Sentences with phrase «other ants increase»

When a mildly injured hunter gets carried home, other ants increase her chance of survival by repeatedly «licking» the injured leg (first video clip).

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It had long been known that the ant «highways» often seen in nature (and in people's kitchens) are laid down by individual ants depositing pheromone, a chemical attractant, which increases the probability that other ants will follow the same path to the food source.
To handle the demanding conditions of the Net, Dorigo and his colleague Gianni Di Caro, now at the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Lugano, Switzerland, increased the sophistication of the ant agents by taking into account several other factors, including the overall time it takes information to get from its origin to its destination.
There are very few other animals running around during the day at the open edges of these waterbodies — just ants and cane toads — and when we increased ant numbers by baiting, this didn't increase the numbers of native species killed by ants.
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