Sentences with phrase «other basic human rights»

New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan blogged Tuesday that approving gay marriage is akin to a communist country redefining other basic human rights.
When the defense of religious freedom and other basic human rights meant confronting Soviet power, even when foreign policy «realists» objected, Frank Wolf was there.
It is not the will of God that children suffer from hunger and malnutrition and grow up in unsanitary slums with lack of proper education, that persons because of the color of their skin are debarred from schools, hospitals, employment, or housing projects; that persons are denied other basic human rights; that personalities and homes are broken through drink and that great numbers die on highways through drunken driving; that marriage vows are often taken lightly and that easy divorces shatter home after home and leave children the pawns of the parents» selfishness.

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«We believe in making education a basic human right, and we do that by connecting people to a great education, but also to each other
And without the protection of the basic right to stay alive, aren't all other human rights sort of arbitrary?
On the other hand, legal marriage is not a basic human right, but a social convention.
Other human rights violations that affect everyone, like a lack of food and mobility through the social classes, also affect women and young girls more harshly, often leading them into prostitution just so they can afford basic necessities.
Other issues fought for are democracy, life within a community, the respect and recognition of the basic human rights of immigrants and refugees.
On the other hand, Ahmadi do not even have basic human rights in Pakistan where they are relentlessly persecuted.
There are many Islamic governments who deny others to exercise their basic freedom and human rights.
John Paul II wrote in the apostolic exhortation Christifideles Laici: «The common outcry, which is justly made on behalf of human rights — for example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture — is false and illusory if the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition of all other personal rights, is notdefended with maximum determination.»
People invent all sorts of reasons to do others harm, they have to because if just left with basic empathy and compassion no one would think it right to kill another human if they can put themselves in that other humans shoes.
And even more fundamentally, if we are bearers of inviolable dignity and a basic right to life in virtue of our humanity, and not in virtue of accidental qualities such as age, or size, or stage of development or condition of dependency --- if, in other words, we believe in the fundamental equality of human beings --- how can a right to abortion (where «abortion» means performing an act whose purpose is to cause fetal death) be defended at all?
It is ironic that people who are denied, or have been denied, basic human consideration for reasons which they had nothing to do with (the genetically controlled color of their skin) would so aptly deny these rights to others who are in exactly the same position.
Things like the priest scandals are CLEAR indications of what happens when we look the other way and consider freedom to believe in something more important than basic human rights.
Third, it is a crime to defend fundamental human rights, including the right to food, work, shelter, land, health care, and other basic needs.
I have noticed that the people with the most correct doctrince spend more time defending their position, rather than defending other people's basic human rights.
Third, reproductive healthcare is basic healthcare and is considered a basic human right in other modern nations that are not in the stranglehold of religion.
The Other Side of the Glass is about a baby, a mama's and family's basic human right to labor and birth free of fear and intimidation.
Dehumanization is a basic source of the willingness to abuse others» human rights.
I may have been fortunate to accomplish many things in my life that others never will, but I have yet to experience that basic human right that is childbirth.
Within this context, the paper, in section two, explores education from a standpoint of a human right paradigm and illustrates how education is an indispensable means of uplifting refugees out of poverty and realising other basic rights if it is translated into entitlement.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights posits education as a fundamental human right essential for the exercise of all other rights, and today, education is no longer seen (at least by major humanitarian organizations and most governments) as a secondary consideration in stabilizing populations after disaster, but a basic emergency serHuman Rights posits education as a fundamental human right essential for the exercise of all other rights, and today, education is no longer seen (at least by major humanitarian organizations and most governments) as a secondary consideration in stabilizing populations after disaster, but a basic emergency seRights posits education as a fundamental human right essential for the exercise of all other rights, and today, education is no longer seen (at least by major humanitarian organizations and most governments) as a secondary consideration in stabilizing populations after disaster, but a basic emergency serhuman right essential for the exercise of all other rights, and today, education is no longer seen (at least by major humanitarian organizations and most governments) as a secondary consideration in stabilizing populations after disaster, but a basic emergency serights, and today, education is no longer seen (at least by major humanitarian organizations and most governments) as a secondary consideration in stabilizing populations after disaster, but a basic emergency service. Human rights are «basic rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, language, or other status.
International Human Rights Observer (IHRO) working together with Governments, United Nations and other International institutions to promote and protect the basic fundamental human rights of the masses declared in the universal charter of human rights of United Nations to build a global village of lasting peace, social, and economic justice and development for the 21st cenHuman Rights Observer (IHRO) working together with Governments, United Nations and other International institutions to promote and protect the basic fundamental human rights of the masses declared in the universal charter of human rights of United Nations to build a global village of lasting peace, social, and economic justice and development for the 21st ceRights Observer (IHRO) working together with Governments, United Nations and other International institutions to promote and protect the basic fundamental human rights of the masses declared in the universal charter of human rights of United Nations to build a global village of lasting peace, social, and economic justice and development for the 21st cenhuman rights of the masses declared in the universal charter of human rights of United Nations to build a global village of lasting peace, social, and economic justice and development for the 21st cerights of the masses declared in the universal charter of human rights of United Nations to build a global village of lasting peace, social, and economic justice and development for the 21st cenhuman rights of United Nations to build a global village of lasting peace, social, and economic justice and development for the 21st cerights of United Nations to build a global village of lasting peace, social, and economic justice and development for the 21st century.
