Sentences with phrase «other alternative energy sources here»

I previously wrote on regulatory obstacles to wind power and other alternative energy sources here.

Not exact matches

Granted, a nuclear - powered car is not a likely alternative, but if it were possible to get other energy sources at the current taxed or subsidized cost into the gas tank, here's how the costs would compare.
I know some here will decry that I am not talking about the issues because I do not try to obsfuscate with a discussion of the spot market price of coal vs long - term contracts, or use of coal in locations other than Kansas, or Al Gore's footprint, but the issue of Global Warming IS politics (non-ratification of Kyoto and negative flag - waving ads about politicians who oppose coal), it IS public relations («Clean Coal», cleanest coal - fired plants, surface mining and mountain - top reoval rather than strip mining, etc.), and it IS about misrepresentation (Peobody framing the debate as coal vs NG when it is really coal vs every other energy source), and it IS about greed (the coal industry doing everything it can to scuttle every other energy alternative).
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z