Sentences with phrase «other biomass when»

Suns - Oil president Mark Mauss says his company expects to expand beyond waste fats to process other biomass when the economics make sense, affirming Changing World Technologies» vision if not its execution.

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When these tiny marine algae die or are consumed by predators, their biomass sinks to the ocean interior where it becomes food for other types of bacteria.
The solution swells the particles of wood or other biomass, allowing the solution to interact with the fibers, much like a newspaper swells when water spills on it.
«On the other hand, when technologies are economically available to harvest renewable energy, Japan can become one of the energy - rich countries in the world using the large resources of wind, solar, biomass and geothermal energies available among the Japanese islands.»
Treated excrement from turkeys, chickens and other poultry, when converted to combustible solid biomass fuel, could replace approximately 10 percent of coal used in electricity generation, reducing greenhouse gases and providing an alternative energy source, according to a new study by Ben - Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) researchers.
When storms, fires, or other disturbances kill a great number of trees, the dead biomass is decomposed by fungi, insects, and the like, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
The findings come at a time when coal is on track to surpass oil as the world's top energy source and 2.8 billion people rely on wood, crop waste, dung, and other biomass to cook and heat their homes.
When storms, fires, or other disturbances kill a great number of trees, the dead biomass is decomposed by fungi, insects, and the like, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Instead of sending that CO2 back into the atmosphere when the biomass is burned, BECCS facilities capture the emissions and either store them or use them for some other purpose.
In order to address the intermittency associated with the heavy proposed use of wind power, the report proposes to deploy offshore turbines dispersed in locations all around the country (when there is little windspeed in one location, there is likely to be high windspeed in other locations), and implement backup generation consisting of biogas, biomass, hydro, and imports to manage the remaining variability.
How would you propose to transport biomass between generating plants during periods when one region has crop failures and they need the biomass to be shipped in from other regions to keep the plant running?
Booth says there is wide agreement in the industry that when biomass comes from forestry residues, wood products manufacturing, or agriculture, the net carbon impact is the difference between emissions from the use of the material as fuel and emissions from some other fate, such as leaving it on the ground to decompose.
With other waste - to - energy plants competing for feedstocks, a shift to more sustainable agriculture requiring more biomass returned to the soil, and (yeah, I am an optimist) an increasing realization that we can't keep wasting food anyway, there will inevitably come a time when organic «waste» will be seen as an expensive, valuable resource.
It is equally distressing that forests and other sources of wood and other biomass are allowed to literally walk away when they are so badly needed to hold the soil, reduce erosion, and feed and protect the animals that have long made it their homes.
«Modelling studies are also in moderately good agreement with observations during the first half of the 20th century when both anthropogenic and natural forcings are considered, although assessments of which forcings are important differ, with some studies finding that solar forcing is more important (Meehl et al., 2004) while other studies find that volcanic forcing (Broccoli et al., 2003) or internal variability (Delworth and Knutson, 2000) could be more important... The mid-century cooling that the model simulates in some regions is also observed, and is caused in the model by regional negative surface forcing from organic and black carbon associated with biomass burning.
In other words whereas 52 coal fired power stations would meet the average (scenario 2) demand, they will probably need around 200 GW of wind plus PV plus solar thermal plus biomass - gas - electrical generating capacity, when all energy costs and losses are taken into account.
And then when you consider that (1) humans are a tiny percentage of the total animal biomass on Earth — probably well under 1 % — and that most animals emit more CO2 on a per - pound - of - body - weight than humans do (especially small mammals and birds, which can emit 6 times or more CO2 per pound of body weight than humans)-- you're now looking at SEVERAL HUNDRED BILLION TONS OF CO2 from animal reespiration alone — on top of all the other natural sources of CO2.
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