Sentences with phrase «other calorie containing»

When mixed with other calorie containing liquids, the calorie count goes up.

Not exact matches

This 2 - pound tub contains more goodness, more great taste, and more vitamins than any other leading brand, but less calories and no fat.
Other cookies usually contains so many more calories and they don't really have any healthy ingredients in so these are perfect for a little healhtier option.
Two cups of arugula have just 10 calories but contain 6 % of your daily need for calcium, plus two other Essential Elements of Happiness, folate and fiber.
It doesn't contain any oil other than the oil from tahini and is very low in fat (about 35 calories per tablespoon).
While it does contain some half and half and grated Parmesan, the calories are fairly low if you're serving no other protein.
It contains more calorie free fiber than other wheat alternatives.
Coconut oil contains lauric acid and medium - chain saturated fatty acids (MCFAs), it is thermogenic which helps to burn more calories to speed up metabolism and aid weight loss amongst other health benefits!
And I'm not calling them healthy just because they have less fat and calories than other cookies, but because they actually contain several essential vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants.
You've probably noticed that most fruit dips contain powdered sugar, cream cheese, marshmallow cream, or other super high calorie, high sugar ingredients.
If you're trying to gain weight, you're better off choosing other foods — including higher - calorie dishes that contain nutritional yeast as an ingredient.
Two tablespoons of coconut flour, on the other hand, contain 62 calories, 1.5 grams of fat (healthy medium chain triglycerides), 8 grams of carbohydrates (all 8 grams coming from fiber!)
If you're conscious of calories and other nutrient counts, you'll be happy to know that Brussels sprouts contain 45 calories, 3.4 grams of protein and 3.8 grams of protein per 1/4 pound (approximately).
However, some foods and beverages containing monk fruit sweeteners may contain other ingredients that add calories.
Remember that foods and beverages usually contain other ingredients that contribute to calorie intake.
To put this in perspective, other foods commonly used as spreads and sandwich add - ons contain about twice as many calories per serving - mayonnaise has 94 calories (one tablespoon), butter has 102 calories (1 tablespoon) and American Cheese has 104 calories (one slice), to name a few.
Main Nutrients / / Based on 1 cup of kale ---- > Provides approximately 33 calories ---- > Dietary Fibre / / 2g ---- > Protein / / 2g ---- > Vitamin A / / 200 % DV ---- > Vitamin K / / 600 % DV ---- > Vitamin C / / 135 % DV ---- > Iron / / 6 % DV ---- > Calcium / / 9 % DV Also contains many other vitamins & minerals.
It's a great emulsifier and can hold ingredients together, but there are substitutes containing less fat and calories, while still providing protein and other important nutrients like Omega 3's.
Desserts are always fruit forward and typically contain less calories versus other heavier options!
Knowing consumers are seeking ways to reduce sugar and empty calories in their diet, Straus» organic chocolate milk contains 38 percent less total sugars than other organic chocolate milk brands in the market today.
This alternative to juices and other sugary drinks contains zero sugar, zero carbs, and zero calories.
Chile peppers contain only a few calories (thirty - seven per 100 grams of green chile, about three and a half ounces), and possibly have the ability to burn off those calories and others as well.
It only has about 40 calories a tablespoon, and contains less sugar than other sweeteners, plus it has a fiber kick!
There are many people who avoid gluten without actually knowing what it is, and for these people, while it certainly does not do any harm, it doesn't necessarily benefit them to go gluten - free, other than that by doing so they are avoiding gluten - containing foods such as cakes, breads and biscuits which are usually high in calories and fat.
Other than a few exemptions such as seeds and nuts, items must be 250 calories or less, have 10 g of fat or less, 0 g of trans fat, 230 mg of sodium or less, as well as contain 20 g of sugar or less.
The good news is that these muffins are wayyyy lower in calories, sugar, and fat than those other muffins he was eating and they also contain a decent amount of fibre and protein.
First of all, the front label «reduced calorie» or «reduced sugar» disclosures have always been prominent and useful tip - offs to purchasers that a product may contain artificial sweeteners or other artificial ingredients that many find questionable.
restrict toys to meals that contain fewer than 500 calories and 600 milligrams of sodium, and in which less than 35 percent of the calories come from fat (making exceptions for nuts, seeds, peanut butter or other nut - based butters).
The current guidelines also require that school food contain certain nutrients, rather than minimizing calories, saturated fat, trans fat, added sugar and other unhealthy items.
And since this energy drink — like all others — does not contain fat or protein, its entire caloric content (264 calories) is derived from high fructose corn syrup.
The problem is that milk also contains calories, and, in some cases, fat — and some kids drink so much milk that they fail to eat other foods and nutrients.
Each bar contained 480 calories, so the researchers advised the volunteers to eliminate some other sources of calories during the experiment.
And when you consider all the added sugars found in most commercial brands of this condiment, it's no wonder it got such a bad rep.. However, if you can find a brand without any added sugars or make it by yourself with tomatoes, vinegar, salt and spices, ketchup can become a real healthful gem in your diet — it's very low in calories (there are only 15 calories in one tablespoon, compared to 100 calories in one tablespoon of mayonnaise), contains practically no fat and it's especially high in lycopene, one of the most important cancer - fighting phytonutrients found in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables.
There is no easy way to predict what you will end up absorbing from the macronutrients contained in a certain food item, as the net amount of calories that are absorbed by the digestive system depends on the interaction of many factors, such as the metabolism and the presence of other foods in the gut.
Because it contains sugar and other refined ingredients and additives, and we're so used to its rich, enhanced flavor that we never think about the imbalanced relation between nutrients and calories it contains.
How much they contain varies a lot, some will contain a lot more calories than others.
They also contain fewer calories than most other varieties of nuts (just 163 calories for 23), as well as plenty of fiber and vitamin E.
Foods that contain calories and have macronutrients in them like proteins, fat, and carbs, on the other hand, provide energy to the body.
One explanation may be that as your body gets used to experiencing the sweet flavor of diet soda without absorbing any calories, it begins to forget that foods containing real sugar and other carbohydrates do deliver calories.
If you complement this meal with vegetables instead of bread and bacon, than you can contain the caloric value of your meal to roughly 300 calories, but still get the right amount of proteins and other nutrients.
«It's not a good idea to trade in animal products, which contain protein, vitamins, and minerals, for processed foods that provide little nutritional value other than calories
Other body benefits: Chicken is a lean protein, making it a terrific fat - burning food (it has a high thermogenic effect, meaning your body can burn about 30 % of the calories it contains just by digesting it).
Without quark or other toppings, the peanut butter baked oatmeal contains 302 calories, 37 g carbs, 9 g of protein, 11 g fat and 6 g fibre.
It contains more calorie free fiber than other wheat alternatives.
That's because pistachios contain fewer calories than any other nuts, but have more potassium and vitamin K than most.
Calories: 4 per cup A cleansing cruceriferous vegetable with the fresh crunch of salad greens and the powerful cancer - fighting properties of Brussels sprouts and broccoli, watercress contain sulforaphane and other compounds linked to lower disease risks.
All other drinks contain some calories such as sugar (4 kcal / g) or alcohol (7kcal / g), as well as vitamins and minerals.
Take the example of a small glass of wine: a 5 - ounce glass of wine will typically contain 110 calories, 91 of them are from the alcohol itself, while the other 5 grams come from carbs.
They also contain far fewer calories than other fruits.
Although these products do not contain enough calories for the bodybuilders, they can be of use if supplemented with other ingredients, such as fruit, skimmed milk, essential fatty acids, thus increasing their caloric value.
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