Sentences with phrase «other bookstores such»

Other bookstores such as iBooks, GooglePlay or Kobo all have their set numbers of categories too.
Access to other bookstores such as Google Play Books, iBooks, B&N, and Kobo are not a problem, as using a desktop app and then importing into Calbre works for decryption and conversion from epub to mobi.
This means if you have purchased EPUB books from other bookstores such as Barnes and Noble you can not import them on the Vox.
They also have links to other bookstores such as Smashwords, Books on Board and O'Reilly eBooks.
Since the new Nook reads EPUB and PDF files you can easily shop at other bookstores such as Borders, Kobo, Smashwords, and Bookbaby, and then load those books into your e-reader.
If you purchase books from other bookstores such as Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords and others, you will have to use Adobe Digital Editions.

Not exact matches

Other businesses, such as bed - and - breakfasts and bookstores, may have higher values because they appear glamorous or simply interesting to potential buyers.
However, most people are confused about how to eat, as bookstores and the internet are crammed with seductive - sounding diets such as Paleo, The Zone, Atkins, and others.
While online dating is a great place to meet other gay men, you can also find gay men in your local area by checking out places such as the bookstore, your local gym, and coffee houses.
EXCLUSIVE LICENSE: This grants the licensee the right to prevent others from using your licensed work... which means you lose the right to sell books through outlets such as bookstores, CreateSpace, KDP — even your own website!
While the online bookstore has taken over the brick - and - mortar store in popularity, there are still places (such as the library) where your book might benefit from being near other well - known authors.
I'd recommend heading to Mark Ecob's blog for inspiration, and then head to an online bookstore such as Amazon and search for other books in your genre.
No one wants to see a magazine fold, and news that Kirkus «s demise was especially troubling to authors, publishers, book publicists, and other publishing industry professionals because book review outlets (if you discount online book review outlets such as blogs and online bookstores) have seriously contracted during the past few years.
Really good advice in this podcast, especially to do impromptu book signings at airports when traveling (using Twitter to get the word out) and going into non-traditional book stores such as airport bookstores, spas, hotels and other places that sell books and talk to the manager.
Other industry watchers speculated that although the publishers and bookstores can not slow down Amazon, the large technology companies, such as IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, and Google, who may be threatened by dominant Amazon's Web Services unit, might enter the book publishing market as competitive counter measures.
Yes people will be able to buy the book online — yet 76 % of our book sales are in other places such as brick and mortar bookstores.
When you think of book discovery in the past, it normally involved going to your local bookstore and seeing what they were promoting, in other cases you may consult a newspaper such as the New York Times.
If you buy ePub books from other bookstores, such as Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords, you can use Adobe Digital Editions to easily sync the books to the Excel.
Book packagers, also known as book producers, are behind many of the «complex» books you'll see in bookstores, such as coffee table books, pop - up books, heavily illustrated books and how to books - in other words pretty much any book that requires a team of people to create the initial concept.
Most of these digital bookstores did not forge relationships directly through publishers but they sourced most of their titles through online retailers such as Ingram, Kobo and other white label solutions.
When you're making your marketing materials or you're making your title sell sheet or any of this information, you're going to be using to present your book to other folks such as a bookstore or a library, you're always going to list Amazon as a place to buy your book.
There are other advantages to being in bookstores, such as visibility, but this is offset by the 3 - 6 month window of said visibility when the 70 % of digital earnings is forever.
Now that the initial crisis has subsided and the market share has leveled off, it's a good time to assess what's in store for ebooks — and especially for libraries and other intermediaries, such as bookstores — in 2016 and beyond.
There is no clear indication that this is the bookstore, but once you click on it, various options are presented such as; the Top 25 and other sections.
These events range from traditional bookstore signing events to events in other markets such as libraries, churches, and other high - traffic venues.
Interface issues such as these may go away with updates over time, but right now they make the Libre Touch a poor competitor to other readers offering wireless access to Web bookstores.
«Come Write In» provides libraries, bookstores, and other public spaces resources to facilitate writing events: promotional materials such as posters, window clings, and bookmarks (available for the price of shipping), access to a local NaNoWriMo liaison who can help organize events, and inclusion in a searchable public database of all participating organizations around the world.
Although books were excluded, the credit could be used to buy other things sold at bookstores, such as music and DVDs.
· Wi - Fi connectivity: In addition to Barnes & Noble bookstores and other Wi - Fi hotspots, enjoy high - speed connectivity in even more places, such as those that require access to additional information through a Web browser including hotels and coffee shops.
We distribute books to Apple iBooks (51 countries), Barnes & Noble, Kobo (which powers the bookstores of multiple other retailers such as FNAC in France and WH Smith in the U.K.), OverDrive, Gardners, Baker & Taylor ( and the Axis360 library platform), and others.
Discover has bonus spending categories («Get More») that change quarterly — usually relevent to the time of year — paying back 5 %, some of which you don't typically see as «bonus» categories from other cards, such as waterparks, museums, bookstores, tuition, clothing, auto repair.
In 2010 Estelle published her first art book, entitled: «Transience», which is available at most larger bookstores, such as Barnes and Noble and online at Amazon and other retailers including the iTunes Store.
Other traditional mainstays of the legal publishing trade, however, such as directories and access to markets via traditional bookstores, are likely to play only a small part of its future.
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