Sentences with phrase «other christian faiths»

Of these, 4,601 are Church of England, 1,986 Roman Catholic, 26 Methodist, 152 of other Christian faiths, 48 Jewish, 18 Muslim and eight Sikh; and 763 of these faith schools are academies or free schools.
Why don't you see what other religions thought of Black people before 1970... don't forget all of the other Christian Faiths... you would really be surprised.
- The American Indians are descended from Jews who sailed to America in 600BC - God is a flesh and blood man and had physical relations with Mary to create Jesus - Jesus and Satan are brothers - Mormon men can become gods and live on their own planet - Joseph Smith met God and Jesus in person, and God told him all other Christian faiths were an «abomination» - Joseph Smith used magic glasses and his magic treasure seeking hat to create the Book of Mormon
But you do not speak for other christian faiths who do see it as being perfectly proper.
If only we would let pastors of all other Christian faiths speak in our pulpits and let the faithful of all denominations take communion in our churches, we would be on our way to showing the «true ecumenism of the Spirit.»
LDS prayers are quite similar to other Christian faiths».
By the way... Mormons do NOT believe that any of the other christian faiths in the world are truly Christian... not to mention what they think of the Buddhists, Muslims, Taoists, Hindus, Jains, Sihks, etc..
But no, if you promote your faith, you're like the rest of the «Christian» sheep... just blindly leading others off that cliff of reality; so you need something to distinguish yourself from other «Christian» faiths by attacking other Christian faiths.
And how is that claim more valid than the plethora of other christian faiths (each with their own books, claiming to have been written by the disciples / apostles themselves)?
As a Catholic, I've found that my church is portrayed both better and worse than other Christian faiths.
I am sure that there are other Christian faiths that would love to have them as active church participants.
I don't think any other Christian faith believes Jesus stopped by the good old US of A to say hello.
If he's a Christian, tell me of one other Christian faith that teaches you can become a God!!!

