Sentences with phrase «other abdominal»

She had a significant prior history for bowel obstructions and other abdominal surgeries.
Stripes has been struggling with his breathing due to his intestines and other abdominal organs pressing against his heart and lungs.
Ultrasonography determines the size of regional lymph nodes and the echogenecity (the characteristic ability of an organ or tissues to reflect ultrasound waves and produce echoes) of other abdominal organs especially liver and spleen.
When they wind up in the liver (visceral larva migrans) or other abdominal organs they can produce fever and inflammation that can be quite hard to diagnose.
Ultrasonorgraphy is important in viewing the regional lymph nodes and metastases in other abdominal organs.
At this time, the veterinarian looks at the other abdominal organs for any other problems in addition to the obstruction.
It is also an excellent way to rule out other abdominal conditions in your cat that might be mistaken for pancreatitis.
The decision of which procedure to perform is determined by the ACVS board - certified veterinary surgeon when all the intestines and other abdominal organs have been evaluated.
If the primary site is the intestinal tract, metastasis to the liver, other abdominal organs and lungs is common.
Some dogs with urinary tract infections or other abdominal pain might start humping things because it helps soothe the pain in their belly.
These herbs seem to work by decreasing inflammation and forming a physical barrier against stomach acid or other abdominal irritants.
Other abdominal muscles will be working in the roll up.
Yes, planks really are a versatile exercise and one that can balance out other abdominal exercises like crunches.
Be sure to focus on core strength such as plank position, sit - ups and other abdominal / oblique building exercises.
If you want to discover the real truth about getting flat six pack abs without endless crunches, situps, and other abdominal exercises...
Spot reduction just doesn't work, so if you're pumping out thousands of sit ups, crunches or any other abdominal exercise with the aim of getting a sexy set of abs, you're wasting your time.
Using planks to strengthen your entire core, particularly your back, will help protect against injury when you do other abdominal exercises and when you do everyday activities, like bending over to pick something up or lifting something heavy.
Note: If you notice symptoms like stomach bloating or some other abdominal difficulties stop this diet immediately and go back to your normal food regime.
As you can see, these symptoms may sound an awful lot like a ton of other abdominal maladies, which can make it hard to pin down — even for your physician.
Work on exercises like Supported Roll Back and finding your C - Curve, as well as all of the other abdominal strengtheners.
Other abdominal exercises such as sit ups, or crunches only stimulate the muscles in on one way, when we pull up our body.
You can also combine climber workouts with other abdominal exercises.
Harmful bacteria can cause diarrhea and other abdominal discomforts.
Your tummy is flat like pancake even though you do hundreds of crunches sit - ups and other abdominal exercises every week.
Suitable for doing other abdominal exercises, for example, incline leg raises, crunches, or reverse hyperextension.
Congratulations on your project and anticipate trying some of the other abdominal exercises.
The muscle fibers of our TA act like a corset as they wrap around our abdomen and pelvis instead of running up and down or at a diagonal like our other abdominal muscles.
It is important to note the differences between the action of our TA and our other abdominal muscles.
These other abdominal muscles lie over the top of our TA and include our right and left internal obliques, our right and left external obliques, and our rectus abdominus.
Adjustable benches are very useful for to get the most from sit ups and other abdominal exercises.
Later in life he had multiple other abdominal surgeries along with courses of antibiotics and strong acid blocking medications.
Dumbbell exercises can be used by themselves or with other abdominal exercises.
Fact — Sit ups and other abdominal exercises are terrible fat burning exercises.
In addition to increasing range of motion for crunches and other abdominal exercises, the stability ball also improves your balance and coordination.
Only with a balanced, solid base strength in place are other abdominal exercises worth your time.
Furthermore, it costs just a little bit more than the other abdominal exercise machines like this.
Tumors that form in the ovary or fallopian tube typically travel through the peritoneal fluid to the surfaces of other abdominal organs.
Nanotax works by flipping the script on how paclitaxel is administered to patients and with how it's formulated, potentially making it a more effective and better tolerated treatment for ovarian and other abdominal cancers.
Having multiple pregnancies, surgeries, or other abdominal issues raises your chance of having it.
If you begin to do crunches or other abdominal exercises too soon, you can injure yourself.
This trimester is also probably the most comfortable you'll be since baby isn't big enough to crowd your stomach and other abdominal organs.
The same is true for your other abdominal organs.
Part of the small intestine and / or other abdominal organs, covered by a thin transparent membrane, protrudes outside the abdomen at the umbilical cord because the abdominal wall muscles don't close properly.
I also recommend against any type of leg lowering exercise, as the weight of your lower body is quite often too much for your transverses to hold and therefore will increase the pressure forced down on our pelvic floor as the other abdominals take over.

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In addition to the abdominals, other muscle groups used include those in the back, chest, shoulders, and neck.
A lot of times, if the villi in your small intestine has been damaged by gluten, you are not able to process milk and other dairy without severe abdominal pain.
If you have severe bloating or abdominal pain or other serious side effects, including choking, trouble swallowing, long - lasting constipation, a rash, severe stomach pain, vomiting or intense nausea, you should contact your doctor and stop consuming psyllium.
It can definitely cause abdominal discomfort because it IS laxative (it's a largely undigestible polysaccharide, or in other words: dietary fibre, just like psyllium husk) and swells in the intestine, and if you're experiencing discomfort then you're probably using too much.
People with coeliac disease must avoid wheat, barley and some other grains, because the gluten proteins in those grains triggers an immune reaction that can cause abdominal pain and discomfort, constipation, diarrhea and other symptoms.
The really bad news is that Alexis Sanchez is not available, as Wenger said the other day: «He had a little abdominal strain that he caught on Sunday morning in training, before he came to Wembley,»
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