Sentences with phrase «other biblical people»

And christ is also the salvation of moses, abraham and any other biblical people you denie.

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But while some people may find some «biblical - values» ethical, others may not find them to be, one, in particular, being the «LGBT lifestyle» metric.
The Deep State elite, which for decades has exhibited an endless lust for other people's money and greed that is beyond biblical, is simply not going to allow every day citizens to benefit from gold holdings that have surged in value.
Does it blow your mind to know that A) other people disagree with your interpretation of biblical scripture and that B) neither of you can ever be objectively right?
No rational person makes decisions based on such distorted logic in any other area of life, and decisions regarding the textual veracity of the Biblical text should not be an exception to that rule.
9 — You feel insulted and «dehumanized» when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.
This person had no idea how much hell I've taken from people in my evangelical community for writing about my doubts, my questions related to heaven and hell, my views on biblical interpretation and theology, and my support for women in ministry and other marginalized people in the Church.
It might (emphasis might) be a good palce to get a biblical education, and some technical training, but it doesn't seem like an overly great place to develope experiences that will be beneficial and guiding other people.
I can point to this as grounds for accusing the biblical deity of immoral behavior, e.g. I would not unnecessarily harm another person's other wise innocent children because I would not want anyone (mortal or deity) to unnecessarily harm my own children.
«And so biblical modesty isn't about managing the sexual impulses of other people; it's about cultivating humility, propriety and deference within ourselves.»
To warrant this radical revision — one might almost say reversal — of the Catholic tradition, Father Concetti and others explain that the Church from biblical times until our own day has failed to perceive the true significance of the image of God in man, which implies that even the terrestrial life of each individual person is sacred and inviolable.
Of course, for most people, before they can ever believe in Jesus for eternal life, they need to have other beliefs about themselves, the existence and nature of God, and some other biblical truths.
Maybe they are just going by their Biblical teachings and not worrying about other ppl's sins and trangressions and worrying about their own.
«Now it is the proclamation of biblical faith that God chose this people and loves it as no other, unto the end of time.»
In other words, even though we have roughly 2000 years of biblical history in Scripture, these records only cover some of the events of some of the people who lived in a tiny, remote, relatively insignificant corner of the world.
Biblical references of the Household of God is dual, one referring to the spiritual; and the other referring to the comprehensive political economy of God for the whole people of God.
To the Hebrews, to the whole biblical mind, God is a Holy Other who binds his people into Covenant, a Covenant that makes demands and brings judgment, calling them into responsible freedom and setting guidelines.
Hermann Gunkel, in a sense the unique father of us all in modern biblical scholarship, despite his insistence on saga's supervision of the Elijah narratives as we receive them, nevertheless affirms on the one hand Elijah's kinship with the greatest of all ministers of ancient Israel, Moses, in their mutual contention with their own people; and, on the other hand, Elijah's legitimate and immediate relationship to the great prophets who follow him and who, essentially, continue the work he began.
of his entire antiquities, there are two passages that mention Jesus, 1 merely says his brother was James, and people called him christ (which says nothing about works, resurrection, miracles, teachings), and the other is recognized as most likely a forgery, even by biblical scholars.
Thus the gospel was concentrated in the person of Jesus; the hope of the Kingdom receded and became eventually only another name for «heaven,» the other world, the state of bliss beyond death, or, as in Thomas Aquinas, a term for the divine theodicy in general — though in truth this interpretation really emphasized a fundamental element in the whole biblical conception, in Jesus» teaching as elsewhere — and thus an intellectual concept of the person of Jesus tended to become central for Christian doctrine, theology, and devotion, rather than the person of God, his sovereignty and his redemptive will, his wisdom and his love.
and that just as you want them to listen to how you arrived at your conclusions regarding the text (and don't say, «I just read the Bible,» because you didn't), so also, that other person likely engaged in deep study of the biblical text to arrive at their understanding and it would benefit you to hear how they came to their understanding.
Disagree with the other person if you want to, but recognize that they are trying to understand and explain the text just as much as you are, and that just as you want them to listen to how you arrived at your conclusions regarding the text (and don't say, «I just read the Bible,» because you didn't), so also, that other person likely engaged in deep study of the biblical text to arrive at their understanding and it would benefit you to hear how they came to their understanding.
The alleged subordination of the gospel to Karl Marx is illustrated, for example, by charging that «false» liberation theology concentrates too much on a few selected biblical texts that are always given a political meaning, leading to an overemphasis on «material» poverty and neglecting other kinds of poverty; that this leads to a «temporal messianism» that confuses the Kingdom of God with a purely «earthly» new society, so that the gospel is collapsed into nothing but political endeavor; that the emphasis on social sin and structural evil leads to an ignoring or forgetting of the reality of personal sin; that everything is reduced to praxis (the interplay of action and reflection) as the only criterion of faith, so that the notion of truth is compromised; and that the emphasis on communidades de base sets a so - called «people's church» against the hierarchy.
