Sentences with phrase «other candidates instead»

Teams looking to make a hire sooner, rather than later, could turn to other candidates instead of waiting.
I assume that under the existing system, the focus is on swing states, which contain moderate voters, which means convincing moderate supporters of one candidate to vote for the other candidate instead, or convincing moderate supporters of one candidate to get out and vote for them, or convincing moderate supporters of the opposing candidate to stay at home on election day.

Not exact matches

Even if there are only 10 people applying for a spot you want to fill, wouldn't you rather that all ten candidates are adequate and you are choosing the best one, instead of choosing simply 1 out of 40 just because he is a little better than the others, even though not exactly what you're looking for?
Her efforts to focus on the difficulties of Americans in finding work was part of the reason liberal Democrats had urged President Obama to nominate her to succeed Bernanke instead of the other leading candidate, Lawrence H. Summers, the former Treasury secretary who had been Obama's top economic adviser.
Instead, they might make good candidates to join the «pluralistic rationalist» community of theists & atheists, conservatives & liberals, and others with disparate beliefs and backgrounds, who espouse «transbelief reasoning dialogues» and practicing a reasoning lifestyle.
Thus when one of his disciples, the future Cardinal, Baronius, proved incapable of preaching on any subject other than the pains of hell, Philip refused to allow him to preach on spiritual subjects at all, and made him teach Church History instead (Baronius went on to become one of the greatest Catholic historians ever, as well as a candidate for Beatification).
Instead, the crisis comes from the fact that the old - guard religious right political establishment normalized an awful candidate — some offering outright support in theological terms, others hedging their bets and whispering advice behind closed doors.
Next thing you know, your other two preferred candidates already accept jobs elsewhere, you get screwed that way instead!
There are so many other good candidates that he could have thrown his support behind instead.
Some candidates are reportedly considering blowing cash on a Superbowl ad, but others will be looking instead at zip code - targeted cable tv buys.
Police Commissioner Bill Bratton wants presidential candidates to talk more about race issues, terrorism and cyber-security «instead of sabotaging each other,» the city's top cop said on morning radio Sunday...
Wasn't the Independence Party supposed to be running candidates instead of endorsing ones from other parties?
Another source said Lopez was not invited by Team Cuomo, and instead showed up at the other three by request of Jewish leaders - something I suspect the candidate was not pleased by.
Which only highlights the corruption of a system, unique to New York, that allows parties to cross-endorse candidates on other lines instead of running their own candidates.
He opted instead to bide his time in a lower office, pretty much clearing the field of other contenders with the exception, ironically, of the Libertarian candidate, so - called Manhattan Madam Kristin Davis, who claimed the have procured prostitutes for Spitzer back in the day.
The Republicans will be concentrating instead on Republican candidates challenging each other leading up to the September primary.
«Instead of using unspent money on endless campaign cycles for other candidates, I felt the right thing to do was to pour the money back into the community.»
In other mosque news, Tea Party candidate Carl Paladino said if he were elected Governor of New York, he would use eminent domain to halt the project and «make the site a war memorial instead of a monument to those who attacked our country.»
«There are Republican candidates running for other offices in that state who are not going to want to have to answer questions about Carl Paladino instead of going on the offense about jobs and the economy.»
Discussing proposed reforms at the Baruch forum, the speaker candidates were most tepid on this last category, which — unlike proposals for decentralizing power from the speaker to the other members — would instead require sacrifice on the part of the Council's rank and file.
Instead, he said the figure of # 71.76 included as «business rates» - equivalent to # 1.84 a day - represented the rental value of the office he shared with two other Tory candidates.
While a fraction of Ph.D. candidates and postdocs have been paid through working contracts with their institute, the others have instead received tax - free scholarships known as stipends.
Throughout the interview process we're usually so focused on being the ideal candidate we neglect to do our due diligence on our prospective Others took a creative slant to the well - known interview question: describe yourself in one word, and instead asked job hopefuls, «If you could be a type
Strong American Schoolswill not endorse specific presidential candidates, but will instead focuson three components the group believes form the building blocks ofbetter schooling: a call for stronger, more consistent curriculum standards; lengthening the school day and year; and improving teacherquality through merit pay and other measures.
«The most important question is Why should I hire you instead of the other 30 candidates who have applied?»
Many educators, policymakers, and other stakeholders worry that increasing selectivity may lead to a less racially diverse teacher workforce, as minority candidates generally score lower on many of the current selectivity metrics used by teacher preparation programs.14 Others maintain that the diversity gap will only continue to grow in the decades to come, even with a focus on the recruitment and retention of the current generation of prospective teachers.15 Instead, those skeptical of the United States» ability to attain both goals offer solutions such as increased cultural competency among the existing teacher workforce to inspire and encourage a more diverse generation of future educators.16
Instead of job listing like any other candidate, showcase your journey from academic to professional stint, emphasize your achievements and above all where are you heading now.
Instead, most firms are focusing on offering new candidates other «softer» perks, like a generous work - life balance.
A career expert said that Cover letters allow you to tell the prospective employer, why hiring you, instead of the numerous other candidates, is a good decision.
After all, the entire interview process pertains to effectively answering this question: why should we hire you instead of other well - qualified candidates?
Career expert Heather Huhman notes that «Cover letters allow you — in narrative form — to tell the employer exactly why hiring you, instead of the numerous other candidates, is a good decision.»
Instead of fighting with tons of other candidates for one job, he's the one candidate the companies are fighting to hire.
There is no exam for the RPP instead there is an assessment for which candidates must collect evidence of managing complex projects and of successfully leading others during projects in addition to proving they have undertaken CPD.
Would it be beneficial for me to minor in Marketing instead of Chemistry, or will the prerequisites for med school help to set me apart from other more experienced sales candidates?
Instead, think about the other likely types of candidates and how you -LSB-...]
Or would you instead ask yourself and others who might be a perfect candidate for the role?
When you use a cover letter builder, the professional format will allow your resume to be in the first stack of candidates being considered, instead of forcing you to wait until the hiring manager has time to get to the others.
Instead, by emphasizing responsibilities, you've focused your reader on what makes you look like a commodity (responsibilities that are similar to other candidates).
Instead, they search through their own networks and the networks of other employees at the company to find high - quality candidates.
You may want to double check you've selected the most appropriate skill sector for yourself and that you've not been too restrictive in creating your candidate profile - in other words have you specified only one city or region instead of multiple options or «All Scotland»?
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