Sentences with phrase «other challenges in his life»

I obviously can't speak for everyone, but I think the most common allure to generating that kind of passive income is that it can give you the freedom to pursue those other challenges in life.
This book deals with a boy's relationships, his first job, his first apartment and other challenges in his life.
If you are someone who could use help with a life transition, a difficult situation, or other challenges in your life, I would love to work with you.

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The simple audacity on your part to fearlessly charge at whatever goal you set before yourself will challenge and provoke others to follow in your footsteps and dream up a supernova idea of their own, and ultimately succeed in living the life of a star.
Blair and Michael encourage and challenge each other — the kind of relationship we all need in our lives.
Now she's teaching dozens of participants not only the basics of dog grooming and the fundamentals of being an good employee, but also helping them sort out the other logistical and life challenges that stand in the way of a career in the pet beautification business..
«I've found that football prepares me to deal with challenges in other aspects of my life, especially as an entrepreneur.
[My wife and I] had some life experiences ourselves where we've lost children and had other fairly significant challenges in our lives, and I think that helps a lot when it comes to dealing with special - needs kids or those in palliative care.
Sure, living in a confined space for a year, missing your family, and dealing with giant urine - acid balls has to be challenging, but on the other hand Kelly was in space!
«The more challenges you face in life, the more of life you experience — this lived experience gives one the «influence» to impact others» lives,» she says.
Thriving individuals also have some or all of the following elements in their lives: challenges and difficulties that are at a manageable level; employer / family / other support; a calm environment; a high degree of autonomy; and a reputation of being competent.
When you're working with business executives who've spent their lives marketing outbound, on the other hand, getting buy - in and budget can be a challenge.
By repackaging the data in an easy - to - read dashboard and by layering in a social element, Nike allows its customers to connect, challenging each other through friendly competitions to run a certain number of miles «together» in a given week even though they may live 3,000 miles apart.
In this edition of The Digest Live, she shares how she got her start in franchising, her biggest challenges and her tips for others who want to do the open franchiseIn this edition of The Digest Live, she shares how she got her start in franchising, her biggest challenges and her tips for others who want to do the open franchisein franchising, her biggest challenges and her tips for others who want to do the open franchises.
Consumers can challenge that presumption, though, by proving that they did not, in fact, have sufficient income to pay the mortgage and their other living expenses.
However, like residents from many other states, those living in Missouri have been challenged lately by the amount of credit card debt they find themselves facing.
But the serious results they are already achieving in InnovationXchange's short life are attracting attention from other departments, which have visited the team of nine staff to observe how they are challenging the cultural norms of bureaucracy.
The church is not authorized to represent the reign of God, his justice and peace, in any other way than that in which Jesus represented it, namely by being partners with him in challenging the powers of evil and bearing in its own life the cost of the challenge.
Scott Kelly said that life in space is challenging, and that those challenges are addressed through teamwork - and that he would like to see more teamwork, from government and others, in addressing challenges faced by the country, his brother said.
It's a personal challenge to me to live out this question in how I relate to othersother real, broken people in their unique contexts.
I believe the reason people are leaving church in droves is because the gospel is not being preached in a way that challenges people to go deeper in their relationship with God, in which their lives are transformed and they are in turn discipling others.
This kind of love sees what is good and true and of God in others and wants to build that up, take it further and deeper into the life of God and even challenge people to relinquish what is spiritually harmful to them.
Questions also are raised about the identity of the church that plays such a major role in the Radical Orthodox account of history, about whether there is a doctrine of providence implicit in it, about the dismissal or ignoring of Protestantism, about the role of Jesus in its Christianity, about the role of Socrates in its Platonism, about its failure to engage with the challenge of modern scientific and technological developments, about how other faith traditions are related to this version of faith, and about whether this is a habitable orthodoxy for ordinary life.
The U.S. war to destroy revolutionary gains in education and health care and to reduce living standards in Nicaragua was part of a broader psychological war to discourage other third - world peoples from challenging U.S. power.
One way of viewing the religious crisis of our time is to see it not in the first instance as a challenge to the intellectual cogency of Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, or other traditions, but as the gradual erosion, in an ever more complex and technological society, of the feeling of reciprocity with nature, organic interrelatedness with the human community, and sensitive attention to the processes of lived experience where the realities designated by religious symbols and assertions are actually to be found, if they are found at all.
Just so you know, they will be in the «emerging» stream of Christianity, so they will challenge and encourage you to live like Jesus by loving and serving others in your community.
Feminism challenges the legitimacy of sex roles Along with other social movements, feminism is rooted in the critique that a society so constructed that certain people and groups profit from inequalities — between men and women, rich and poor, black and white, etc. — is a society in which money is more highly valued than love, justice, and human life itself.
This year, instead of making food the focus, I would challenge you to be present and notice all of the other blessings in your life.
May you live your life in the cadence of the redeemed and resurrected: others first, pay attention, open heart, work well, rest radically, open doors, live prophetically, make room in your life to be inconvenienced, challenge, love well — be brave together.
Their lives are a cadence I want to carry: others first, pay attention, open heart, work well, rest radically, open doors, live prophetically, make room in your life to be inconvenienced, challenge, love well.