By deeming the disabled as the other, we strip them of their humanity and feel free in removing their basic human rights.
And whereas a vision properly motivated - which recognizes others» desire for and equal right to happiness and to be free of suffering - can lead to wonders, when divorced from basic human feeling the potential for destruction can not be overestimated.
Some of our dogs need training, right from «square one» basics, others need to learn to trust a human, some just need love and attention.
By re-staging Tania Bruguera's participatory art work, Tatlin's Whisper 6, the Hammer Museum stands in solidarity with her, Angel Santiesteban, and Danilo Maldonado «El Sexto», and all other artists around the world who face criminal charges and violence for exercising their basic human right to free expression.
This is so because in addition to the theological reasons given by Pope Francis recently: (a) it is a problem mostly caused by some nations and people emitting high - levels of greenhouse gases (ghg) in one part of the world who are harming or threatening tens of millions of living people and countless numbers of future generations throughout the world who include some of the world's poorest people who have done little to cause the problem, (b) the harms to many of the world's most vulnerable victims of climate change are potentially catastrophic, (c) many people most at risk from climate change often can't protect themselves by petitioning their governments; their best hope is that those causing the problem will see that justice requires them to greatly lower their ghg emissions, (d) to protect the world's most vulnerable people nations must limit their ghg emissions to levels that constitute their fair share of safe global emissions, and, (e) climate change is preventing some people from enjoying the most basic human rights including rights to life and security among others.
This is so because: (a) it is a problem mostly caused by some nations and people emitting high - levels of greenhouse gases (ghg) in one part of the world who are harming or threatening tens of millions of living people and countless numbers of future generations throughout the world who include some of the world's poorest people who have done little to cause the problem, (b) the harms to many of the world's most vulnerable victims of climate change are potentially catastrophic, (c) many people most at risk from climate change often can't protect themselves by petitioning their governments; their best hope is that those causing the problem will see that justice requires them to greatly lower their ghg emissions, (d) to protect the world's most vulnerable people nations must limit their ghg emissions to levels that constitute their fair share of safe global emissions, and, (e) climate change is preventing some people from enjoying the most basic human rights including rights to life and security among others.
Regardless of the unbounded ethical duties derived from imperfect obligations, if the climate change causing activities of some people are violating the human rights of others by interfering with life, health, or basic security, among other things, protected by human rights, a case can be made that those who can make reductions in GHG emissions targets that are nevertheless interfering with the rights of others should take steps to prevent human rights violations even if they are complying with just allocations.
Almost all the world's religions, basic human rights theories, and numerous other ethical arguments hold that no person has a right to greatly harm someone else without their consent.
From my perspective as we got to know the other prize winners and learn more about the Goldman Environmental Foundation it made me realise that the world is actually quite a small place and that the basic environmental and human rights issues are the same wherever you go.
For example, if we always have a calculator app right at hand, or a spellcheck feature, working on our basic math and spelling skills isn't exactly a high priority for us, and if we always have access to a game or our newsfeeds, or basically the entire internet all the time, we don't ever have to just sit there and look at the scenery, or connect with other humans, because we have an instant distraction device right in our pocket.
Right up there with breathing, drinking, eating and that other thing, there's a basic human need to make sense — and to name it after yourself.
Other suggestions, based on earlier ABA reports, include: provide legal representation as a matter of right where basic human needs are at stake; provide adequate compensation and funding to those who deliver legal services to ensure effective and competent representation; and have courts adopt standardized, uniform, plain - language forms for proceedings with a significant number of self - represented litigants.
In other news senior judges criticised dramatic increases in court fees, the Labour party Access to Justice Commission held its first meeting and Justice Alliance staged the «Voices for Justice» rally in London, in which Jeremy Corbyn described legal aid as a basic human right.
«Privacy is a basic human right, but that right is being eroded as the companies we trust — banks, payment processors, credit card issuers and other players in the stream of commerce — are hacked or sell our information to the highest bidder.»
For agreements to be «properly done» they must also not make the delivery of basic human rights subject to conditions, nor impose conditions on Indigenous peoples that are not applied to other citizens.
«At a time when other countries are working towards «health for all», the last thing we need in Australia is a government seeking to undermine basic human rights — the right to health and the equitable right to treatment.
Aboriginal families need reassurances that people's basic human rights are being respected in juvenile justice centres in the Northern Territory, New South Wales and other States and Territories.
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