Sentences with phrase «other branch of science»

The reality is that climate science is built from many many many other branches of science, which is why there is just no other answer for what is going on.
It is telling that such deficiencies are widespread in climate science compared to many other branches of science.
You guys seem to operate with your own set of rules that are distinct from other branches of science (no doubt due to the messianic fervor of being deep in the political arena).
Other branches of science became modern only more recently: chemistry in the early 19th century; biology in the mid-19th century, or perhaps the early 20th century.
Professor Peter Openshaw, President of the British Society for Immunology, says immunology shares with other branches of science an in - built internationalism that must continue to thrive, whatever the political climate.
Researchers connected with the cosmetics industry do face what Elias and Lochhead term «prejudice» from colleagues in other branches of science.
There is nothing in the theory of evolution, nor in astronomy, or in geology, nor in paleontology, or any other branch of the sciences which contradicts Christianity, or any other type of theism (except Mormonism — we know scientifically that the Indian peoples of the Americas are not descended from the Jews — which is a key point of belief for them, much more central than there having been a literal Garden of Eden is for classical Christianity or Judaism).
The work earned Libby the 1960 Nobel Prize in chemistry «for determinations in archaeology, geology, geophysics and other branches of science
Q: What prompted you and your friends, including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Google co-founder Sergey Brin, to start giving out prizes, first in physics, then in other branches of science?
Return on investment in brain research far exceeds the return from any other branch of science.
Nationally, it will coordinate basic research on theoretical physics in China and facilitate interaction between theory and experiment, as well as promote research in interdisciplinary areas among physics and other branches of science.
Taxonomy provides the nomenclatural foundation, supported by hypothesis, that is used by practically all other branches of science.
That means understanding, or at the very least acknowledging, what we currently know about science in general: the laws of physics, current trends in engineering, biotechnology, psychology, and all other branches of science both soft and hard.
But science is a self - correcting process — it can not go way off the track for very long because (a) other scientists will eventually realise something is amiss (and pointing out the mistakes of others does earn a certain kudos) and (b) science is a CONSISTENT SYSTEM, so one branch of science can not go off on its own track independent of other («adjacent») branches of science — these other branches of science will soon notice that something is wrong.
This tends to lend a certain amount of credibility from my view point as no other branch of science appears to be able to!
In general, physics (upon which climate science is very largely based) has done as good, or better, of a job at tying underlying physical drivers to observed phenomena, as has any other branch of science, right up there with chemists and molecular biologists.
This ratio is however, entirely unknown to statistics, or to any other branch of science.
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