Sentences with phrase «other cell material»

Those plaques are dense deposits of protein and other cell material that attach themselves to and eventually kill neurons responsible for memory and decision making.

Not exact matches

The squeeze mechanism Sharei and his colleagues came up with could also be more effective than other existing ways of getting materials into cells, he says, because it works for more types of cells and materials, and presents fewer risks.
And we must not forget that a quantum - mechanical calculation even on one particular bacterial cell would be incorrect for every other cell, even of the same species — a point clearly made by Elsasser in his conclusions about the heterogeneity of the material with which the biologist has to deal.
Breastfeeding is contraindicated in infants with classic galactosemia (galactose 1 - phosphate uridyltransferase deficiency) 103; mothers who have active untreated tuberculosis disease or are human T - cell lymphotropic virus type I — or II — positive104, 105; mothers who are receiving diagnostic or therapeutic radioactive isotopes or have had exposure to radioactive materials (for as long as there is radioactivity in the milk) 106 — 108; mothers who are receiving antimetabolites or chemotherapeutic agents or a small number of other medications until they clear the milk109, 110; mothers who are using drugs of abuse («street drugs»); and mothers who have herpes simplex lesions on a breast (infant may feed from other breast if clear of lesions).
Asexual whiptails have a special trick for making spermless reproduction work: The egg cells in other animals first double their choromosomes once and then divide twice, leaving them as haploid cells, with half the normal number of genetic material.
Some of the other projects involve the development of proton exchange membrane for fuel cell application, a gyroscope based on micro-electromechanical technology and research on innovative engineering materials to fabricate ceramic membranes that can partially oxidize methane to syngas used as feedstock in commercial methanol production.
Braun and Fan plan to test other ceramic - type materials and determine if the experimental thermal emitters can deliver infrared light to a working solar cell.
ECM is the fibrous material between cells in tissues like skin, cartilage, or tendon that gives them their strength, stretchiness, squishiness, and other mechanical properties.
That is, they depend on the host cell for the raw materials and energy necessary for nucleic acid synthesis, protein synthesis, processing and transport, and all other biochemical activities that allow the virus to multiply and spread.
On the contrary, senescence is decreased in activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), the supportive cells which, when triggered by alcohol or other liver insults, begin to produce excessive fibrotic material.
Biofilms are made up of the bacterial cells as well as all sorts of other material — carbohydrates, proteins, and so on — that the bacteria build to protect themselves.
By combining this strategy with cancer cell - targeting materials, we should be able to develop a therapy for glioblastoma and other challenging cancers in the future.»
Although blood cells serve multiple roles in the body and have complex interactions with other cellular materials, most synthetic blood products have aimed to just stick to the bare basics — shuttling oxygen from the lungs to different vital organs and then bringing carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be exhaled.
They may supply crucial insulating material for neurons, called myelin; digest and clean up dead cells in the brain; and help form and maintain the connection points between neurons and other cells.
The finding could help engineers and materials scientists produce solar cells and other opto - electronics without the help of the high temperatures required to shape glass today — making this ancient arrangement a boon for modern technology.
The material blocks cell signals, as well, adding an element of risk to tweeting, texting and other mobile activities, as the wearer must break cover to communicate.
Solar cells could be produced from materials other than silicon under a breakthrough that scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles, say could dramatically reduce the price of solar technologies.
The materials that pharmaceutical companies use to test drugs» effects on cells don't allow for three - dimensional vascularization, a network of capillaries that carry drugs and other materials throughout the body.
The process enables some viruses to insert their genetic material into the DNA of healthy human cells, which can lead to tumors and other diseases.
That had a lot of venture capital in it but few quick returns, and so investors went off and did other things,» cautions Nate Lewis, a materials chemist at Caltech who works on solar cells.
«Novel capping strategy improves stability of perovskite nanocrystals: Study addresses instability issues with organometal - halide perovskites, a promising class of materials for solar cells, LEDs, and other applications.»
Perovskite materials have shown great promise for use in next - generation solar cells, light - emitting devices (LEDs), sensors, and other applications, but their instability remains a critical limitation.
This fatty material is an insulator covering and modulating a part of the nerve cell called the axon, which transmits electrical signals to other cells.
Those steps, known as reproductive cell division or meiosis, split the original number of chromosomes in half so that offspring will inherit half their genetic material from one parent and half from the other.
Precious metals have long been used as conducting materials in batteries and other types of fuel cells but are too expensive to use at a commercial scale in microbial fuel cells.
Changes to the properties of the lipid bilayer component of the cell membrane can alter the function of proteins embedded in the membrane — proteins that regulate critical functions such as transport of materials in and out of the cell and communication with other cells.
