Sentences with phrase «other challenging situations»

Now used in most teacher interviews, behavioral questions ask you to describe how you dealt with past experiences such as potential conflict and other challenging situations.

Not exact matches

Blackburn conducted research focused on mothers caring for children with autism and other chronic conditions, and found that moms who were more resilient to stress — perceiving their situation as a challenge, rather than something hopeless or overwhelming — kept their telomeres longer.
Other studies by Kross suggest that, when people use their first names, they're more likely to see stressful situations (like public speaking) as challenging, rather than threatening.
We are able to learn from others» experiences and can observe different options for handling challenging situations and people.
Working on behalf of lenders, other creditors, management, and shareholders themselves, our seasoned and compassionate professionals help find the best solution for your organization and the people impacted by challenging situations.
Salespeople who ask provocative questions and challenge prospects to think differently about their situation are far more likely to close sales than the nice guy or gal who lets others walk all over them.
According to the Philippine Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board, only around ten per cent of some 30,000 Uber cars currently have permits, a situation which would create «an uneven playing field» for other transport services such as taxis, buses and jeepneys — which all require licenses — and «unduly challenge the limit of fair regulation,» the transportation regulator said.
I've always been fascinated to observe how some people are able to take a challenging situation and turn it into a positive while others take...
Whether an employer wants to reduce costs, improve recruiting and retention, prepare for emergencies, lower employees» stress and improve their productivity, be better prepared for an emergency or disaster situation, or solve countless other workplace challenges, flexible work options can help.
I argue because unlike the others who face only the fire, the one who overcomes doubt must also overcome himself, increasing the challenge of the situation.
My relationship with God is as natural as it is with any other person; going back into a situation where your walk is a «regiment» of reading, prayer, attending, singing, etc. is seriously a challenge, and I'm not sure what to do at this point... especially when confronted with «so how did you like this or that?»
The Protestant ministry in America has faced as difficult a challenge in communicating the gospel to the world and ministering to the needs of people as the Christian ministry has in most other situations.
Two challenges seem to loom large in the modern world including India which is in the process of modernization; one, of humanizing the technological revolution to serve the poor and protect the ecological basis of life; and the other, of building a secular state and common civil society with openness to religious insights in a situation of religious pluralism.
But since this is the case, the above response to the egoist's challenge will fail whenever the egoist faces a self - sacrifice situation, a situation, that is, in which self - interest and the interests of others do not coincide.
On the other hand it was just stupid of Bellerin to put himself in that situation because there was no reason the challenge him at that point and also he should have shouted Hazard was diving to convince the referee.
Like Love, Cousins, Anthony Davis, and so many others, his ability to win and compete in high - pressure situations would have been challenged.
Costa and Oscar squared up to each other on the training pitch after a robust challenge from the latter, causing teammates to wade in and diffuse the situation.
Yes, the challenge was more reckless than malicious — he was off balance and moving at speed — but there was really no other way of dealing with the situation than to get Shawcross off the pitch.
The emphasis on the father's role in another concept has also met with challenges, as we work with and accredit Leaders from other types of families: those with two mothers or two fathers, those with a single parent, and those with other situations and different types of support systems.
And with having twins, we are faced with other challenges that are unique to our situation, as if this parent of multiples thing wasn't hard enough!
Breastfeeding assistance has been provided to families of all types and sizes, in a wide variety of life situations such as adoptive parents, surrogate parents, LBGTQ parents, single parents, long - term nursing, multiples, incarcerated mothers, prematurity, chronically ill mothers and infants, and many other challenges.
If you as a parent are very adaptable, jumping right into new situations and challenges, it might be difficult to understand why your child holds back from a fun activity, doesn't want to try new things, and may refuse to do something, despite your reassurances and observing that other kids are doing it.
Other times, it means avoiding situations that you know your child finds challenging.
In short, whether east, west, north or south, Europeans are now finding themselves confronting each other rather than their common challenges, a situation which the European Union was supposed to bring to an end, and which the French election result will almost certainly aggravate.
