Sentences with phrase «other breeds of cats»

They can come in almost any color, depending on which cat registry association you are looking at, and have a flat face when compared to most other breeds of cats.
But I'm not aware of this issue in other breeds of cat, and I'm not aware of it in dogs, period.
They also readily accept other breeds of cats, dogs and of course children!
If all goes well, later on, you might want to visit larger all - breed shows, to compare other breeds of cats.
A trip to a pet salon can also add to the list of expenses, other breeds of cat require salon trips to enhance and maintain their features.
Siamese cats are distinctly different from other breeds of cats.
The wide variety of colors found in modern day Persians is the result of crossings with other breeds of cats.
Several other breeds of cats are also permitted by several cat registries to be completely white.
Unfortunately there are many people who believe or want to believe that Bengal Cats have more inappropriate elimination challenges then other breeds of cats.
Teacup Persian cats are miniature cats, and so they do not grow to the size of most other breeds of cats.
If you have other breeds of cats, you may have to feed them seperately.
Sphynx seem to prefer human attention but enjoy the company of dogs and all other breeds of cats.
Finally, certain breeds, such as Himalayans, may be more prone to skin disease than other breeds of cats.
It is unknown at this point how actual genetics are involved, except for the fact that Siamese, as a rule, requires more time before weaning than other breeds of cats.
Savannah cats emit very sharp meows that contrast with their enormous size when compared to other breeds of cats.
The Persian and Himalayan breeds appear more prone to ear infections than other breeds of cats.
Yes, they can have inappropriate elimination challenges, but so does every other breed of cat., some more then Bengals.
LaPerms are truly different from any other breed of cat because of their unique combination of appearance and people - oriented personalities.
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