Sentences with phrase «other christian traditions»

The convenient and specious separation of form and content in worship often lies at the heart of the broader Evangelical movement as a means of facilitating inter-church alliances and building consensus has, I suspect, spilled over into other Christian traditions too.
The notion that morality applies to individuals and not to governments is completely contrary to a central doctrine of Reformed theology which is endorsed, in varying forms, by other Christian traditions as well: that Jesus Christ is the Lord not just of the church, nor of a special sphere of religious activity, but of all of the natural and human world.
One problem with extolling martyrs is that often Christians remember martyrs who were killed by other Christians: remembrance of the martyrs is thereby tied to a judgment on other Christian traditions.
However, this should not dissuade readers of other Christian traditions because the differences are, for the most part, negligible for the beginner in process theology.
Certainly you can find a love for Scripture, personal faith, deviled eggs and Chubby Bunny in other Christian traditions as well.
It's like they've never bothered to challenge their brains over the idea of «death to self» that is taught time and again in both scripture as well as other Christian traditions such as the catechism.
Comparable descriptions can be found in classic statements from other Christian traditions.
I am so grateful that God changed all of that and brought into my life the people and the literature of other Christian traditions.
The WEA plans to «help and train our people to overcome prejudices against other Christian traditions and not to confuse things from the past with present realities,» secretary general Efraim Tendero said.
After a few years of wilderness wandering (you should expect that, by the way — look for the manna; look for the water from rock), I found myself in the Episcopal Church, which is no less riddled with conflict and shortcomings than any other Christian tradition, but which introduced me to the sacraments that have managed to sustain my ever - complicated, ever - faltering faith.
The church building is probably more essential in the Orthodox than in any other Christian tradition.

