Sentences with phrase «other clever things»

This pairing will allow homeowners to more effectively manage their energy use and do other clever things like manage home temperature levels based on appliance cycles.
One other clever thing about the SJ9's audio management is the way it deals with ambient effects and musical scoring.

Not exact matches

The general idea is that there is as much proof for a deity they call the «Flying Spaghetti Monster» as there is for a loving, Triune God (or any other deity), so they «worship» an imaginary, spaghetti - like thing and conclude their prayers with «Ramen» instead of «Amen,» which is admittedly clever.
(We stuffed up with apartheid in South Africa, we stuffed up in Ireland, we stuffed up over black rights, we stuffed up in Iraq, we will stuff up more, at home, in the city, and a lot of other places - We are a bit like King Midas, we think we are so clever and can turn things into gold and instead, a lot of the time it turns out as horse manure.)
There are other things happening at the moment too - I'll try and write again soon - but please leave your congratulations for my very clever little boy who has proved Lora Jensen right!
«Assuming there's a situation where the economics line up, there's possibly a way to engineer our way around other things with clever science and find a way to make it happen.»
A clever Sugar Baby may go on to add a few other things about herself making the video more useful.
Each level plays differently from each other and there are a lot of clever concepts in each level and this without a doubt keeps things fresh and makes you want to carry on, which is very important.
Firewatch does some clever things with the central mystery to toy with the expectations of people accustomed to playing video games, but it never delivers strongly enough on that idea — or any other.
It's one of the cleverest things about the survival architecture of «A Quiet Place»; what seems ingeniously helpful in one sense can suddenly look useless when applied to other scenarios.
5) «Looper» In the cleverest volte - face of the year, Rian Johnson made everyone think they were going in for a smart, original piece of science - fiction reminiscent of «The Terminator» and «Twelve Monkeys,» among other things.
The other winning thing about «Leverage» is its clever schemes.
Thank you for the info Vinny, now I think I see, You'd like a blog about marketing from lil» ol' me, Promote only when you are in a happy mood, And never promote your books by being far too rude, Try to make your posts interesting, clever and funny, And try not to part with a large amount of money, Now I feel there is one thing I should stress, Never go and give your cash to a vanity press, Blog, tweet and update your Facebook status as often as you can, Make contact with other authors and befriend your only fan, Be courteous, considerate and always be kind, And you will slowly find, You'll get people interested and make them all see, Especially when you give your book away for free, Sit back, relax and be rather nice, And always think about the price, People will not part with their cash unless the price is low, Particularly for an author they do not even know, Always remember to write purely for fun, Never think that your profit will be a huge great sum, And pray for exposure to the lord above, Because self - publishing is a labour of love,
Choi's formula for TCB seems to rely on clever title (Love, Sex and Other Things You Might Find at the Airport) and a sexually provocative book cover (See Pink Bits and Penis).
Jet and Dasiy, on the other hand, are way to clever to fall for such juvenile things.
That said, not a lot may be riding on this particular part of their campiagn, the success of the game is almost a dead cert so maybe this is just Rockstar or Take - Two or some marketing department proving that it is big enough and bad enough to do all the clever things other companies do.
Not being just a clever name, the content includes six missions set by members of the Edy Detachment; each is based around learning the finer points of sniping, shocktroopering, and other things that don't properly end with - ing but involve a whole lot of things being blown up.
In the dream world on the other hand, Mario teams up with an ARMY of Luigi clones to do massive damage with some clever dream strategising, leading to things like him riding a ball made of them or using a bunch of them to form a giant sledgehammer to send down on foes.
Lomborg is equally clever, almost as disingenuous, but very mistaken about polar bears — / / — and many other things — / / /
TW, I'm sure you have time on your hands to say things that sound clever but really aren't, in the service of spreading ignorance and negativity, but you are wasting your time and that of others with this guff.
This is the reason why the scientific method has been so successful: instead of very clever men convincing their less clever fellow - men that they should be in charge of things and dictate policy, it requires those very clever men to design an experiment, make a falsifiable claim as to the outcome of the experiment, measure the actual results of the experiment and then publish their results so that other very clever men can check their claims, verify that the results are reproducible and then refine and test the hypothesis with other experiments.
Some clever tactics by KR; guilt by association, or as the case may be validation by association; this works, or doesn't, so this other thing does or doesn't work.
Some clever climate scientist's theory says: If you crank up the heat from 1 to 2, it should get warmer, all other things being equal.
At the other extreme, this living area is fizzing with energy — just the kind of place for clever types to get together and bounce ideas around about the next big thing.
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