Sentences with phrase «other biblical figures»

A Muslim response to Sacks's invitation will therefore need to begin with rereading the Qur» anic accounts of Abraham and Ishmael and other biblical figures.

Not exact matches

-------- Tiggy, you won't like this, but that is part of youand so many others problems of figuring out Biblical issues.
But, as with other classical figures Eke Luther and Calvin, Wesley reveals another side which is illustrated in his dealing with problems of chronology, his understanding of the biblical use of non-biblical sources, his judging of much of the Psalms as «unfit for Christian lips,» and so on.
And yet, while all this is true and must be emphasized unfailingly in the Church, we can not, on the other hand, make Jesus simply a figure with Jewish significance and interpret him only in terms of biblical patterns of thought.
As I researched this biblical figure, I learned from the Jewish writings that the ancient Jewish sages declared Melchizedek was none other than Shem, the eldest son of Noah.
The memre were on biblical figures — Joseph, Samuel, Solomon, Job, John the Baptist, Paul, Mary and others; on New Testament events such as the birth of Jesus, temptations etc, and on the events in the history of salvation: Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost.
«Listener to the Christian message, «2 occasional preacher, 3 dialoguer with biblical scholars, theologians, and specialists in the history of religions, 4 Ricoeur is above all a philosopher committed to constructing as comprehensive a theory as possible of the interpretation of texts.5 A thoroughly modern man (if not, indeed, a neo-Enlightenment figure) in his determination to think «within the autonomy of responsible thought, «6 Ricoeur finds it nonetheless consistent to maintain that reflection which seeks, beyond mere calculation, to «situate [us] better in being, «7 must arise from the mythical, narrative, prophetic, poetic, apocalyptic, and other sorts of texts in which human beings have avowed their encounter both with evil and with the gracious grounds of hope.
David G. Roskie's compelling study Against the Apocalypse: Responses to Catastrophe in Modem Jewish Culture discusses the cross symbol's use not only in Chagall's painting, but in the literary work of Der Nister, Lamed Shapiro, Sholem Asch, S. Y. Agnon and the poet Uri Zvi Greenberg (Harvard University Press, 1984 [pp. 258 - 310]-RRB- In literature written before World War II (and under the influence of biblical criticism that had emancipated Jesus» image from its doctrinal Christian vesture), these authors used the cross symbol variously; for Asch, the crucified figure in all his Jewishness symbolized universal suffering; for Shapiro and Agnon, on the other hand, the cross remained an emblem of violence and a reminder of Christian enmity against Jews.
From the Greek mythological references of the Sirens, who lured sailors to their watery graves, to Biblical figures like Delilah, whose betrayal led to Samson's enucleation and ultimate death, the femme fatale has taken on many forms in literature, art and other mediums.
With Russell Crowe's «Noah» turning the Biblical figure into a certified Hollywood hero, we name 5 other stories that could make for epic movie adaptations.
Many of the other characters, unfortunately, never really come to life and often sound stilted while drawing analogies between themselves and biblical figures from their past.
They included David Butler (1898 - 1997), who fashioned animals, angels and people from cut and painted tin and other found items; the religious painter Sister Gertrude Morgan (1900 - 1980); Steve Ashby (1904 - 1980), who made raw figurative assemblages out of scavenged materials; and Elijah Pierce (1892 - 1984), whose carved and painted wood reliefs depict biblical scenes and national figures like the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr..
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