Sentences with phrase «other academic experiences»

One way to strengthen your resume is to emphasize related coursework and other academic experiences.

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Explain why your academic skills, past experiences or passion make you stand out from all of the other intern applicants.
These and many other cases and over two hundred years of business experience with profit sharing in America and serious academic study on profit sharing have created a rare opportunity for political leadership.
Other directors have experience as directors or trustees of significant academic, research, nonprofit and philanthropic institutions, and bring unique perspectives to the Board.
If one means, for instance, an epistemological privilege of the oppressed, in the sense that the poor, the suffering and the dispossessed have some intuitive knowledge of God, righteousness and social reality not available to others; if one means that victims know best how to overcome their condition and build new institutions; and if one means that knowledge based on «experience» makes academic excellence unnecessary, then liberation thought and the Social Gospel diverge.
My income is modest compared to that of many other professionals with similar academic credentials and experience.
In my experience, very few professors and university administrators buy into Marxism, multiculturalist ideologies, or other forms of academic radicalism.
Many children who have learning issues also have other conditions like anxiety, they can feel demoralized, or even be experiencing childhood depression, which leads them to have trouble managing academic demands.
No other form of education provides for an academic experience this enriching, authentic and joyful.
Almost all of the schools whose students under perform are students at a «bad» school by the other two measures, and experience minimal or negative academic growth from year to year.
Even though they do not serve as professors, researchers who pursue other academic paths note that their intensive training — in grad school, postdoc appointments, and other experiences — prepares them uniquely for the challenges of their new positions.
They will provide you with insights into the differences between academic and industrial science, broaden your skills and experiences, and give you an advantage over other applicants who have not had an assignment with the company.
The interests of academic science are represented by various well - funded and experienced lobbying operations supported by research universities, medical schools, professional and scientific societies, and others.
Having experienced the loneliness of being one of only a very few minorities in an academic department, Inniss urges others seeking higher degrees to select their graduate programs very carefully.
Wu Boda, director of China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center, says the new organization could learn from the experience of the European Union's Erasmus Programme, which was established in 1987 to foster student mobility and other educational cooperation within Europe.
One academic analysis of the anti-cholinergic alkaloid cocktail sums things up rather nicely: «No other substance has received as many «train wreck» negative reports [with] the overwhelming majority finding their experiences extremely mentally and physically unpleasant and not infrequently physically dangerous.»
The latest products may bring joy to people around the globe, but academic researchers this week are highlighting the heightened health risks experienced by people in regions far downwind of the factories that produce these goods and on the other side of the world from where they're consumed.
You already have something of a head - start over other undergraduates, as the experience of your MTh will have given you a taste of the challenges, frustrations, and rewards of academic research.
I used the PDN database to locate other offices and check on their programs, I looked at other NIH intramural programs, and drew from my own experiences as a postdoc at NIEHS [National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences] and as a faculty member at an academic institution.»
Each job search is unique, but our experience suggests one key recommendation for couples on the academic job market: Communicate with each other and decide ahead of time what you want and what you are willing to settle for.
These tasks require concision and clarity, and here the other part of Dietze's academic science background comes into play: «I think my teaching experience helped me with that.»
My area of research is environmentally relevant, but I can't pretend it is anything other than very academic.This leads to my query: How do I present my academic experience and background in a way which won't turn employers off?
The study is the first of its kind to examine the effect of Experience Corps, a national volunteer service program that trains seniors to help children in urban public schools with reading and academic success in other areas.
The 2004 Minority Postdoc Summit provided a forum for postdocs, funding organizations, professional societies, academic institutions, corporations, and other stakeholders to discuss issues, solutions, and outcomes concerning the postdoctoral experience.
Human ultra-experience database - Develop a world - wide digital database cataloguing different types of supranormal experiences, with the goal of creating proprietary algorithms to find detailed patterns and correlate them with other academic research.
6 years experience at NASA HQ and NSF managing federal programs that awarded research and education grants to academic and other institutions.