It shows that indeed you can make cells that talk to each other and they can change the composition of the material over time,» Lu says.
Nevertheless, as Tobias says, it is still ``... a field beset with relatively few facts but many theories... The story of early hominid brains has to be read from carefully dated, well identified, fossilised calvariae, or from endocranial casts formed within them... Such materials confine the Hercule Poirot, who would read «the little grey cells» of fossil hominids, to statements about the size, shape and surface impressions... of ancient brains...» The other major limiting factor at the moment is the lack of suitable fossil skulls for such studies.
Tissue engineering is like other kinds of engineering, except instead of using steel or computer code to make things, living cells from skin, muscle or cartilage are the raw material.
«The cells have a kind of sensor that detects damage to DNA and other cellular material,» he says.
These areas include developmental research, neurobiology and cell biology, high - content screening, medical imaging, and materials science, among others.
Previous research conducted by Dr. Badylak's team suggested that ECM also could be used to regenerate lost muscle by placing the material in the injury site where it signals the body to recruit stem and other progenitor cells to rebuild healthy tissue.
By using molecular genetic tools to reduce the amount of PC in human lung cancer cells, the team observed decreased cell growth, a compromised ability to form colonies in soft agar (a gelatinous material specifically used to grow bacteria and other cells), and a reduced rate of tumor growth in mice.
It makes copies of the virus» genetic material — the viral RNA — to package into new viruses that can infect other cells; and it reads out the instructions in that genetic material to make viral messenger RNA, which directs the infected cell to produce the proteins the virus needs.
Engaging stakeholders and society in an issue that takes place miles from land and fathoms underwater can be a daunting task, especially in the face of economic arguments for mining the deep sea for materials used in products that society values, like cell phones and other electronics.
The other study published in the American Chemical Society's Applied Materials & Interfaces reported a method for fabricating titanium implants with special surface topographies which double the chance of cell viability in early stages.
Among other things, giant cell circulation helps transport energy from the sun's polar regions to its equator, where material rotates around the sun about 10 days faster than it does near the poles.
Such materials display a strong absorption of ultraviolet or visible light, making them attractive as primary light absorbers in molecular solar cells and other devices of molecular optoelectronics.
However, the researchers rationalized that mammal poop should contain blood and other cells with DNA inside, and that some of this genetic material should survive intact when eaten.
The fact that the protective aluminum oxide layer is not incorporated on the outside, as often attempted by other researchers, also makes it possible to apply a broad range of materials on both sides of the solar cell and allows the maximum penetration of light in the perovskite layer and thereby the optimum utilization of electrical current.
In female mice, which lack this protein, H - Y — specific T cells developed normally, just like T cells that recognize flu viruses or other foreign material.
LIG can be written into target materials in patterns and used as a supercapacitor, an electrocatalyst for fuel cells, radio - frequency identification (RFID) antennas and biological sensors, among other potential applications.
So it could be RNA or DNA like we have in modern biology or it could be some related kind of material; and we are also thinking about some kind of cell envelope or cell membrane — not that that's necessarily the very first way Darwinian systems began, but at some point they had to transition into a system more related to modern biology where cells are all bounded by membranes — so we're thinking about how to assemble these two components and get them to interact with each other.
The stylized painting, derived from Asian principles, uses gold leaf, aluminum, acrylic dye and other materials to uncover the beauty of microscopic cells in the brain.
Rice University chemists who developed a unique form of graphene have found a way to embed metallic nanoparticles that turn the material into a useful catalyst for fuel cells and other applications.
I don't know too many other consortia which can integrate expertise in embryonic and tissue stem cell biology, tissue regeneration and repair, bioengineering and nanotechnology, materials science, genomics and bio-informatics.
We plan to investigate atomic scale processes in perovskite solar cells and other optoelectronic materials with this setup in the future,» adds Yao.
«The tilted - angle standing surface acoustic waves method has the least disturbance or disruption to the living cells being separated compared to other available methods so far,» said Ming Dao, principal research scientist, materials science and engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), based on an oxide ion conducting electrolyte, have several advantages over other types of fuel cells, including relatively inexpensive material costs, low sensitivity to impurities in the fuel, and high overall efficiency.
The «parts list» in these processes is similar: Microtubules, semi-rigid tubes of protein, can serve within the cell as scaffolding, roadways, and a building material for machinery; some proteins serve as fasteners, binding and releasing other materials; and motor proteins use chemical energy to push and pull materials along microtubules, or move the microtubules themselves.
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