Not exact matches

Ah yes, the Judeo / Christian borrowing from other traditions story line.
Yet you do not see the narrow path you have been led down by simple dint of «tradition» and other long - standing violations of the Constltution merely because most Christians support this sort of thing.
The Judeo - Christian tradition, like all others, got some things really wrong, but compared other systems the Judeo - Christian tradition was «ahead of its time» wrt to women's right issues (and slavery, property, poverty issues).
those Jews and Christians who still believe that their respective religious traditions can speak to them and to the world beyond them have an important opportunity to speak to each other in a new way.
On the other hand, a surprisingly large portion of Christians I've talked to are well versed in the philosophical traditions of the last 3000 years (including Greek philosophy and other religions).
Maybe you could bring in Christians from another church tradition or from the other side of the world to come and find fault with how your church is accomplishing (or not accomplishing) your mission.
They acknowledge the God of Israel, even though they do not know his name, just as truly as other Christians deny him when, according to the Q tradition, they perform wonders in the name of Jesus while practicing lawlessness.
I find that most of my Christian friends who talk about homosexuality are either determined to not think about the issue because of tradition and fear or are on the other end and choose not to think about the issue because the pressure of contemporary culture (in our part of the world) is to equate my sexuality with the colour of my skin which is, in light of history, a silly equation but we should just adjust our understanding to accomodate.
This vision seems to match other universalistic aspects of the Christian tradition, especially its claim to universal reason, and it constitutes the most important practical application of my theological project.
and he probably identifys with a liberal christian tradition more than any other.
It is unfortunate, but most Christians tend to let their tradition too heavily influence their reading of Scripture instead of the other way around.
Should we say, as some inclusivists do, that it is because of Christ's saving mystery, offered to all, that salvation is available to the Hindu, for example, in the sincere practice of his or her faith — that in Christ salvation is mediated to Christians through the church and to non-Christians through other traditions of faith?
Christians stand to learn a great deal not only from each other, crossing denominational lines with «generous orthodoxy,» but also from those who pray in other traditions.
Over the past decade, more Christians have been admitted to the US as refugees than those of any other religious tradition, including many persecuted because of their faith from countries like Iraq and Burma.
But in other cases, encounter with Buddhist - based meditation has led Christians and Jews to a newfound appreciation for the riches of their own traditions, including a revival of neglected meditation techniques from Western religious history.
«Motivated in large part by their religious traditions of protecting the vulnerable and serving «the least of these,» as Jesus instructed his followers to do in the Gospel of Matthew,» writes Eric Marrapodi, «World Relief and other Christian agencies like the Salvation Army are stepping up efforts and working with law enforcement to stem the flow of human trafficking, which includes sex trafficking and labor trafficking.»
Like Christians of other traditions, we, too, have a certain body of teachers whom we trust and a certain history of teaching we respect.
Our recognition of the mystery of salvation in men and women of other religious traditions shapes the concrete attitudes with which we Christians must approach them in interreligious dialogue.
More liberal Christians would however find other grounds for their belief in Jesus and may be either agnostic about or reject the tradition.
In other traditions, the continuation of the apostolate is more diffused among the corporate body of Christians.
It is a fact that I have spent my life, for the most part willingly, under the influence of the Bible, particularly the Gospels, and of the Christian tradition in literature and the other arts.
The Jewish scholar Joseph Klausner, for example, holds that the Pharisees and Sadducees were justified in their attacks on Jesus because he imperiled Jewish culture at its foundations, and that by ignoring everything that belongs to wholesome social life he undercut the work of centuries.2 Others within the Christian tradition have felt considerable uneasiness lest the words of Jesus about nonresistance imperil the civil power of the State, or his words about having no anxiety for food or drink or other material possessions curtail an economic motivation essential to society.
When one passes from the Old Testament into the New, one finds Christian thinking, in this regard as in every other, rooted in the prophetic tradition.
Thirdly, just as Christian scriptures are the gift of the Word of God offered by the Christian community as a record of its faith, so other scriptures can be considered also as a gift of the Word of God offered to Christians by members of other religious traditions.
Even in light of how Jesus's life and teaching move between the two poles, there is a tendency in Christian tradition to tilt in one direction or the other, depending on the context.
«I'm beginning to see that I can be a Christian and appreciate other traditions at the same time.
They emerged out of the Christian denominational - biblical tradition on the one hand and Enlightenment utilitarianism on the other hand.
Last year, the United States resettled more Christians than any other religious tradition primarily because Christians have been uniquely targeted for persecution in various parts of the world.
Sometimes this has meant that various historic Christian traditions have affirmed the legitimacy of each other's differences in articulating the faith.
Indeed our memories of our own Christian tradition will show us how extensively we have already assimilated other histories into our Christian memory, especially the history of Greco - Roman civilization.
Some Christians strongly object to talk about Mother Earth or calling God «she», but others believe that this tradition, present in Celtic Christianity, needs to be rediscovered.
Moreover, knowing other religious traditions and key concepts in them that are like - sometimes very like — key Christian concepts is enormously helpful in clarifying the Christian concepts (and vice versa).
By learning the language of the other, Christians might just find the common language of the Tradition grounded in Scripture.
Christian congregation; some have seen a theological school as distinct from but interrelated with congregations in ways analogous to the relation in the Reformed tradition between the congregation and its clergy; others have seen a theological school as related, not to congregations, but to a cadre of active clergy for whom it provides «in - service» or «extension» education.
Furthermore, Ogden recognizes that there is a definite historical connection between the Christian tradition on the one hand, and existentialism and process philosophy on the other.57 Would one not have to say that both of these forms of philosophy became possibilities in fact only as a result of the emergence of Christian faith in history, and of the particular direction the theological tradition developed?
The other tradition — rooted in Judeo - Christian practice transmitted through Roman, medieval and common law, then through European philosophy to the American Constitution — stresses what E. J. Corwin has called «the higher law background» of our legal tradition.
It's christians pretending to be the first to have ever created a holiday that are declaring war on all the other traditions around this time.
I sympathize with the latter because I have witnessed too many persons pound others over the head with local traditions that they equate with Christian Tradition.
They can turn to underemphasized traditions within the Judeo - Christian heritage, both biblical and post biblical, highlighting the motif of stewardship; they can turn to contemporary developments in any and science; and they can turn to feminism and to other world religions.
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