As I read Rabbi Shaul's / Paul's instructions, in the letter to the church in Rome, about how to live out life, I see him encouraging believers to provoke others, especially the Jewish people we encounter, to envy — to live a life that challenges them to desire a closer walk with the Lord, to live a life of more faithful obedience to His Word.
That challenge may fall uniquely to Roman Catholics, in company with Jews, Evangelicals, and other faith allies, so long as it is remembered that there is still much to admire in American life.
Some other orders may be more stable, but for some of us, at least, life in the Jesuits is more challenging and more congenial.
On the other hand, one can in principle learn and / or practice healthy, healing and life enhancing engagement with challenges and difficulties that arise, I think.
I guess my question, with that in mind, is this: After reading such an intimate account of the challenges that come with a life of celibacy, is it fair for those of us who are not in the position to make such a decision ourselves to demand that others choose that life?
It is clear that the BEM document was an attempt to consciously, creatively, sincerely and prayerfully to face up to the challenges of the time and to offer to the churches a document, which while not being in a position to satisfy everyone and reflect every shade of opinion, nevertheless, optimistically looked forward to a time of greater ecumenical interaction, moving beyond «the false ecumenical solution of a comfortable denominationalism in which the churches each tend their own gardens, careful not to bother or insult others, but in no way living out or even seeking a truly common life
Darwinism is alive and well... Only in the name of religion does the world tolerate such idiocy, in every other walk of life we question, challenge and seek truth and fact — even if it flies in the face of conventional thought.
The Bible has authority for me because it challenges me to evaluate my life in relation to myself, to others and to God.
Living together, «open» relationships, divorce, material belongings, wealth, church structure and hierarchy, what the «true» church is, the role of women in the church... the New Testament has some pretty challenging, and at times conflicting, views on these and other issues.
In the light of this analysis, then, my own scenario is cautiously hopeful, depending on (1) whether a creative minority of dreamers and doers with visions of a new life - fulfilling social order really emerges in strength, (2) the alliances that can be worked out with blacks, the poor, and other minorities now excluded from major social benefits, (3) the extent to which the populist idealism of the lower middle classes and working people generally favoring the extension of rights and equality to the «little man» everywhere wins out over the reactionary fears and prejudices which establishment elites and opportunist politicians are all too willing to exploit, and (4) what takes place at the center of the political spectrum itself under the pressure of events and in response to challenges to the established system from militant seekers of changIn the light of this analysis, then, my own scenario is cautiously hopeful, depending on (1) whether a creative minority of dreamers and doers with visions of a new life - fulfilling social order really emerges in strength, (2) the alliances that can be worked out with blacks, the poor, and other minorities now excluded from major social benefits, (3) the extent to which the populist idealism of the lower middle classes and working people generally favoring the extension of rights and equality to the «little man» everywhere wins out over the reactionary fears and prejudices which establishment elites and opportunist politicians are all too willing to exploit, and (4) what takes place at the center of the political spectrum itself under the pressure of events and in response to challenges to the established system from militant seekers of changin strength, (2) the alliances that can be worked out with blacks, the poor, and other minorities now excluded from major social benefits, (3) the extent to which the populist idealism of the lower middle classes and working people generally favoring the extension of rights and equality to the «little man» everywhere wins out over the reactionary fears and prejudices which establishment elites and opportunist politicians are all too willing to exploit, and (4) what takes place at the center of the political spectrum itself under the pressure of events and in response to challenges to the established system from militant seekers of changin response to challenges to the established system from militant seekers of change.
It is not correct to challenge someone to prove the existence of G - d or to prove that evolution is not how or - ganisms came into existence, or to prove many other things in life.
This is one of the most difficult challenges you will be faced with in your lifetime, as sometimes your path will lead you into a life that is radically different from others».
Two challenges seem to loom large in the modern world including India which is in the process of modernization; one, of humanizing the technological revolution to serve the poor and protect the ecological basis of life; and the other, of building a secular state and common civil society with openness to religious insights in a situation of religious pluralism.
The reason being that, in His life, whenever He was challenged by pharisees or others, He typically astounded everyone with a new teaching that demolished their preconceptions.
On the other hand, the transcendent can function in a person's life, much like the traditional God, as a real resource for living and a continual challenge for growth.
but, there are many accounts written by first hand witnesses, at a time (10 to 40 years after His death) when many others who had also witnessed the events of Jesus life were still alive to challenge any error in the written accounts..
His life is characterized by «celebrity» and all that comes with it (the parties, the press, the wealth) in one moment, at another moment he faces the realities of being a TV star (the weekly scripts, the late nights on set, the weekly challenge of saving the world) and in other moments he experiences the inevitable «letdown» of the off times.
Chad: [«but, there are many accounts written by first hand witnesses, at a time (10 to 40 years after His death) when many others who had also witnessed the events of Jesus life were still alive to challenge any error in the written accounts..»]
Not only has science made great strides in improving the lives of those with physical challenges, but our fellow citizens are also taught to be more kind and tolerant than most people in other countries and other centuries.
Finding the balance between institutional self - preservation or self - assertiveness on one hand and the act of living with open hands and hearts in service of others or to interpret a surrounding world: this seems to be a challenge that will continue to face churches both left and right in the years ahead.
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