Sentences with phrase «other brain regions»

He cautions, however, that such therapy would have to be localized, so that it did not interfere with the protein's role in learning in other brain regions.
They also plan to examine the potential role of other brain regions involved learning and memory.
In intelligent persons, certain brain regions are more strongly involved in the flow of information between brain regions, while other brain regions are less engaged.
These neurons are connected to other brain regions via long - range projections.
And research suggests other brain regions play a role in contagious itching in people, he says.
It gives instructions and enables chatter among other brain regions.
Future studies are needed to track changes in free water over longer time spans and in other brain regions and to determine what causes them.
One feature stood out in the brains of the fetuses that were ultimately born prematurely: A small patch on the left side of the brain, in an area that develops into a language processing center, had weaker connectivity with other brain regions than it did in fetuses carried to full term.
And researchers must figure out how to build in some core features: the necessary blood vessels, immune - system cells called microglia and connections from other brain regions, such as the thalamus and cerebellum.
The hippocampus sends and receives information to and from many other brain regions, and mapping those connections in depressed animals is the next step, she says.
Tinnitus patients also showed more activity than normal - hearing people in two other brain regions associated with emotion, the parahippocampus and the insula.
«Our study seems to suggest that multilingual people are able to compensate for AD - related tissue loss by accessing alternative networks or other brain regions for memory processing.
People with damage to the ACC show impulsivity and unchecked aggression, and those with impaired connections between this and other brain regions perform poorly on tests of mental flexibility: they hold onto ineffective problem - solving strategies rather than adapting their behavior.
«Now that we've identified a new principle for how the interneurons can control plasticity, our study is a first step in better understanding the mechanisms involved in other brain regions as well,» said Kreitzer.
We are continuing to study how inflammation affects the basal ganglia and what effects that has on other brain regions and brain function.
Their findings: activity dropped in the prefrontal cortex — which is implicated in planning as well as in the organization of functions performed by other brain regions — but it jumped in a cluster of brain regions implicated in daydreaming known as the «default mode network.»
«We're also looking to see if optogenetically stimulating other brain regions after a stroke might be equally or more effective,» he said.
«Some brain regions are regaining or normalizing while other brain regions continue to show deficits,» Palaniyappan says.
A specific type of regular oscillation seen in the hippocampus and several other brain regions connected to it.
«For example, while that study and others like it revealed the roles of dMSNs and iMSNs in movement and behavior, we knew very little about how other brain regions influenced the function of these two neuron types,» said Salk Institute Postdoctoral Fellow Nicholas Wall, PhD, the paper's first author.
A separate meta - analysis including studies directing rTMS at other brain regions revealed a mean weighted effect size of 0.33 (95 % CI: 0.17 to 0.50) in favor of real TMS.
In this paper, we tested the hypothesis that more socially connected people have brains characterized by stronger intrinsic connectivity between the amygdala and other brain regions subserving social cognition, using resting - state functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging (fcMRI).
The next step will be to understand how mPFC interacts with other brain regions to create or respond to depression, he adds.
These are interesting findings as the volume of parenchyma in the CCF maintains a consistent ratio to the volume of other brain regions in normal dogs [22].
When the mice were at various ages, the researchers isolated mitochondria from their synapses and from other brain regions.
MRI scans showed the probiotic activated the prefrontal cortex and other brain regions associated with emotion regulation.
Pre-LTP had previously only been seen in other brain regions.
Among 22 patients, the researchers found enhanced memory performance in the four patients with stimulation of the lateral temporal cortex but not among those with the other brain regions stimulated.
The measurements are used to build images that trace the shape and direction of the axons and how the neurons in one region are connected to other brain regions.
As CaMKII expression has been associated with consolidation and permanence of memories in other brain regions, this switch may reflect the formation of a stronger and more stable opiate reward memory.
The scientists also found that the cellular responses persisted long after each of the photographs disappeared, further suggesting that the amygdala cooperates with other brain regions to create awareness of the emotional content of faces.
Because aerobic exercise has been shown to lead to improvements in processing speed and functional changes within the frontal and other brain regions, it was included as one of the study groups.
The results suggests that hard - wired connections must form early in life between somatosensory cortical neurons and cells in other brain regions that process other aspects of tickling, from the motor neurons that trigger laughter to the socially attuned neurons that recognize whether a tickler is a friend or stranger, Wattendorf says.
The team also checked the fMRI readings to determine whether any other brain regions had a similar pattern of activity, which would indicate that the brain networks were communicating with one another.
Glutamate - dependent signals to the nucleus accumbens come from many other brain regions, such as the hippocampus, the amygdala, the thalamus and the prefrontal cortex.
In some ways these frontal and parietal brain areas acted like a pacemaker, providing a beat that coordinated the activity of other brain regions.
The authors also found abnormalities in the subthalamic nucleus occur earlier than in other brain regions, and that subthalamic nucleus nerve cells progressively degenerate as the mice age, mirroring the human pathology of Huntington's disease.
Gold adds that follow - up studies will help determine whether all protein synthesis inhibitors have the same effect on neurotransmitters and, also, whether these findings apply to other brain regions.
Other groups soon made similar confirmations in other brain regions.
From there, the fibers spread out like a sheet, connecting brain regions that are important for seeing objects with other brain regions that coordinate which objects to focus attention upon.
«To examine the connectivity from any one site to other brain regions, we used a data base of functional MRI images and a technique that enables you to see correlations in spontaneous brain activity.»
Nerve cells within this cortical layer send outputs to many other brain regions, including its counterpart in the brain's opposite hemisphere.
He said he used techniques to differentiate pluripotent stem cells into cells that are designed to become neural tissue, components of the central nervous system or other brain regions.
Measurements of functional brain connections with fMRI during rest showed that immune activation in the hippocampus altered its connections with other brain regions.
In essence, most pathological conditions in the mammalian retina lead to changes in Müller glia — often called reactive gliosis, which might be analogous to the response of astrocytes upon injury of other brain regions.
And when they tracked the striatal neurons carrying the mutant huntingtin over time, they found them much more likely to die than those from other brain regions.
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