Sentences with phrase «other biblical passages»

Most scholars and pastors, however, recognize that this admonition needs to be balanced with other biblical passages that suggest individuals will at times face a very clear choice between God and Caesar.
This idea also fits with other biblical passages, such at 1 Kings 19:12 and Matthew 10:27 (Luke 12:3).
He does so by abstracting principles out of the specific laws of Leviticus and then associating those abstractions with other biblical passages.
This section will look at the surrounding context of Genesis 6 - 8, and subsequent sections will consider other biblical passages that deal with the flood.
What troubles me is this: When discussing how to apply the Bible both personally and in public policy, nine times out of ten, the words of Jesus are trumped by some other biblical passage or are discounted as impractical.

Not exact matches

Many Bloomington gays are hoping Blair and other speakers invited to the Gay Awareness Conference will engage in dialogue with ministers and laypersons, both heterosexual and homosexual, in efforts to deal with biblical passages, theological viewpoints, worship, and ethical concerns.
And it's unlike any other book I've ever written, for in addition to the memoir, it includes original poetry, short stories, soliloquies, and even a short screenplay — all aimed at capturing the wonder and beauty of Scripture, while honoring the best in biblical scholarship and acknowledging the challenges of its most difficult passages.
Together with the opening line of the Letter to the Hebrews («In ancient times God spoke to man through prophets and in varied ways, but now he speaks through Christ, His Son...»), as well as many other biblical texts, this passage reveals to us a startling truth.
Using your Biblical software tools, locate other passages in the Bible, where the individual is present.
«It is quite proper for biblical theologians to judge that a particular passage represents a more central, or higher, or more positive contribution than others do,» Barr writes, «and conversely to judge that another passage, or theme, or writer represents an unfortunate turning, a declension or deterioration.»
of his entire antiquities, there are two passages that mention Jesus, 1 merely says his brother was James, and people called him christ (which says nothing about works, resurrection, miracles, teachings), and the other is recognized as most likely a forgery, even by biblical scholars.
In The Fidelity of Betrayal, Rollins goes on to criticize the Western Church's almost frantic attempt at «closing over this traumatic rent in the text» by affirming some biblical narratives over others and by explaining away passages that are inconsistent with favored narratives.
We just have gay stereotypes and we base our beliefs on a few biblical passages, ignoring passages about things that people in the church really struggle with, like food and other addictions.
Of course it is a simple task to find others, including many outstanding biblical scholars, who share his views on the proper analysis of this passage.
So why are some Bible passages lifted out and declared «biblical,» while others are explained away or simply ignored?
If you believe in Biblical literacy and the infallibility of the Bible's writers, then those passages you quote and many others in the N.T. are indeed hard to understand, even after two thousand years of examination and discussion — at least without developing some fantastic theology that goes completely against God and nature.
Because we disagree on the proper method of baptism, the role of women in the church or the proper interpretation of a certain Biblical passage does not make one of us correct and the other a «false teacher».
Yet as we look at each of the Five Points in more detail in subsequent posts, we will make room for other Calvinistic voices to be heard as well, and as we look at the biblical passages they use to defend their theology, we will see that Calvinism may not be as reasonable or biblical as it first appears.
This is the attempt to get behind the biblical records to their sources in oral tradition and written fragments, and thus to determine how individual passages, called pericopes, are related to each other.
There is no doubt, for example, that the late Biblical Book of Proverbs, strongly impregnated with the feeling of Egypto - Grecian Judaism in Alexandria, is largely indebted to The Wisdom of Amenemope, written about 1000 B.C. Indeed, Proverbs 22:17; 23:11 is an almost verbatim translation of the Egyptian book, and in many other passages the similarity is too close to be mistaken.
A new addition to the Passage Guide that helps you connect concepts that are common to the Biblical world, and explore them in other ancient texts.
(and other passages of Scripture we'd rather not talk about, A Very «Biblical Blog Post, and The Problem of Biblicism.)
But, Biblical interpretation aside, I feel it is foolish to place so much emphasis on 5 verses, when there is an entire Bible FULL of chapters and passages all about how we are to relate to each other.
This Biblical passage from the Gospel of Luke conveys a belief that I and many of my African American family and friends hold dear... We are acutely aware of what others have given up to pave the way and contribute to our successes.
This Biblical passage has always meant a great deal to me, and as I've been delighted to find out via blog comments and emails, it turns out it means a great deal to a lot of other gapingvoid readers, as well.
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