We just have gay stereotypes and we base our beliefs on a few biblical passages, ignoring passages about things that people in the church really struggle with, like food and other addictions.
The truth is that we have no business trying to impose our falsely fabricated morality on other people by claiming it is «biblical» when (1) it is not biblical and (2) when we don't follow it ourselves.
Of course, like with many other things — biblical and otherwise — exploiting people will happen until Jesus returns.
with the exception of some small bits out of the books of the prophets — virtually none of the other biblical scribblings were contemporaneous with events described within them, and ALL of the texts were subject to revision for a really long time from people who came along after they were originally written.
It is this kind of thinking that cause «biblical» people to be scorned by others... rather than forgive like the message of Jesus was all about, you want to divide and condemn.
Another problem is that when people calk for biblical literacy and then see pain and problems in the lives of others, they either think that a Bible verse will help the other person, OR that the other person wouldn't be having these problems if they had just known the Bible better.
As I understand it, Alan Guth's work, and that of others exploring the first microseconds of what people of biblical faith know as Creation, builds on Lemaître's insights.
In my own life I have had struggles and it led me to some 12 step groups and its funny, but the 12 steps are really based on some pretty biblical ideas - equality of person before each other - in other words the social outcast is equal to the executive in the meeting.
This is not Biblical and in light of their persecution of reformers and truth seekers, their long - waged wars against muslims and other «heretics,» it is quite obvious that they have tried to will people into belief.
I listen to pastors condemn the lack of biblical literacy in the church today and then turn around and say the most outlandish things about God or Jesus, and even crazier things about people of other religions, political persuasion, or sexual orientation.
MLK might have been a great leader for his people, and he might have been a great man, but that doesn't mean that he was an expert on the subject of biblical studies or any other relevant subject like evolution or physics.
Religious proponents of international law could draw on the prophets for biblical support: Amos, Hosea, Micah and others discerned Yahweh's law as both impartial and international, striking against the arrogant pretensions of all people and nations who violate human rights in the belief that God is on their side.
If Christianity continues to tell you that WHEN you get your act together — God will finally open his arms, the representatives of this faith are not understanding the premier principal of God — through Christ he loves you NOW — but when his love begins to radiate into your personal life - your very personal life - you will make choices reflecting that reality — all other things, people, dogmas, Biblical interpretations — all of that through the long centuries of man — will be a drop in His eternal ocean and in that first eternal moment — won't matter - your needs now matter — Christ addresses need — with Himself — demands — with parabolic events — and refusal — with the end result of free will — even the will to reject Him — when He would have done anything for you to not be rejected.
«That said, if the churches do not take the opportunity now to «advocate» and «teach» why same - sex marriage is wrong for everyone (i.e., harmful to children, to the couple, and undermining of a culture of marriage), religious people should not expect to find a lot of sympathy for their right to exercise their religious freedom to dissent from same - sex marriage,» Esbeck told CT. «In other words, church leaders no longer enjoy the luxury of not teaching biblical marriage, as much as large numbers of the laity don't want to hear it.
The biblical perspective in regard to «corporate personality» is now restored in quite «secular» circles; to be a person means to be intimately and essentially related with other men.
After talking about how the false teachers are bringing destruction upon themselves, Peter is going to give several examples from biblical history about other groups of people who were destroyed.
When CNN and other media sources get behind a movement, and when people grow up in a «Christian» home learning two Worldviews (moral relativism and love means affirmation from TV and schools vs. biblical Christianity from the Church) you get the confused Rob Bell and the generation he has influenced through his books and videos.
As I once mentioned before, most biblical scholars (secular and non-secular) agree that several of the books in the bible (new and old testament) are forgeries and several others are attributed to people who did not write them.
Biblical perspectives call for an inclusive perspective in relation to people of other faiths in all mission and evangelistic programmes.
The vocal insistence of the religious right on biblical «creationism» and such doctrines as the inerrancy of the Bible is likely to create a one - sided impression of the Christian faith and to turn away people who are not aware of other Christian views.
Shira, The meme «God hates pagans and apostates» is definitely biblical, which testifies to the reality that individually and collectively all People of the Book [and other Religious Traditions] are capable of greater or lesser spiritual understanding and mature actions.
Many times, when people of faith are challenged about their anti-gay views, they cite biblical verses or other religious texts as a safe haven when they are unable to articulate why they hold prejudiced atudes toward LGBT people.
Liberals, on the other hand, remind us of the biblical caution that people do not always deserve either their wealth or their poverty, and that pulling oneself up by one's bootstraps is often impossible without help.
The biblical ignorance of claiming people are adulterers for lusting after others is actually so foolish that it, in effect, says everyone who ever fell in love with their future spouse was an adulterer when they married.
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
Other works by Johnston include The Christian at Play, Eerdmans, 1983; Psalms for God's People, Regal, 1982: and Evangelicals at an Impasse: Biblical Authority in Practice, John Knox Press, 1979.
The Biblical idea of the final end envisions a community of persons united to each other in mutual love and to God in loving adoration.
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