on the same team and have waged a war TOGETHER against the Arabs.
This year, XXXChurch sponsored Porn Sunday, a national anti-porn event that included hundreds of churches across the country screening a video starring Matt Hasselbeck, who's now quarterback for the Tennessee Titans, and other Christian NFL stars.
This is just a hunch - I think he probably felt that since He is a Christian missionary and works in other countries Christians would be the appropriate audience for him to address and inform about what he has seen.
If immigration of this kind must be actively pursued, wouldn't it be better to follow an open policy of allowing not - yet - murdered Christians in Muslim countries around the world to emigrate to the United States and other western countries.
Another thing I am hopeful about is that we will avoid «Christian» right wars in the future that have harmed our country and other nations.
What do you make of the current U.S. focus on curbing the persecution of Christians in other countries, particularly Islamic countries?
There are precendents in other countries — even ones that are predominantly Christian.
In a speech earlier this year, Archbishop Francis Chullikatt, permanent observer of the Holy See to the United Nations and former apostolic nuncio to Iraq and Jordan, challenged Americans to protect religious freedom in their country: «While nobody would confuse the marginalization of religion with the actual killing of Christians in other parts of the world, it is through this marginalizing that violent persecution is born.»
In a country where Christianity is and always has been the dominant religion being a Christian requires less courage than any other option.
While some face persecution in their own country, others have a difficult time finding acceptance within a westernised Christian culture.
It is understandable why the New York Times's Editorial Board would conclude that Christians view sinners as inferior — the tragic history of Christianity, even within our own country, offers many examples of Christians who have used sin as an excuse to dehumanize, discriminate, and hate others.
Giving all other powers their due and their respect, we Christians can not as a matter of total confidence or supreme trust embrace the flag, support the government, or pledge allegiance to the country for which they stand.
Over the past decade, more Christians have been admitted to the US as refugees than those of any other religious tradition, including many persecuted because of their faith from countries like Iraq and Burma.
For the Muslim - majority countries where most refugees comes from, this would benefit Christians (and other minority faiths, like Yazidis) and penalize Muslims.
I am thinking here of Jubilee 2000 which was launched by the Christian Churches, in an area many of us would find a little too limited, since they propose debt cancellation only for the poorest countries and not for countries such as Brazil or other economically important countries.
North Korea has strict laws about Christian evangelism so the school doesn't teach doctrine, but does teach its students about other countries and other forms of government — something you can't get almost anywhere else in North Korea.
Persecution and Forgotten, a report of oppression in specific countries, warns that Christians in these countries will not survive if this violence continues and highlights «unspeakable atrocities» such as Christians in North Korea being starved, hanged on crosses over a fire and others being crushed under steam rollers.
, a report of oppression in specific countries, warns that Christians in these countries will not survive if this violence continues and highlights «unspeakable atrocities» such as Christians in North Korea being starved, hanged on crosses over a fire and others being crushed under steam rollers.
The Prime Minister has reiterated her support of Christians who are persecuted in Iraq and other countries... More
Mansour Borji, advocacy director of Article 18, an organisation that defends persecuted Christians in the Shia Muslim majority country said: «This recent verdict by Iran's revolutionary court is particularly alarming, as many other Iranian Christians are still awaiting trial for exercising their right to worship as Christians in privacy of their homes.»
His petition, signed by 750,000 in 143 countries, urges that the rights of Christians and other minorities as citizens of Middle Eastern countries be recognised, and that they have access to «dignified» living conditions.
That's why Open Doors USA's Valentine's Day campaign is allowing Christians throughout the country to send letters to other Christians...
That is the pattern in most developed countries, and surely, as the Republican party increasingly takes on the attributes of a European - style Christian Democratic party, it is logical that their opponents take the other position.»
Funny that the Denver shooter was in court and NO ONE EVER MENTIONED IF HIS CHRISTIAN OR ANY OTHER FAITH... I swear if his name was Mohammad than the whole country would be in flames... BUT he was mentally ill so it was justified and the case was closed quietly so everyone can go back to what they do since it has no value to the media... OPEN YOUR EYE and ears...
People of religions other than Islam who speak Arabic refer to God as Allah, even those Christians in Arabic speaking countries.
It is for Christians, Jews, and other non-Muslims to call for tolerance and understanding toward Muslims in this country.
Any attempt to stop the research entirely (in other countries as well as in the United States) would not only be unrealistic, it would be contrary to basic commitments of the Christian faith - ab6ut God and the world.
No one suggests outlawing Christianity in this country, but many Christians have no problem outlawing the ultimate expression of love (marriage) to others simply because they are attracted to the same gender.
It is not the purpose of this presentation to look into the theme of proselytism throughout the history of the Christian Church, but at least we should bear in mind that «Proselytism became a major interchurch problem through Roman Catholic (RC) and Protestant missionary work in countries where other Christian churches were already present - for example, among the Orthodox in the Middle East, Ethiopia and India, and among RCs in Latin America.»
The Prime Minister has reiterated her support of Christians who are persecuted in Iraq and other countries around the world.
It is fair to say that, apart from small special interest publications expressly devoted to the subject, this magazine pays more attention to the Jewish - Christian connection than any other in the country or, to my knowledge, in the world.
While there are many christians of many denominations in this country, there are also muslims, jews, buddhists, hindus, wiccans, pagans, agnostic, atheists and followers of many other faiths.
Since this country has both been largely Christian and the leader in scientific discovery for more than 250 years, it seems the evidence proves that being a Christian nation has made us better off scientifically than other countries without our core values.
Obviously, given there is a majority of those who identify as «christian» (of some sort)-- in this country, the «attacks» (other than ongoing obviously more violent types in various Middle East countries with state enforced muslim citizens) are so angry and vicious.
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