Sentences with phrase «other central banks means»

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A reserve currency is a foreign currency held by central banks and other major financial institutions as a means to pay off international debt obligations.
The idea is that deposit flight from Greek banks means that Greek citizens move their money abroad, where it is safe from Grexit, while Greek banks become more and more funded by the other eurozone central banks, leaving those banks to be the losers if Greece leaves the euro.
For the United States, on the other hand, a «new Bretton Woods» means a plan to wipe out the U.S. Treasury debt and replace it with «paper gold,» that is, IMF notes for foreign central banks to trade among themselves, to be exchanged for claims on the U.S. Treasury and hence on the U.S. economy.
««Virtual currencies» means a digital representation of value that is neither issued by a central bank or a public authority, not attached to a legally established currency, which does not possess the legal status of currency or money, but is accepted by natural or legal persons as a means of exchange or for other purposes, and can be transferred, stored or traded electronically.
This meant by definition that it must have had an even larger central bank deficit, which means confusingly, that its central bank reserves grew as it exported capital abroad to purchase U.S. Treasury bonds and other assets.
In other words, did your former National Security Adviser (NSA), Col. Sambo Dasuki (rtd) seek your approval to collect from the Central Bank of Nigeria the over $ 2 billion meant for purchase of arms for Nigerian soldiers?»
That means other central banks have joined the Fed in creating Money and using it to monetize US government debt.
Other clients have cited concerns that Russian and Chinese Central banks could be targeted, and what this could mean in the forthcoming days or months for money held closer to home.
The country's central bank released an initial warning in February and has followed up with repeated statements that bitcoin and other digital currencies are not legal tender or a permitted means of payment in Vietnam.
This means that for any financial system to operate in Indonesia, they should be prepared to register their stake with the central bank and be regulated just like any other financial institution.
Reddit users discussing the unannounced issue of Tether called this step a crypto quantitative easing, making an analogy with the actions of the central banks of the European Union and the United States, which by means of buying state bonds and other assets pour additional funds into the economy, in fact «printing money.»
The central bank confirmed that mining rigs for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are «not related to the use of virtual currency as a means of payment.»
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