«They do have some unique challenges just because of the situation that is ongoing there in East Ramapo, but there are other districts that have similar spikes in their fiscal stress score,» says Butry.
«The youth of this country, this is your government,» the former Ghanaian leader assured, indicating that the high unemployment situation and other challenges facing the country would soon be a thing of the past.
KEY TERMS Threat Multiplier: A challenge or situation that has the potential to exacerbate other problems that may already be present.
Tracking multiple people in real time, particularly in social situations where they may be in contact with each other, presents a number of challenges.
It also could prove useful in situations when deploying even one sensor is challenging — such as on missions to other planets.
«We would really like to develop a procedure that could help soldiers and other people in situations that are challenging for relationships.»
«In 2017, we saw reckless language in the nuclear realm heat up already dangerous situations and relearned that minimizing evidence - based assessments regarding climate and other global challenges does not lead to better public policies,» said Rachel Bronson, the Bulletin's president and CEO in Chicago, Illinois.
However, in most situations occurring in nature particles interact with each other, which makes it challenging to understand and calculate the angular momentum properties even for small systems.
As people facing difficult life challenges look for ways to bond with others in similar situations, many have turned to choral groups.
She always shares to assist the growth of others and challenge people to see their situation in new ways.»
Every relationship is going to come with its own unique challenges, and you need to come up with your own unique strategy for rekindling the relationship based on your own situation, rather than necessarily based upon the advice of others.
Now you can meet others with the same condition, living in the same situation, who can look beyond any physical challenge and see the person.
You and a friend play as two adorable balls with faces on them and you have to help each other work through stage after stage full of challenging situations.
According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), social - emotional learning (SEL) is the process of acquiring and effectively applying the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to recognise and manage emotions, developing caring and concern for others, making responsible decisions, establishing positive relationships, and handling challenging situations capably.
Of course, other challenges and situations will arise as students start working on the projects but this teaches students the value of planning and focus.
JCR: By the other hand, how do you feel remembering the challenged situation you found in rural areas of Somalia after your exile in Canada because the civil war of 90s?
In previous blog posts, I've described strategies to help students increase the strength of these and other executive functions that build their «top - down» mastery for sustaining attention in challenging situations from boredom to test anxiety.
Depending on the situation, some emotions can be more challenging than others.
The new computing curriculum has raised expectations of what the teachers must teach and what the children must learn, which is quite difficult, and coupled with the fact that the support we used to receive from the local authority (LA) has been significantly reduced, means that we were in a challenging situation, and I'm sure so many other schools are in the same predicament.
Solidarity must demonstrate an attempt to know the humanity in others and then, from this relationship, challenge the situations of exploitation and oppression.
If an act of solidarity does not question the layered aspect of structures and agency that lie upon each other in any situation and does not seek to challenge the status quo, then it is dubious whether this act can be seen as true solidarity and not simply a conscience - soothing, guilt - justifying act of charity.
In the resulting book, I will develop the theoretical concept of «borderless education»; present a series of narrative portraits that examine how transnational actors engage with the structures, content, pedagogy, and purposes of education in conflict settings; explore how this transnationalism is distinct from traditional aid and may address challenges of access to learning in conflict settings; and investigate the implications not only for conflict settings but also other situations of uncertainty, be that economic, political, technological, or related to globalization processes.
In challenging situations working with other teachers, you need to take the time to communicate and listen effectively.
This situation introduces a set of challenging questions for teachers: «If I focus on the subjects the standardized tests evaluate, how can I teach other subjects — such as social studies and the arts — without trivializing them?
We are campaigning on high stakes testing, so that pupils learn less by rote, and more by considering problems and challenges in real life situations — where they are required, also, to develop the skills that employers are crying out for — speaking and listening well; collaborating with each other well; using IT.
Because children with mild disabilities are significantly more likely to be mainstreamed during the elementary years than at any other time during their educational experience, elementary school social studies teachers are in a particularly challenging situation.
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