Sentences with phrase «other christian ministers»

Catholic priests have one of the lowest rates of abuse of all professions — even when compared with other Christian ministers.
The president - elect spoke by phone with Hunter and other Christian ministers, rejoicing in victory but also grieving the death of his grandmother, who helped raise him, just a few days earlier.
I am very aware of what a chaplain's role is, and — even in our own US armed forces — the role of a Christian chaplain is to do what any other Christian minister would do: give them Jesus.

Not exact matches

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will likely stress to President Donald Trump that a «trust deficit» remains between North Korea and the other countries in the region, says Stephen Nagy of the International Christian University.
Actually the talks at the Christian Arts Festival were based on Biblical study and were by a Baptist Minister among others.
The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made a commitment to protect Christians and other religious... More
Drawing on its historical strength in Christian studies and its significant resources in global religious studies, Harvard Divinity School educates scholars, teachers, ministers, and other professionals for leadership and service both nationally and internationally.
I was raised Christian and I know my Bible, my father and grandfather were both ministers and, most other Sundays, I attend a «real» Church with my family.
I think the other issue is that a lot of Christian ministers suffer from mental health problems but feel unable to share those with their congregation or even more privately.»
in the day, s that jesus our lord was on the earth (jesus) there was many people named jesus, just as among hispanic and central american peoples, it was a common popular name of many people, if you want to prove to your self that jesus was not married, look up what the apostle said,» i saw standing upon mount zion with the lamb 144,000, these are they that have washed thier robes and were not defilled with women, for they are virgins, jesus emphasised in parts the need and values of a husband and wife in a home, the two mary, s and the women that followed him and ministered unto him tells us the great importance of women, and women in the home, he wanted all married men to have thier own wife, in those days of so many years ago there was false prophets, storytellers, wild imaginations, he told us not to believe them, whether you are catholic, christian, islamic or any other, we can all take pride in the fact what the prohets, jesus and the apostles told us all fits jointly to gether, they were a work of love, to understand the christian bible correctly, islamic people are not rejected, but rather they are a equal, the angel told hagar to return to her mistress, he also told her he would make ishmael a blessing and his seed a great nation, regards
It matters not whether we be conservative or liberal, traditionalist or modernist; in whatever category we may be placed, or place ourselves, the fact remains that insofar as we are Christian ministers, ordained by Christ in his Church to be his ministering agents, our preaching can be nothing other than the proclamation of God's Word for the wholeness of men.
The Prime Minister has reiterated her support of Christians who are persecuted in Iraq and other countries... More
Only the notion of specifically Christian maturing and the special means appropriate to that end are finally of use to ministers as prophetic guides to maturing in the Christian life, since it is part of the confessing consciousness of the churches they lead that Christian faith and life are not the same as in any other religion.
Perhaps in no other area of clerical practice do the master role of prophetic guide to maturing in the Christian life and the professional role called for by the institution blend so nearly into one as in the case of the minister as pastor.
The Prime Minister has reiterated her support of Christians who are persecuted in Iraq and other countries around the world.
The clearest measure of the value that religious groups place on the profession is the low pay scale for Christian ministers and most other religious professionals.
The image tells us that the unique thing about the minister's vocation is his responsibility for guiding the Christian vocations of others.
On the part of the minister there is an empathetic or phenomenological concern for the attitudes of all the other people (and their conditions such as broken arms) to all serious things, including Christian faith but not confined to it, regardless of the existing content of those views and conditions.
If the minister has not read and studied the Bible, gone to theological seminary and learned about other branches of theology, acquired an insight and a skill or two along the way, and seen what he was trying to do in a context appropriate to the ministry of the Christian church, none of what I am asserting would follow.
A constructive image of evangelizing requires a review of contemporary methods like revivalism and mission, and leads to the concept of the Christian, whether minister or layman, encountering others, whether as individuals or in a group, in a discussion of their expressed needs, and depends more on attitudes than techniques.
In terms of functions performed, the other Christian may be said to be as truly ministering to the minister as he may be said to be ministering to them.
And that belief is molded and shaped by other Christian (ministers, apologists authors, fellow believers) that they encounter.
When I get a chance I'll write a couple of posts — One about the homeless and Jesus (some dislike churches and Christians, others are Jesus followers, but most like Jesus), and one about observations the homeless make to us about the people who show up on their turf to «minister» to them (whose attitudes range from condescension, which is very common, to love, which is very uncommon).
The Christian Democratic nominee received a devotion daily over the course of 20 months from Rev Dr Bill Shillady, a United Methodist minister and a few other pastors.
