Sentences with phrase «other archaic»

and read some history and think about iron instead of copper / bronze, phonetic instead of pictographic writing systems, decimal systems instead of other archaic number systems, using coal instead of wood, mineral oil instead of whale oil, Haber - Bosch instead of chilean saltpeter, Fischer - Tropsch instead of drilling for oil, Off shore oil drilling etc..
Homo naledi was likely there too, along with possibly still other archaic human species.
Here we report newly discovered human fossils from Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, and interpret the affinities of the hominins from this site with other archaic and recent human groups.
Published this week in Nature, the findings also hint at when modern humans interacted with other archaic humans.
«We want to look throughout the world to see if we can find evidence of interbreeding with other archaic humans,» says Browning.
It also means that modern humans were potentially meeting and interacting during a longer period of time with other archaic human groups, providing more opportunity for cultural and biological exchanges.»
After the first Homo sapiens arose in Africa, several bands walked out of the continent about 60,000 years ago and into the arms of Neandertals and other archaic humans.
Pääbo, for his part, says that now that his team has shown that early modern humans interbred with one archaic group, he thinks other archaic humans might have passed along genes to us through interbreeding.
Other geneticists at the meeting zeroed in on archaic DNA «deserts,» where living humans have inherited no DNA from Neandertals or other archaic humans.
Funny how they do bend their views once in awhile, while holding strong on many other archaic views.
Just as we no longer have a code for the proper treatment of slaves, even though it's laid out specifically in the Bible, so we no longer adhere to other archaic thinking and traditions.

Not exact matches

For example, even the payment systems for customs fees differ from one country to the other and are somewhat archaic.
The traditional process used to settle accounts and clear trades is «slow, archaic and high cost,» said the CSE's chief executive Richard Carleton, particularly compared to the other instant financial transaction systems used today, such as digital payments.
This is an archaic piece of Victorian legislation which, among other things not suitable for 21st century business, allows any partner to dissolve the firm without notice.
In other parts of the world they have very archaic financial systems.
The leaders claim to speak for «God» when all they do is rehash archaic MAN MADE dogma attributed to a «God» who more closely resembles man's feeble mind and violent nature rather than the other way around.
But as I explored the archaic and Eastern doctrines to which others in the environmental movement sometimes turned, I found them inadequate.
I am in anguish over the pain caused by people who follow God against other believers and esp those believers we call wives, even though its a strange distant and archaic term.
It is a spirituality in which myth and archaic man belong to each other.
Get over your archaic beliefs and allow the other 15 % to evolve!
In archaic religion each man finds meaning by repeating the creation, or to put it the other way about, he finds meaning by projecting the pattern of his own little story into the great story which explains not only his own little life but how things are.
Moreover, he goes on to praise the ancient Latin orations for giving «an other - worldly, superhuman atmosphere through their sense of age and mystery», which rather suggests that he was neither as favourable towards a vernacular Mass, nor as opposed to the use of «archaic language», as Fr Hill so confidently declares.
Before dismissing Augustine as being ancient, his dilemma as being archaic and his solutions as being irrelevant, it is well that we take a close look at what has been happening in secular education and also at the relationship between human / social studies in secular institutions on the one hand and Christian institutions on the other.
Indeed, modern ecosystems depend on the persistence of bacteria and fungi and other relatively very simple and archaic life forms to break down dead organisms and recycle nutrients.
But then one may ask if these «elevated» meanings were not in some manner implied in the other meanings, and if, as a consequence, they were, if not plainly understood, at least vaguely felt by men living on archaic levels of culture.
In other words, symbols bound up with recent phases of culture are themselves constituted after the same manner as the most archaic symbols, that is, as the result of existential tensions and of ways of totally grasping the World.
There are no Christ figures in his works (except perhaps George Caldwell in The Centaur) or other sacred symbols; and when the Christian church is portrayed, it usually comes off as an archaic, lifeless institution, run by inept, bungling, morally and spiritually bankrupt clergy.
Not to toot our own horn, but how much more perfectly adaptable do we have to be for the nay sayers to accept were pretty damn amazing and shouldn't saddle ourselves with mountains of archaic guilt for no other reason than to control the uneducated masses.
It needs to be archaic and «other worldly» for the same reason that Shakespeare needs to be archaic and «other worldly.»
They ARE archaic and other worldly!
Stop comparing us to other teams to try to justify Wenger as though it's not his fault.Of course it's down to him and what's more he KNOWS this yet continues to trust his archaic beliefs when all around the club it is known who is responsible.
Our past reliance upon «the tradition of the ancient Greeks» and other similar archaic practices is one of the main reasons why our position as the world's top track - and - field power today is seriously threatened.
While the thought of washing cloth diapers by hand might seem archaic and even down - right scary to some, for others, the ability to wash cloth diapers by hand can be an important consideration for others.
The archaic word for United States is «The Country with the Patterned Flag» and stems from the fact that the American Flag was frequently in port cities and was rather distinct when compared to other nations.
Early voting as allowed by 37 other states, reform of New York's archaic election laws, allowing victims of sexual abuse cases to reopen their cases and sue their abusers, common sense reforms to New York's gun laws, so many issues on the table that need to be addressed.
Whilst many SACREs recognise this and benefit greatly from the input of humanist representatives — I was formerly the chair and a full member of Westminster SACRE — others still display an archaic prejudice against those with non-religious beliefs.
«What has emerged from our study as well as from other work on introgression is that interbreeding with archaic humans does indeed have functional implications for modern humans, and that the most obvious consequences have been in shaping our adaptation to our environment — improving how we resist pathogens and metabolize novel foods,» Kelso says.
That in turn could help determine when humans interbred with archaic hominids on other continents — such as Neandertals in Europe and Denisovans in Asia — whose genes linger in the DNA of some modern people (SN: 6/13/15, p. 11).
The first settlers, Amerindian people from South or Central America known as the Lithic culture, were followed by two other waves — the Archaic and Ceramic, both from South America.
«We suspect this means that archaic humans and other hominins had already influenced mammal diversity and body size in the late - Pleistocene.»
As archaic humans, Neanderthals and other hominin species migrated out of Africa, what followed was a wave of size - biased extinction in mammals on all continents that intensified over time.
What, for instance, is their relationship to other populations of so - called archaic sapiens?
After comparing the angle in a wide range of fossil hominids and representative modern peoples — urban, foraging and agricultural — Trinkaus concludes that the femoral neck - shaft angles of the Levantine Neanderthals (augmented with material from sites in Iran) are similar to those of other «archaic» humans.
If you are a Replacementist, like me, you will restrict the concept «archaic Homo sapiens», or whatever you want to call it, to the ones that are very likely our ancestors, and the others (the Chinese and Indonesian fossils, mainly) will be a separate clade, Homo erectus.
Other stone artifacts include projectile points from Paleo - Indian, Archaic, Late Archaic, Middle Woodland, Late Woodland, Plains Village and up to the Historic Period.
You can read about that here (I don't particularly like Dr. Mercola as he still advocates the use of animal products which is archaic among other things, and that's putting it nicely, but sometimes there's some informative articles on this site, such as this):
The doctrine of viewing one race as superior to the other is an archaic way of thinking.
The history of ancient Greek coinage can be divided (along with most other Greek art forms) into four periods, the Archaic, the Classical, the Hellenistic
(Unlike the other characters, Kesslee doesn't come from the Tank Girl comic book; he seems to have been pulled out of some archaic stockpile reeking of half - remembered James Bond films.)
The fact that there's a separate category for animation when a good portion of the other nominated films are comprised of animation is an example of their archaic thinking.
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