Not exact matches

A U.S. Air Force chaplain is under fire for saying that Christian people in the armed forces both «serve Satan» and are «grossly in error» if they support fellow service members who practice other faiths.
The argument asking weather Islam is or can be a tolerant religion where people of this faith can live side by side with Christians, Jews, Hindu's and other religions co-exist in America is on the minds of most Americans.
Professor Chung's speech resurrected the ancient debate over «syncretism» — the degree to which the Christian faith can and should accommodate other religious practices, and whether other faiths have sufficient truth without being troubled by the gospel of Christ.
And chellekd grew up in a theologically conservative Christian home in which she learned plenty about other faiths:
The WWII Hitler and the nazi's, Salem Witch Trial fear of the Voodoo faith, the reformation against all other christian religions, and tons more.
They feel Christianity isn't being given the same respect as other faiths, that the media, the way laws are interpreted, the general hesitancy of businesses and public bodies to constructively engage with them as Christians is pushing them to the edge of society.
Shows how some think Freedom of Religion should only apply to Christians or any faith other then Islam.
These types of ra nts lead down the path of religious per secution and have been the same kinds of words during horrible religiously motivated at roci ties — ki ll ing of people because their flavor of Christian faith didn't meet the standard of some other self - right eous mob.
But it is equally offensive to Buddhists, Muslims, and to all other people of faith, including Christians who have already been baptized and don't believe they need that sacrament / ordinance again, especially after death.
I don't know if you are a Christian or some other faith, but if you are then would you want some religion baptizing you into their faith after you died?
Christians, on the other hand, believe that we will be in the presence of God the Father and Jesus Christ solely by our faith in Christ and what He alone did by dying on the cross and rising again on the third day, so we believe it is a free gift of God and it doesn't just come after all we can do as Mormons believe.
Second: The Creation tale is simply a way for early humans to explain mans creation and «fall» from God's predetermined path... The old testament is full of stuff more related to philosophy and health advice then «Gods word» However, this revelation has not made me less of a christian... In Contrast to those stuck in «the old ways» regarding faith (not believing in neanderthals and championing the claim that earth is only 6000 years old), I believe God created the universe on the very principle of physics and evolution (and other sciencey stuff)... Thus the first clash of atoms was the first step in the billionyear long recipe in creating the universe, the galaxies, the stars, the planets, life itself and us.
While this survey clearly indicates how it feels to be an ordinary Christian today, I suspect other faith groups may have similar stories to tell.
The Christian faith and the other faiths that believe in a loving, peaceful God (including much of the Islamic world) have reached out into our communities to help people — helping first and preaching God's love by example.
The Christian god supposedly judges all souls and Christians have been notorious for colonizing and dominating people of other faiths.
The reason you see so many Christian Chaplains is because the other faith groups do not provide any personnel as Chaplains to support their Soldiers.
For one thing, I'm a Christian and from what I've seen many of the most outspoken Christians are the whiniest about any other faith getting a good word.
Other evangelical activists have gone further, arguing that Beck's faith isn't that different from that of mainstream Christians.
Unlike other religions, Christians often proselytized their faith in provinces and regions where it was against the law.
Everything that could be construed as good and decent about the bible and the christian faith, peolpe like you destroy and wrap yourself in a cloak of arrogance as if you are better than other people and you will be «amiling from heaven» at all the sinners.
The working group has been urging governments, companies and other stakeholders to increase the role Christian and other faith - based organisations have in tackling humanitarian crises such as lack of food, water or sanitation, as well as civil wars, religious persecution or natural disasters.
I think one thing to consider is what was the root cause of Perpetua and the other martyrs faith, hope, and conviction and all of the Christians since.
On philosophical grounds, this form of accommodationism is inadequate for purposes of dialogue because its portrayal of the other faith (whether by Jews of Christianity or by Christians of Judaism) is one that the other faith — in good faith — can not possibly accept about itself.
As I frequently like to ask those of Christian faith who spew hatred toward others and announce «so and so is going to hell.»
They were the elite Christians who inspired and united others of their faith.
We Christians are not monolithic and from early years we are aware of other denominations and faiths.
They are increasingly being forced to struggle, however, with problems on the other side — the side of their relation to Christian faith and the institutional Church.
I spend years in Apologetics and arrived at rational basis for my Christian faith, defend the faith against objections, and expose the perceived flaws of other world views.
Funny how Christians can say whatever they want about their faith and how the other religions are wrong but atheists.
Some Christians may have blind faith, but others of us are actually Christians because that is where the evidence points.
I'm not an atheist, I was raised Catholic and believe in my religion but any Christian who openly professes their faith while condemning others who are of a different faith or of no faith at all, are blaspheming the true teachings of Christ.
These beliefs are apparently the ones set forth by Messrs. Johnson, Hoge, and Luidens in «Mainline Churches: The Real Reason for Decline» (FT, March 1993): (1) That Christianity is the only religion with a valid claim to truth, (2) that persons can be saved only through Jesus Christ and otherwise go to hell, and (3) that therefore one should try to convert others to the Christian faith.
I'm currently reading the book, When bad Christians happen to Good people bc i've been there & have come full circle... Life church helped me to see that many of us mistakenly put our faith in other Christians instead of God, but pple are sinners & will fail us at some point.
I cintend that the bible also calls us to do the same thing — it calls us to action and then says when we have donr everything we can and there is nothing else we are to stand in faith that it will work out — of course i paraphrase — but wht do people think all christians do is sit on their butts and pray and look pie eyed at the sky - this christian worked her butt of on the streets - and look at Mother Thresa - and other christians working for humanity all over the world - i think athiests have the wrong idea about chtistians...
Christian and other faith communities around the world are hosting 120 events in 35 countries, all calling for governments, businesses and individuals to do more to reduce global warming.
There are 30,000 different Christian faiths, there are I don't know how many forms of Judaism, there is the Mormon faith, there is the Muslim faith, there are other worship denominations... and NONE of them belong in government or schools.
Muslims, Jews, Christians and people of other faith died in WTC and the best way to represent those faiths is to keep any representation of one out of the mix.
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