While many ministers argued that evolution had undermined the Bible as a source of Christian insight and practice and while others argued that the new historical critical approach destroyed all reverence for the Book, a history - making event occurred.
The pastoral task, as it comes to every minister and every Christian, is to respond to the wonder of God's care for the soul and to share with others such knowledge as he has of God's healing power.
The last time I witnessed and experienced severe abuse at the hands of the Christian religion and its ministers in 2002, I vowed that if ever I would go back into ministry again, I would work to resist this power, teach others to do the same, and work to free people from the dehumanizing oppression of religion and the Church.
The churches would continue in such a plan to have much diversity, but with freer passage back and forth for both ministers and members, a far higher consciousness of Christians representing traditions other than one's own, an arena for mutuality in mission.
I've met other Christians who vote Democrat because they feel just as strongly that Jesus» call to minister to the poor, sick, and disenfranchised is best answered by the policies of the Democratic party.
So, I challenge other Christians on here to pray that this minister realizes what he's done and truly apologizes.
In any local Christian community the minister, no matter what he was called, might interpret oversight as domination, as exuding charm and doing nothing, or in many other irritating or obstructive ways.
Do not our congregations expect from their own ministers that they wrestle honestly and immediately with the Christian faith and the issues of human life, and preach from that inner encounter rather than give a digest of what other ministers have said?
* I.e., for most other Christians in this country this means they are unable to approach a minister of their own communion, spontaneously ask for the sacrament, demonstrate they hold the Catholic faith in respect of the sacrament and are properly disposed.
In another I suggested that, since it seemed likely that little could be done to bring about reconciliation — the other party had left the church — and since the church remained a source of pain because it had failed to minister when the crisis erupted, the person might consider making a fresh start in her Christian life by seeking out a congregation of another denomination.
I was a Christian for many years, I studied and prayed, I ministered to others, led bible studies.
The Protestant ministry in America has faced as difficult a challenge in communicating the gospel to the world and ministering to the needs of people as the Christian ministry has in most other situations.
Involvement in the multitudinous problems of a rapidly expanding urban area or exposure to the increasingly bitter struggle between labor and management or entanglement in the luxuriant and rank growth so abundantly fostered by the new wealth of the «gilded age»: these and other factors caused many men to re-examine their roles as ministers and to seek more effective ways of ministering to the needs of their time.11 Perhaps the most important thing that happened to such men was that they became aware of the many factors bearing on human welfare and thus of importance to the Christian gospel.
The proclamation of the good news of divine love, of the forgiveness of sin and the deliverance from evil; exhortation to lead the Christian life; instruction of young and old in the Christian faith — these evidently require not only that the minister have heard and apprehended the gospel, comprehended the law and learned the creed, but that he have gained insight into the ways of God and men and that he grow continually in his understanding of them; that further he have grasped the meaning of preaching and teaching in relation to all the other activities he and the Church carry on.
It produces the tendency to think of the Christian minister as an individual practitioner who brings the grace of God to bear by preaching and sacrament and other ministries on a number of other individuals.
George Carey claims David Cameron has done more than any other recent prime minister to feed Christian anxieties
In a letter to all cabinet ministers, he wrote: «Catholic teaching about the foundations of family life, a teaching shared not only by other Christian churches but also other faiths, means that Catholic adoption agencies would not be able to recruit and consider homosexual couples as potential adoptive parents.
The British Humanist Association has condemned remarks made by Prime Minister David Cameron, in which he stated that Britain was a Christian country, that it was only as a Christian country that Britain could be welcoming of those of other religions, and that Christian values could reverse British society's «moral collapse».
He responded, saying the attacks were «deeply disappointing and inconsistent with the message that we and many other charities took from the prime minister's Easter reception for the Christian faith».
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«Hopefully, Denmark can serve as an example to other countries that it is possible to have both ambitious green policies with a high proportion of wind energy and other renewables in the energy supply, and still have a high security of supply and competitive prices on electricity,» said Lars Christian Lilleholt, Denmark's minister for energy, in a statement.
No provision of this chapter shall be construed to limit the performance of activities of a rabbi, priest, minister, or member of the clergy of any religious denomination or sect, or use of the terms «Christian counselor» or «Christian clinical counselor» when the activities are within the scope of the performance of his or her regular or specialized ministerial duties and no compensation is received by him or her, or when such activities are performed, with or without compensation, by a person for or under the auspices or sponsorship, individually or in conjunction with others, of an established and legally cognizable church, denomination, or sect, and when the person rendering service remains accountable to the established authority thereof.
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