Sentences with phrase «other autoimmune diseases because»

Any dog that has such antibodies circulating in the bloodstream, could potentially develop thyroid disease, and / or be vulnerable to other autoimmune diseases because his or her immune system is compromised.

Not exact matches

Because cGVHD has a similar pathophysiology to some autoimmune diseases, it is likely that these findings will be useful for developing new treatments and preventive therapies in other conditions.
Because it would not be feasible for a single laboratory to study each of the 50 or more genes implicated in type 1 diabetes with this approach, they decided to prioritize those genes that are also associated with other autoimmune diseases.
These syndromes include conditions in which autoimmunity is clearly implicated as causal, in light of identification of autoantibodies to relevant autoantigens; diseases suspected to be autoimmune because of the presence of autoantibodies, although the autoreactive response has not been proven to be pathogenic and could be a consequence or marker of tissue damage; and other diseases often considered to be «autoimmune,» such as psoriasis or inflammatory bowel disease, characterized by organ - targeted inflammation but without evidence of a stimulating autoantigen.
I was supporting people who were suffering because of cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and many other ailments and teaching them how to reverse their disease.
Celiac patients can also develop headaches, tingling, fatigue, muscle pain, skin rashes, joint pain, and other symptoms, because the autoimmune attack at the root of the disease gradually erodes the wall of the intestine, leading to poor absorption of iron, folate, and other nutrients that affect everything from energy to brain function.
Certain conditions such as Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism, other autoimmune diseases, stubborn acne and PCOS tend to do better off all grains and legumes because of their lectin content, which along with problematic proteins (i.e. gluten in many grains) causes significant inflammation and immune activation for them.
Because it may be an alternative health solution for many chronic health concerns such as: autoimmune disease, autism, brain fog, cancer, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, infections, inflammatory issues, lyme disease, musculoskeletal issues, parasites, and vaccination disturbances (among others).
So if your gut feeling just feels weird with your practitioner and they're telling you to eat peppers when you have an autoimmune disease or something similar — I don't have any other examples for today — then speak up because that's just crazy and ultimately, you're in charge.
However, I have also read that because of the gut issues associated with any autoimmune disease, we are often deficient in other nutrients as well, specifically B vitamins.
Others go there for intensive treatments for cancer, autoimmune diseases, lyme disease or even for testing because their doctors at home haven't been able to figure out yet what's causing their health problems.
I've mentioned the term «biological dentistry» here a few times, and I want to give you a better understanding of what this is exactly because I truly believe it to be a safer way to maintain a healthy mouth — something we've established is important to your overall health — especially if you have Hashimoto's or other autoimmune disease.
You will have some physicians recommend vaccines because individuals with autoimmune diseases have a compromised immune system while others may advise against.
That's because normal immune shifts during pregnancy can trigger an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, depending on genetics and other predisposing factors.
Adequate levels of other estrogen estriol can reduce risk and improve symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune thyroiditis because it stimulates an «estrogen receptor alpha».
The creator Joe Cross is sick and tired of taking steroids and other prescription medication because they have brought no success for his severe autoimmune disease, known as chronic urticaria.
However, not every dog with two copies will get the disease because of the environmental component to autoimmune disease and quite possibly other genes and / or gene regulatory factors.
Because the symptoms of scleroderma are similar to those with other autoimmune diseases present, a definitive diagnosis can be difficult for doctors to make.
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