The experience with other people with psoriatic arthritis really changed the course of my entire academic career.
My advice for other transitioning academics: Experience living away from «home» at least once.
«Students want to meet other students who share the same academic interests, experiences and goals.
Research conducted by GreatSchools (and others including the Fordham Institute and Education Research Alliance at Tulane University) shows that parents want nearby schools that provide safe environments, but also strong teachers, a solid academic curriculum, and enriching experiences for their children.
In a classroom where students are doing the majority of the talking, where they are engaged with each other in rich, structured conversations and where they use academic vocabulary to support their ideas with evidence, I know two things are happening: Students are experiencing deeper learning, and this classroom is a step closer to ensuring educational equity.
The other big PBL experiment is one that will hopefully create a universal academic experience for many students.
What Bates and many other arts - integrated schools across the country are showing is that by creating a richer, more memorable learning experience through the arts, they unleash not only a rising tide of academic achievement but they lay the foundation for what it means to be a truly creative community.
The federal government's own comprehensive analysis of Title I, mandated by Congress, conducted by RAND among others, and published in 2007 after several years of NCLB experience, found the largest academic gains since 2000 and 2003 among students in high - poverty schools.
The education research is clear: Experiencing a hurricane or other natural disaster will affect children's social and emotional health and their academic performance.
And of the students who score well on the PSAT / NMSQT, indicating a 70 percent likelihood of thriving in an AP course, of those students, six out of ten Asians will take an AP course, [compared with] four out of ten white students and two out of ten African American students... In other words there is a racial break among kids who could achieve at a high level and are being propelled into more challenging academic experiences; that data needs to be understood.
In this Harvard EdCast, Chu discusses her experience with the Chinese way of schooling — including the positives, such as academic rigor and respect for teachers — and suggests what the United States and China could learn from each other regarding education.
Some parents never have overcome negative experiences they had as students; others are intimidated by an academic inferiority complex.
«We're preparing academic teachers to teach in career technical education (CTE) schools and collaborate with other CTE teachers,» says Nancy Farnan, director of San Diego State's School of Teacher Education, «Typically teachers don't have experience with collaborating.»
This is because other possible explanations (e.g., minority children's greater exposure to poverty, their greater likelihood of experiencing academic difficulties) have been taken into account.
The academic says the QUT program and EPPC 2016 provide valuable opportunities for teachers to share their work and experiences, allowing others to hear new ideas and build on them.
Because children with an experience of early childhood maltreatment come from more disadvantaged families and neighborhoods, one might expect their academic performance to lag behind that of other children.
«In addition, this study may give us an opportunity to test the experience in other contexts that academic results are enhanced when schools make values explicit and central to students» learning.»
From comparing the results, teachers verify the credibility of their interventions as workable solutions that they can use again for other students experiencing the same academic issues.
Like all of the other Symonds» students, he began his days with a morning meeting, worked with teacher support in large and small groups, experienced academic choice, lived by rules and consequences, attended art, music, physical education, and media classes, and became a part of the Symonds community.
The athlete, we discover, is relegated to dead - end remedial courses and is allowed to persist in his delusion that his athletic prowess will win him a full ride through college; his experience prompts Maran to explore in some detail how academic tracking and other more subtle differences in teachers» expectations contribute to a situation where 60 percent of white Berkeley High graduates attend a four - year college, while only 14 percent of black students earn enough credits to do so.
While having less experienced teachers probably didn't help these kids» academics, their poor behavior and lack of interest in school made these teachers» jobs harder and often caused them to move on to other schools.
A decade later, another Washington study found that truants sent to court were more likely to experience academic failure and to commit future crimes when compared with other chronically absent students who escaped court involvement.
To engage students effectively in the learning process, teachers must know their students and their academic abilities individually, rather than relying on racial or ethnic stereotypes or prior experience with other students of similar backgrounds.
Learn about the framework and get a series of tools for creating expanded learning programs that bolster students» global competence and academic success through project - based learning, service learning projects, internships, and other learning experiences outside of school hours and walls.
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