Sentences with phrase «other belief systems»

All of the major christian holy days derive from other belief systems.
If you weren't a christian at this point in history, you likely remember it as being a somewhat intolerant time for other belief systems.
I think we each have a responsibility to think through and identify our own beliefs (which includes reading and learning about other belief systems / religions).
It also showed me how closed - minded I had been about other belief systems.
If not, then there is inequality inherent in the memorial, since muslims, jews, buddhists, sihks, agnostics, people who were atheist, as well as members of other belief systems died there on that day.
@AGuest9» there is inequality inherent in the memorial, since muslims, jews, buddhists, sihks, agnostics, people who were atheist, as well as members of other belief systems died there on that day.»
Other belief systems proclaim «merit - based redemption'that leads one into a state of constant contemplation of keeping scores, self - righteousness, and adherence to barbaric punitive laws.
That could not happen cause there is nothing in his head except... Jesus... please do not let Jesus out... he does not play nice with other belief systems.
Stereotype # 3: Evangelicals love drawing fallacious cause and effect conclusions regarding other belief systems, but have a selective memory when it comes to their own beliefs and history.
Of course, most of the Holy Bible is plagiarism from other belief systems — everything from the story of creation to the great flood was taken from other cultures and religions.
You said: «Then again, if God by definition is outside out universe (which he would be according to a Christian worldview; I canâ $ ™ t speak for other belief systems), then his being «alive» wouldnâ $ ™ t necessarily correspond to what qualifies for life within our universe.
Your spot on when you keep coming back to Jesus and exactly that is what other belief systems are missing.
In find agnostics more open - minded and less bias than any other belief system in the world.
Regardless of your beliefs and views, is it not tasteless for CNN to run this as their lead story on Easter morning??? Americans are appalled by anything done to insult Islam believers, so why is this felt to be appropriate??? There is nothing wrong with the article, but its timing makes it a poor and inflammatory choice of journalism, and would be taken as «persecution» if was directed toward any other belief system.
The same can not be said for the belief system that those 1.6 billion people have (or any other belief system that is based on the supernatural, for that matter).
There are way too many people out there that have their own beliefs, but consider all other belief systems as false.
Religions and other belief systems are a part of who someone is and always will be.
All other belief systems create victims unfairly and permanently.
And this is what sets a relationship with God apart from all other belief systems in the world.
Isn't that indirectly attacking every other belief system other than Christianity?
Then again, if God by definition is outside out universe (which he would be according to a Christian worldview; I can't speak for other belief systems), then his being «alive» wouldn't necessarily correspond to what qualifies for life within our universe.
The broad idea of belief is not under the ownership of Christianity, Islam, atheism or any other belief system.
For example, when people say all religions are «more or less the same,» I worry that we're moving to a point where we fail to recognize the unique differences between world religions and the things that distinguish the gospel of Jesus from other belief systems.
So it doesn't matter to me if either man identifies as christian, mormon, hindu, buddhist, wiccan or any other belief system, or doesn't, as long as he can keep them private, separate, and out of the executive branch.
If a person believes in Christ than his words: «I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except through me» excludes all other belief systems other than his way.
how tolerant of the dozens of other belief systems that thrive in this diverse contry would Perry be?
Your attempts to discredit all other belief systems by giving them a false equivalency with your delusional belief system is a waste of time.
And many of them would be contradictory and would offend the god or gods of other belief systems.
As a matter of fact, I go one step further and say that ALL other belief systems are unacceptable.
It was adapted to other belief systems and adopted in the stories of bible along the way.
When people are choosing to be subserviant, to ignore science and to ridicule any other belief system that differs from their own, they are being irrational.
The early church faced a bewildering array of philosophical challenges and competitors, from Neo-Platonism and Manichaeism to the Roman mystery cults, with many of the great saints, martyrs and apologists of that age being converts from other belief systems.
You accept ONLY haysoos as the one and only savior as other belief systems are not the word of the one true god resulting in hellfire and damnation.
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