Sentences with phrase «other awful things»

At times, the film is so raw and real that one wants to pause and call Child Protective Services, however, there is even empathy for trashy, tattooed mom Halley (Bria Vinaite) who might smoke in front of impressionable daughter Moonee (Brooklyn Kimberly Prince), among other awful things, but will do anything to keep a roof over her head and food in her stomach.
doubtful jesus ever lived, no good evidence if he ever did live, he didn't do any magic tricks from the bible, he was just a cult leader the fictional character of jesus said some great things about love, but also supported slavery and other awful things

Not exact matches

I hate saying that word because it sounds so awful, but I think we can all recognize that we've all done things that are wrong, particularly toward each other.
But the thing is, they are the only ones trying to push their religion on other people, which is awful.
Good people can be motivated to do awful things in the name of racism, regionalism, tribalism, nationalism, or any other - ism that dehumanizes the opposition.
A man walked out much later into something awful every thing reminding him of some other thing and this each last thing and that private last other equally laden with freight of dread And yet the dread was not a common or garden type
When, they wondered, should we forgive people who do mean or awful things to us or to others?
That WAS NOT what i did but you spent days saying awful things about me and encouraging others to be assholes to me.
The funny thing is, myself, and many others, HAVE been judging Wenger at the end of each season, it's been awful for so many years, yet he's still in charge!
Pregnancy and childbirth can and do go wrong (as any other body function) and it is awful when things go south with a young healthy woman.
Any two adults who care passionately about a child are bound to compete with each other, especially when a child is not doing well, a child is not thriving, because everyone wants to figure out how to comfort that child, how to get things back on track again, and everyone feels awful when they can't and they see that child suffering.
That awful feeling when you're late to daycare pickup, plus 7 other things you've got to be a working mom to understand.
The Boppy pillow is cute and very popular — and I liked mine for other things, like propping up baby for photo shoots or tummy time — but for nursing, I much prefer the My Brest Friend (although again, the name is hideously awful).
There are other issues that have parallels for what was said earlier in that the milk companies sponsor education, training, events and an awful lot of professional activities, which again does exactly, to our minds, what we heard it does to infants» minds: when we see brand names, we equate certain things with them.
I know it can be difficult to do something nice for others when we aren't feeling well or when something awful and unfair may have happened, but random acts of kindness, or doing nice things for others, helps, inspires, and enhances the day of both the giver and the receiver.
They wouldn't hold together or they'd taste awful — so I stepped away from trying for a few weeks to focus on other things.
I've had 3 pregnancies & do suffer from leaky gut... among other things, & always awful morning sickness... I just wonder if this also has a connection!!
It's awful because it contains gluten (among other things).
It's a shame the shop was so awful to buy from — you'd think a bridal shop would know how important it is for people to find the right dress for them, and not try to talk people into other things.
Perhaps you could be full up your gallery with other multiple business, curious places, adventures pictures, etc... The more nodded that you can show through out your pictures, the most awful thing is that you are going to attract the people towards you and what is good that your attention are coming as what you wanted furthers.
What other nasty, awful things can I say?
Furthermore, the battle itself is a mess, with my two supporting characters running around getting in the way, UI text and other junk littering the screen, weird Kinect prompts in the upper right, and awful quicktime events throwing things into disarray every few seconds.
GD: It is not an awful thing to go to work and try to make each other laugh all day.
This trailer makes it look like a mash - up of TAKEN, THE TRANSPORTER, the BOURNE franchise and other high - octane based movies and although this isn't always a bad thing, the international trailer shows an awful lot of what to expect.
There are still some laughs, especially when Pats and Eddy, as they call each other, say and do what they're best at: idiotically awful things.
In fact, someone who grew up in a cloistered life on a farm in the middle of nowhere and had no knowledge of the awful things people can do to each other wouldn't find this scary either.
It's the same thing with WoW, classes were more fun with the old skill trees, you could make those really weird builds that were awful for 90 % of the game but really awesome for the other 10 %.
It was an absolutely awful game in most other ways too, but that was the most frustrating thing.
Of course the whole complexity thing won't guarantee a good painting and you can get good painting of other styles but when a lot of complexity works in an integrated whole you get an awful lot of visual «stuff» to engage with.
Unfortunately, sometimes, throughout history, some people have done some pretty awful things to children: Some have thrown them into rivers, or into garbage cans, while others have knowingly built unsafe and substandard schools.
On the other hand, he's had to fess up to writing some «awful» emails suggesting he like all humans sometimes does some awful things.
Invasive species are awful things; when a new species is introduced to an established habitat, they can easily bully and overrun other species and negatively affect entire ecosystems.
They may refrain from telling the kids what an awful person the other parent is, but they will say things like, «You know how your father is» or «It wasn't your fault; your mother should have been responsible enough to tell you in advance.»
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