Sentences with phrase «other area the children»

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Companies such as MarketTools and other market research firms can develop random sample populations and help compile lists for specialized market segments, such as women between the ages of 25 and 40 who live in the San Francisco Bay area, or people who have children or pets.
The result has been to give the children of certain city - dwelling types of recent immigrant an educational advantage over the children of native American and other stocks living in rural areas.
But Packard money also looms large in other areas, such as women's reproductive health and children's well - being.
Training covers diagnosis, treatment, and recognizing danger signs that require referral to health facilities, as well as business and sales skills.6 After a CHP passes training, she spends her first two weeks conducting a census of all of the households in her designated area and collecting phone numbers and other key information.7 During this census, CHPs note which households have children under - 5 and pregnant women.8
In the Orlando area alone, teams volunteered at: Orlando Union Rescue Mission, The Mustard Seed of Central Florida, Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies, Grandma's House at Orlando Health and Rehabilitation Center, Give Kids the World, Westminster Care of Orlando Nursing Home, Ronald McDonald House, Girl Scouts of Citrus and The American Cancer Society, among others.
There has been a cover - up of child sexual abuse in football just like there has been in other areas of... More
Chief education officer for the Church of England, Rev Jan Ainsworth, responds: «It also happens the other way — there are some church secondary schools in leafy suburbia, which through the church criteria have enabled children who live in deprived areas to go to those schools.
It is still common in Europe and other areas to drink alcoholic beverages, even as children.
Think of an area in life where you tend to hurry — work, children's bedtimes, commutes, or some other obligation?
In most areas, Paul allowed others to make their own choices, but some «spiritual fathers» today want families to check with him regarding such things as vacation planning, job transfers, financial management, and child rearing.
While property is relatively more affordable in other parts of the country (six times the average salary in the North - east rather than 14 times in London) it's impossible to ignore that even in the most affordable areas house prices are geared towards two - earner families with two or fewer children.
Creationists KNOW their beliefs can not compete in a free marketplace of ideas, and therefore attempt to restrict access to other areas of knowledge from their children.
All any individual intent to do evil needs to do than is to drive up into the child pick up area with all the other parents, and than strike a match.
If there is one area in which the children as a group do seem to differ somewhat, in emotional reactions, from the children that I meet in wealthier communities — and even here I would be very cautious not to overstate this — it is in their sensitivity to other children's moments of anxiety and their acute awareness of emotional fragility and of the tipping point between exhilaration and depression.
If the parish priest is welcoming and friendly with all parents, no matter what their personal situation, the word soon goes around the area that he is an understanding priest and quickly so many others who have one way or another been made to feel unworthy of the sacrament come forward to have their children baptised.
In every area - education, law - abidingness, health, and life chances generally - children raised in two - parent families do dramatically better than others.
The child does not proceed from the simplest, rudimentary notion of «thing» of the real, which the child would then enrich in further steps by the addition of other conditions like «life,» «feeling,» and «will,» so that the conception also fits the more complex areas of reality.
«While cultural background is always a significant consideration in making this decision, so too are other factors including remaining in the local area to promote contact with the child's family and for the child to continue at the same school in order to give them as much stability as possible.»
But in all other areas of human thought we allow, even expect, development: the understanding of physics of the primary school child is very different from that of the university student.
Other areas of cooperation include joint enterprises in community education projects such as those concerned with alcoholism, drug abuse, sex education, parent - child relations, marital relations, race relations, problems of poverty.
Religious television has not been successful in attracting public funding for research either, as have other areas of mass media such as television violence and children's programming.
In this area of law, prosecutors work closely with experts in this field as part of a multi-disciplinary team, which includes law enforcement, social services, child advocacy centers, medical and mental health providers, the school system and many other partner agencies.
The most disturbing thing about the so - called «Trojan Horse» affair wasn't that Muslims are teaching their children to be Muslims (we should be used to that) but rather the reports that followed on the back of the story of The Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) inspections of Muslim independent schools in other areas.
In this area, as in others, a better approach would be to show the damage artificial contraception causes such as increased immorality, strains on marriage due to impossible demands regarding sexual gratification, increased abortion, legitimisation of homosexuality, sexualization of children, procreation without sex (e.g. IVF) and the moral decline and confusion experienced by protestant churches since they allowed artificial contraception.
Other organizations include Phoenix Children's Hospital, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Childhelp, Future for Kids, Phoenix Rescue Mission, Boys & Girls Club in Tucson and others including Phoenix - area soup kitchens.
Kiki's talents — and probably those of all the other Vandeweghe children — are still untapped in many areas.
This release is intended to discharge the Bay Area Blast Volleyball Club, its agents, employees, and any other involved public entities or municipalities from and against any and all liability arising out of or connected in any way with my or my child's participation the Bay Area Blast Volleyball Club Summer Ball Program.
As far as her children rebelling, if they get older and choose to take 30 minute showers or use paper towels like they are everywhere, I bet that their mother will cringe and shake her head, but I can think of a lot of other areas where rebellion is much more serious and more important.
Our toddler kept busy in the wading area and playing with other children.
Music gives children overall confidence and research has been shown it helps improve math, reading and other subject areas more
Monogamy is offered to those who fulfill our sexual needs, and such promise allows trust in other areas to develop, the finance of a home, the rearing of children, long term «investment» that requires long term commitment.
Music gives children overall confidence and research has been shown it helps improve math, reading and other subject areas
Some fathers themselves may decide not to seek registration on the birth certificate, nor to go to court for PR, because they believe these steps could • harm themselves (e.g. fears of liability for child support; and that contact with «the law» could expose them to prosecution in other areas) • harm the mother (e.g. her access to benefits) • harm their children (e.g. where his relationship with the mother is conflictual and unstable, a father may fear that by seeking PR his contact with his children will be disrupted or stopped).
For some nursing dyads, this is the appropriate path and they go on and do well with breastfeeding and other areas of normal child development.
Because the school lunch program is a key area where our children get their nutrition, why not look how other countries successfully feed their kids in the school lunch program as examples to use for improvement.
According to Dr. Nadja Reilly, associate director of the Freedman Center for Child & Family Development, this growth is so intense that babies often regress in other areas, such as sleeping (sorry!).
Getting your child away from others (e.g., in his room), or removing others from the immediate area will help him to calm down.
Assign your child a special area where he or she can store personal items to reduce chances that he meddles with other stuff.
If your child is advanced in math, but not in other areas, you can see if the teacher can provide some differentiated instruction in math.
If your child doesn't get enough fat from other areas of his diet, then you may want to keep him on whole milk.
If there are delays in other areas, such as your child's language or fine motor skills, she may refer you to a developmental pediatrician.
Other possibilities include multiple water slides, sand volleyball, a sand play area and children «s wading pools, Haag said.
The pool area is done very well and was perfect for us with the baby — there were a few other young - ish families there and the children seemed to enjoy the pool enormously.
The IACSC's goal will be to provide to it's members continued education in areas which influence sleep practices such as child psychology, nutrition, child development, and many others as it pertains to sleep.
Parents have also reported benefits that have generalized to other areas of their child's life, such as reduced separation anxiety, improved appetite, and increased cooperation.
In addition, many children have delays in language or other areas that can affect school readiness.»
Others focus specifically on one area of a child's interest, such as a one - week acting camp.
The Tilty cups are recyclable (# 5), so when your child is done with them either pass them on to some other youngster or find out where # 5 is recycled in your area.
And those connections help your child learn better in other areas.
The women featured below will help you give your child an edge, manage your overwhelming life in style, and get an insider's view of how other moms in the area manage to keep all their ducks in a row.
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